diy solar

diy solar

Recent content by Barold

  1. B

    MC4 Connectors exposed to moisture - Degraded Panel output

    Hi - I have a sailboat that is hauled out for the winter and the solar panels are disconnected and stored. I realize the solar wire (not plugged) has exposed the contacts to corrosion. Is there a way to test for corrosion to see if this is why the panel (sunpower semiflexible 110W - 4 years...
  2. B

    JBD BMS JST plug type

    I found the jbd plugs very frustrating. I broke the ntc sensor and tried to find a replacement. I ordered multiples but none fit the BMS.
  3. B

    ABYC standards

    How are people complying with the requirement to have a visible or audible alarm before the LiFePO4 disconnects? The bms has it programmed as software but how are physical alarms being triggered or activated?
  4. B

    ABYC standards for marine lithium?

    So to meet the recommendation, you would need the BMS to have the ability to control the charge sources? Is that possible without changing out a JBD (Overkill) BMS at this point?
  5. B

    Replacement JBD Temperature Sensor

    I ordered a JST 1.25mm GH connector as advised in another thread and unfortunately it still wasn't the right connector (my temperature probe wires got caught and pulled out of the connector while getting shredded. The connector I am looking for is on the left and a better image of it is below...
  6. B

    Replacement JBD Temperature Sensor

    My temperature sensor was damaged and now works intermittantly. I understand it is an NTC 10k Thermistor and the connector is a JST GH 1.25mm pitch connector. I am having a very tough time locating a replacement (either on Aliexpress - to arrive in Jul) or the components to reassemble an...
  7. B

    JBD BMS troubleshooting

    Aha! The temp probe wire was frayed and almost pulled out of the plug... are these available generally (like a robotics/electronics store) or should I try to repair it?
  8. B

    JBD BMS troubleshooting

    I have an odd situation with my JBD BMS (I think this is the cause). The BMS seems to activate when I connect the cell monitoring harness (I measure 13.5V between the battery terminals, and at the B- and the C-. But when I connect the battery to the circuit, I do not get any voltage or...
  9. B

    Cell expansion

    It's one of those 185W alliexpress capacity testers. It was set at about 1-3A so I was surprised the measured cell voltage dropped as much. Under a very small load the cell voltage approached 2.77V (when no load, it went back to 3.22V). My next step will be to put proper ring terminals on the...
  10. B

    Cell expansion

    So are these cells bloated beyond a safe margin?
  11. B

    Cell expansion

    Cells measure at 3.22V which i believe is close to 50% SOC) but when I try to put them on a small capacity tester under a small load, the Cell Voltage drops momentarily below my low threshold of 2.6V (so the capacity tester shuts off). The cells were bound together with tape but I guess it was...
  12. B

    Cell expansion

    I finally got around to ordering a proper case for my 4x 280AH cells. They did not seem to have expanded however when i fit them into the battery case kit, i can see there has been expansion. (note the bottom fits into the case bottom, however the top will not fit due to the cell expansion. Is...
  13. B

    IWISS Lug crimper review

    agreed, I later re-did some crimps with a slight oversize to avoid the wings. Not professional looking but also wasn't in price.
  14. B

    LiFePO4 Voltage Chart?

    Yeah. Cell 4 seems to be the weak link. I will swap out the positions tomorrow, but tonight, after using only 29ah, the voltage on the BMV is 12.63V, the BMS is reporting 13.1V but cell 4 drops drastically when a load is drawn (ie 11A when the water pump goes) other cells were 3.3V but 4 went...
  15. B

    LiFePO4 Voltage Chart?

    I have had a bit more time to observe. I believe the fluctuating voltage is due to the BMS cutting out due to a over Voltage on one cell. I've turned off charging for the time being and the cell voltages have settled into a tight range. I will have to take the pack apart to retest for capacity...