diy solar

diy solar

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  • How to Flash Atom S3 with EspHome - HA

    How to Flash Atom S3 with EspHome - HA I struggled with flashing Esp32 S3 Atom lite with the (Sleeper85) project I was actively involved for the Rs485/CAN battery Comm conversion - unlike flashing the Esp32 dev kit chip, it's not as straightforward. but I finally found a way around it...
  • How to DIY New JK BMS for 14s Batteries - PB2A16S20P

    I figured it out after trying and error - which one should really avoid, so for others wanting to configure a 14s with this JK version is (what no one tells you is...) - skip the last wire of the second connector - (Mine was a growatt GBLI5001 by the way) What we are told to do generally...
  • How I managed to Configure Multiple x 2 Battery using code provided by Sleeper85

    I Downloaded the Yaml code from Github and setup 2 Growatts GBLi5001 batteries in parallel Original Concept has RS485 connection , but as the code was not ready i did without it and this is the result in working: Made both settings in the JKBMS JK2a24s15p similar # Operating Voltage 46v...
  • Automate Solis and Octopus Integration to Charge Batteries at Cheapest hours

    I know this is off-topic, so pardon me...just private me if you can help a colleague of mine has a program that uses the Solis-HA integration to determine the cheap times and get the Solis to charge at those times I have integrated my Solis and Octopus using the Provided API - I can now read...
  • SOC Settings, Relationship Between Solis, ESP32 Inverter and JKBMS App settings

    I had already started a discussion on another thread but realized it was not the right place to place the discussion so have opened up this thread to complete the discussion @MrPablo this is the origianl discussion and what survived the deleted conversation when i toggle off the Bluetooth -...