diy solar

diy solar

Will, your current video "Quick Morning Rant: Chinese VS American Solar Products"

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I never said Will meant he thought he was better than anyone. I said he's not taking the time to understand the problem, and just assuming it's this simple thing he figured out, and now people just have to listen to him. Everyone is unique and has unique experiences that get them to the place they are now. Most people that are successful have help, and usually more help than they realize, or maybe they don't want to acknowledge because it gets in the way of their "I pulled myself up completely by the bootstraps with no help!" story. They don't realize that a lot of people don't get the opportunities/connections that they got for one reason or another, and can do everything "right" and still not have things work out for them.

That sounds like a rough childhood and a rough way to grow up. I'm sorry for the things you've experienced, I can't imagine the trauma you've endeared. I'm sure there's reasons your mom was in the position she was in too, and men were abusing her. Truly horrible though. If she was on some sort of government support system, and had some stability in her life, she may not have felt the need to do all that, but I don't know her or you. I just know I've been in bad situations before too and I've always just needed a little help to get by. "I turned out fine!" to me, is just horrible. More like "I survived, and I don't want anyone to go through what I did." I'm glad you're doing well now, it sounds to me like it was an incredibly hard journey to get there, and if an extra bit of taxes helps someone not go through what you, or I did? Then yeah take a bit more from my paycheck. That's just me, and raised Christian. I'm not really anymore because when I learned Jesus's teaching it was about loving and helping your neighbor, and that's not what any of the churches actually do.

My name was just because I thought it was a funny play on words, but mostly for the booze drinks.

I'm here to figure out a better system to prepare for more Texas blackouts this summer since nothing has changed from the winter icepocalypse. I have no faith in our current governor or railroad commissioner. They're going to get a lot of people killed, but hey! It worked out great for Jerry Jones so as long as he can get a little richer then someone wins.

I saw will's video on the bluetti AC200, and clicked through for him to get the credit when I bought it on the original indiegogo kick starter. I like those kinda videos, but as you said, and I agree, you have the freedom to say whatever you want, so does he, and so do I. This is y'alls forum though so I also recognize that you can ban someone for any reason you want. That's part of the freedom. I'm going to try and only post solar/battery things after this post though.

Thank you for the welcome! Hopefully we'll get back on solar topics now.
AWESOME response and again welcome.... and thank you for taking the time to write what you did.. I do appreciate your words. :) (LOL re booze.. great choice)
Nope. It's getting results, and assuming it was automatically because of your hard work solely when in reality it's still your hard work, but it's combined with the people that were a part of it, and the current situation you're in.
What the heck does that even mean?
I’ve taken writing at a college level but I can only imagine what you mean, not understand you. I’m an idiot I suppose.

t a lot of people don't get the opportunities/connections that they got for one reason or another, and can do everything "right" and still not have things work out for them.
A) equal opportunity doesn’t guarantee equal outcomes
B) All of everyone would be top baseball players, world class orators, or Elon Musks by your criteria. That isn’t reality.
C) is it morally wrong that some people are Type A’s, or better at math, or more likely to succeed in business?
No; it’s a reality
D) ‘not have things work out for them’
Once was the time where trial and failure were repeat until success; and people knew everyone had varied potential; and people were ok with that.
You say it like, “doh! fail!” and people never have or should not take the chance to try again, like they’re branded or behind some force field; limited to an A/B outcome
The sands of time are littered with the bones of those who- on the verge of success- quit, gave up, and died before their purpose was achieved (to wreak havoc over an infamous quote)
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What the heck does that even mean?
I’ve taken writing at a college level but I can only imagine what you mean, not understand you. I’m an idiot I suppose.
Holy crap. Too many soy boys here. I LOVED Will's rant, as he told it like it is, "feelings and emotions" be damned.
Basically, for those who didnt understand it, he said Take PERSONAL responsibility for who you are. Circumstances can be overcome, no matter what, with the right amount of effort. Even Helen Keller figured that out, and she was Blind and Deaf.
Too many Americans are lazy spoiled brats. He was right about being shot at. If you cant afford an education, volunteer for the Marines! They will be more than happy to teach you.
Less than 1% protect the 99%.
Holy crap. Too many soy boys here. I LOVED Will's rant, as he told it like it is, "feelings and emotions" be damned.
Basically, for those who didnt understand it, he said Take PERSONAL responsibility for who you are. Circumstances can be overcome, no matter what, with the right amount of effort. Even Helen Keller figured that out, and she was Blind and Deaf.
Too many Americans are lazy spoiled brats. He was right about being shot at. If you cant afford an education, volunteer for the Marines! They will be more than happy to teach you.
Less than 1% protect the 99%.
I think you may have mistakenly took my post as opposing Will Prowse. I thought the Jennifer post was superbly done!
Misunderstood Will? Quite the contrary. I heard and understood Will loud and clear. Plus I had lamb for dinner.
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What the heck does that even mean?
I’ve taken writing at a college level but I can only imagine what you mean, not understand you. I’m an idiot I suppose.
I'm not a writer, obviously, either. I didn't even finish college, and the college courses I did get were for EE so it's probably me not being able to convey my meaning correctly.

I'll try again, privilege is having inherent advantages over someone else, or a group of people, and not acknowledging those things have helped you with your success. That can be even something like your friend whose dad gives you a good job and pay at the company he owns, all because you happened to be born around the same time and area as his kid. And it's all relative. A homeless guy in San Diego would probably still have "privilege" over a kid born in Africa whose parents were killed in front of him and now at 12yo he has to kill for some warlord. There's always someone better off and there's always someone worse off, and all we can try and do is try and equalize opportunities for people because we're not all born equal. Sure "all men are created equal" in America, but hopefully you understand what I mean.
Just chiming in, fat shaming is gross and Will lost a lot of my respect by conveniently ranting about people with different body shape from him. Very rude and bad example to set for the community.

I hope or pray he will eventually realize that espousing hateful mindset towards people with different body shape is fundamentally counterproductive to their stated goals and values.

Maybe he could rant more about how bad education is and how labeling could be formatted better instead of scapegoating the individual…
What a disappointment of a video. I turned it off a couple minutes in because it was so low on critical thinking. This was akin to telling a depressed person "hey, have you tried just not being sad?". That's brilliant!!! Why didn't they just think to not be sad?!?!!?

This video was the definition of privilege. "I was able to do something therefore anyone can do it". Bezos, Zuckerberg, Musk, Gates, etc were all garage-starter billionaires so anyone can do it!..............Of course their families were all well-todo who they could fall back on if they failed, or maybe get a $300k loan like bezos. I don't know about Will's specific life growing up, I'm sure it wasn't perfect, but without acknowledging what people are going through noone should judge anyone trying to get by. Want people to be skinnier? Teach health in school (not all do). Provide lunches for kids. Give people a social safety net to fall back on. Expand the ACA and universal healthcare so people aren't tied to shitty jobs just so they can hopefully not go broke if they get sick. If parents are working 3 jobs just to afford rent, when do they get time to cook healthy meals? When do they get time to be a good example for their kids? When do they get time to help their kid with homework?

Guess what crime rates in ghettos, alcoholism in reservations, and opioid addiction in ohio (and tons of other places) all have in common? It's obviously not skin color. I'll just tell you. Poverty.

You want a better country? Start supporting your fellow Americans and stop with the "fudge you! I got mine!" mentality. Stop voting for sociopaths who are just making the rich richer. Start pushing education more, and the taxes that go with it. Invest in future generations and you'll get those engineers you want. The next Tesla/Einstein/Feynman/etc. probably just got killed in a drive-by shooting.

You know what I'm tired of? Subsidizing big corporations employees. Pay people a living wage. If someone works 40 hours a week they should be able to afford food, clothing, and shelter. Minimum wage was historically made to be a living wage. I don't care if you don't think flipping burgers "deserves" $15 an hour. That's still not even really what it costs to live in this country now. If you think "but I have a trade skill and I barely make $15 an hour?!" Well you should probably get a raise too, or go flip burgers and when your former employer realizes they have no one left because everyone went to flip burgers they'll raise your pay. We're all in this together. The only "us against them" there should be is us against the 1%. I don't shop at Walmart, or eat from McDonalds, and yet I'm paying for their employees so they can make 300 million profit in a year instead of 270 million.

But they'll just raise prices on us?!!? Guess what....they're already raising prices on us, but our wages aren't keeping up with it. How much did lumber go up this past year? Do you think it was because all those people were just getting huge raises?

Anyway, rant over. I'll leave you with this video I think everyone should watch.
Consider this a boo boos.
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I hope you're trolling and don't actually believe any of the insane stuff you just posted. Wow, that's some qanon quack pot stuff right there. Lemme guess they're gonna arrest Hillary any day now right? The last 7 predictions from q have been wrong so that means this time it has to be right! Wow. Do you think the earth is flat too? Trump lost 60 election lawsuits some from judges he appointed. He clearly lost the popular election both times. There's no conspiracy, just trump praying on the weak minded.
Wow. You sound like you get your info from the comedy channel. Who mentioned anything about the letter Q?
I am talking about HUNDREDS of affidavits from real people who were there, video evidence, electronic evidence, and recount evidence( see Arizona to start). I am talking FACTS, not some liberal judge or deep state lawyer making an opinion.
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Holy crap. Too many soy boys here. I LOVED Will's rant, as he told it like it is, "feelings and emotions" be damned.
Basically, for those who didnt understand it, he said Take PERSONAL responsibility for who you are. Circumstances can be overcome, no matter what, with the right amount of effort. Even Helen Keller figured that out, and she was Blind and Deaf.
Too many Americans are lazy spoiled brats. He was right about being shot at. If you cant afford an education, volunteer for the Marines! They will be more than happy to teach you.
Less than 1% protect the 99%.

How many Helen Keller-like people died before Helen Keller lucked out and happened to grow up at time and place and around people that could help and understand her? You just proved my point. She of all people didn't do things alone nor could she possibly have. She had an incredible support system and lucked out by being born with the IQ to help her understand people and have them understand her, and because of that we have her writings to share today. So maybe you do agree with me that we need more social systems to support our fellow Americans.

Volunteer for the Marines? Nah, I don't want to fight so some company can get better access to oil to sell to us back home at high prices under the guise of the American flag, all while my GF is at home using the money I send back to go out and cheat on me. I want to push more solar and renewables.
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I am talking FACTS, not some liberal judge or deep state lawyer making an opinion. Do you Really believe basement Joey got more votes than Obama did? Really?
The facts as they stand indicate yes. Plenty of people don't believe it. And at the same time no evidence to the contrary has been presented or discovered. Lots of lawsuits and recounts, no evidence.
privilege is having inherent advantages over someone else, or a group of people, and not acknowledging those things have helped you with your success.
EVERYONE in a America is privileged.
But what about acknowledging those things that have held me back or suppressed me? Right, I don’t “acknowledge” those, don’t troll for sympathy. Neither do I acknowledge my advantages. Everyone in America has advantages.
and all we can try and do is try and equalize opportunities for people because we're not all born equal. Sure "all men are created equal" in America, but hopefully you understand what I mean.
I disagree. Not binarily: I disagree holistically. I’m more of a Thomas Sowell thinker. “What does the data say.” An equal start doesn’t guarantee an equal outcome.
Wow. You sound like you get your info from the comedy channel. Who mentioned anything about the letter Q?
I am talking about HUNDREDS of affidavits from real people who were there, video evidence, electronic evidence, and recount evidence( see Arizona to start). I am talking FACTS, not some liberal judge or deep state lawyer making an opinion. Do you Really believe basement Joey got more votes than Obama did? Really?
Yes, because he did. SHOW. YOUR. PROOF. OTHERWISE.

60 failed lawsuits, and lots of recounts, that were certified by Republicans also is my proof. Your proof seems to be that there is no proof and therefore that proves it's true! That's conspiracy level stuff there.

You say you have all this legit proof and evidence. Let's see it. Let's see what you figured out that even Mitch McConnell, McCarthy, Fled Cruz, Gym Jordan, and all the others couldn't prove. Hopefully it's not all screenshots from 4chan.
EVERYONE in a America is privileged.
But what about acknowledging those things that have held me back or suppressed me? Right, I don’t “acknowledge” those, don’t troll for sympathy. Neither do I acknowledge my advantages. Everyone in America has advantages.

I disagree. Not binarily: I disagree holistically. I’m more of a Thomas Sowell thinker. “What does the data say.” An equal start doesn’t guarantee an equal outcome.
Yup everyone in America is privileged over someone in war torn Africa, but you can't look at America and break it up into smaller groups too and see that some groups have more privilege over others?

An equal start absolutely doesn't guarantee an equal outcome. Agreed. That's nature. That's out of our control. What we can control is we can try and equalize the playing field as much as possible. That's 100% in our control.
She's probably going to cheat on you anyway, with a Marine on leave.
Nah, that one I don't have to worry about. Her dad was a marine, and taught her never to get with anyone in the military. It's horrible for families. That's his opinion he taught her, not mine, but it stuck. Who knows though? Maybe it'll be with the pool boy?
Yup everyone in America is privileged over someone in war torn Africa, but you can't look at America and break it up into smaller groups too and see that some groups have more privilege over others?

An equal start absolutely doesn't guarantee an equal outcome. Agreed. That's nature. That's out of our control. What we can control is we can try and equalize the playing field as much as possible. That's 100% in our control.
Yup. Thats the communist way. Everyone is miserable. Why do people that think like you always want to break things up into "small groups" so you can pit them against each other, while at the same time whining about "equality"?

We are all Human. We are all Children of the world. Some succeed, some do not. The idle have no money, unless its yours. If you want equality, give all your shit away to the poor, and live like Mother Teressa. Then I will respect you.
Nah, that one I don't have to worry about. Her dad was a marine, and taught her never to get with anyone in the military. It's horrible for families. That's his opinion he taught her, not mine, but it stuck. Who knows though? Maybe it'll be with the pool boy?
Ok. That was funny. I think its great that folks with perhaps diametric views on the world can come here and share a bond on things we have in common, like Solar and Energy. I enjoyed the debate. Thanks.
Holy crap. Too many soy boys here. I LOVED Will's rant, as he told it like it is, "feelings and emotions" be damned.
Basically, for those who didnt understand it, he said Take PERSONAL responsibility for who you are. Circumstances can be overcome, no matter what, with the right amount of effort. Even Helen Keller figured that out, and she was Blind and Deaf.
Too many Americans are lazy spoiled brats. He was right about being shot at. If you cant afford an education, volunteer for the Marines! They will be more than happy to teach you.
Less than 1% protect the 99%.
Semper Fi
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