diy solar

diy solar

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  • How to measure the temperature of a solar panel?

    After much searching, I have been unable to answer this question. When measuring the electrical output from a solar panel and wanting to compare the measured results with the manufactures data sheet, a critical data value is needed: the temperature of the solar cells. Other than a pricey...
  • Opinions on GS Power wire?

    I am looking for 12/14/16 gauge wire to connect my Campervan devices to the fusebox. GS Power has red/black twin conductor cables on Amazon with excellent reviews. For example: Reviewers have confirmed the claim that this is pure copper wire. This is currently $47.95, or $0.48/foot. Any...
  • AIMS charger: observations and quiescent power draw

    I am finally putting my van power system together and have some observations on charging from the AIMS mains charger. The system: 100 A-h LiFePO4 12.8 V battery battery switch AIMS 12V/24V charger (switches set to 00, LiFePO4 mode) Victron Energy SmartShunt multimeter to confirm voltages 1)...
  • Do most builders/users not use inverter precharge?

    Outside of this forum's geeks, I don't see anyone talking of precharging their inverter input. Even here, the discussion rarely extends beyond using a resistor before attaching the last power lead to the inverter. This, of course, ignores the times they disconnect and reattach the...
  • Renogy "Rover Li" vs "Rover Elite." Which to buy?

    I am unable to find information that compares Renogy Rover Li 40A MPPT and their Rover Elite 40A MPPT. Why should I buy one other the other? I have an info request in with Renogy, but who knows when they will answer. Thanks!