diy solar

diy solar

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  • Enjoyable forum

    I just want to say that the forum has been really enjoyable lately. Hope it stays that way. Really want to thank everyone for their opinions (right or wrong), knowledge, and all the free help given everyday. I know it takes a lot of your time and effort to do that. I can’t wait to get my own...
  • Solar equipment auction

    Not sure if this has been posted already (I didn’t see it) if it has please delete.
  • Another wire sizing question

    I’ve read multiple posts on wire sizing and hope I can get some feedback from others. I need a temporary setup for my 12v frig. Currently the frig is run on propane with a 12v car battery for the electronics and flame igniter. Around 1-2 amps. The battery doesn’t last long of coarse so I charge...
  • Looks like moisture patches in panel?

    Hello everyone, Lots of good info on this site. I have a question about a pallet of used panels I recently purchased. Some panels the glass was broke, lots of them had snail trails, and some panels the wiring on the back were cut. After looking closer almost all of them have what looks like...
  • Sizing main breaker panel size for off grid system

    Setting up an off grid system and researching for different formulas for sizing electrical components. Trying to figure out the size of my main breaker electrical panel. 100 amps? 200 amps? What formula is used for this? And maybe there’s more to it, I’m not sure. Thanks
  • Shading panel configuration

    There is a lot of discussion about shading lately and thread (pv series vs parallel) has great info with opinions each way but I don’t see much on panel configuration (layout). I have trees everywhere and cutting them down isn’t an option. I’m showing a crude drawing of my scenario with sun...
  • Solar panel dark patches

    Help. I received some Canadian solar 250 panels that have like dark patches all over the panels. Two of the panels I received the glass was broken but they don’t have these patches. Has anyone seen this before or know exactly what it is? I tried calling the manufacturer but of coarse you can’t...