diy solar

diy solar

Recent content by edweather

  1. E

    My little movable panel set-up.

    Yeh, more solid that expected. A guy did one on YouTube and it was a bit shaky. Getting the end panels on a support helped.
  2. E

    My little movable panel set-up.

    Oh yeh. I said 2x6s, and meant 4x4s. The cross pieces are deck board. Thanks.
  3. E

    My little movable panel set-up.

    Took a while to get it together, but really wasn't hard to do. No reason to overdo the platform. Two 6' 2x6s and a couple of 3 foot deck boards make a solid base. The set of wheels was about $80 on Amazon. The mount is the eco-worthy set up for $100. Did need to add two pieces of 2 foot strut...
  4. E

    Batteries not fully charging

    With my limited knowledge, this is what I needed to do. Make sure my charge settings were correct. I know it's scary, but start experimenting with a setting or two. It will really help your confidence.
  5. E

    Help! I dont kno what im doing wrong

    Has to be something simple. A 10k generator should be plenty to charge it. I probably would not keep it in the shed if possible. When you say shed, it it exposed to temp extremes, and humidity extremes, or dampness?
  6. E

    Can i add a solar charger to y Sungoldpower all in one unit?
  7. E

    Need battery monitor suggestion.

    Thanks. Yes, looks pretty good. Have seen that one. Under consideration, but a bit more than I wanted to spend, jury is still out though. ?
  8. E

    Need battery monitor suggestion.

    Love this forum. Never a simple answer.? I always end up with three more questions, as the rabbit holes appear. ? Not sure if I like being reminded of how much I don't know. ? I really appreciate the help.
  9. E

    Need battery monitor suggestion.

    That first one looks nice and seems popular with some others on the forum.
  10. E

    Need battery monitor suggestion.

    Thanks. Found this ones. Says it will work with Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries. 48v Battery Meter, DROK 10-100v Marine RV Battery Capacity Volt Monitor 12v 24v, Lithium Battery Voltage Fahrenheit Temp Indicator Gauge Or this one: DROK Battery Meter 24V, Marine RV...
  11. E

    Need battery monitor suggestion.

    Could someone please recommend a decent budget battery monitor for my 25.6V 200Ah Lithium. Don't need much, just kinda the basics. Thanks.
  12. E

    Hand truck back-up system.

  13. E

    Hand truck back-up system.

  14. E


    And setting number one has to be set to utility.
  15. E

    What should the fully charged at rest voltage be?

    So with the help of another thread I figured out how to use the Utility charger portion of the inverter. With charging amps set at 40 it really brought up the charge of the battery. Really made a huge difference compared to my two panels. Battery at rest now at 27.2V which is 100%. ?