diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Grounding and bonding help. I've read many previous threads and the awesome four part article but still confused.

    But the N/G bond at the receptacle is sufficient?
  • Post in thread: Grounding and bonding help. I've read many previous threads and the awesome four part article but still confused.

    I'm trying to design and install a very simple little off grid power setup for a one room cabin. It would have a main solar power source and a backup generator. I'm trying to design a simple AC circuit I could plug either power source into. I wasn't planning to have a panel but maybe I have to...
  • Post in thread: All in one vs plug and play?

    What I don't really get here is why the eco flow seems cheaper with more capacity and features. Usually for build your own you get more
  • Post in thread: All in one vs plug and play?

    Why would I have to pack the eco flow back and forth? I'm thinking of it as a dedicated system I could leave there
  • Post in thread: All in one vs plug and play?

    Is 12v adequate for my setup?
  • Post in thread: Grounding and bonding help. I've read many previous threads and the awesome four part article but still confused.

    I like the idea of bonding at the inlet receptacle. Since it's not a panel and therefore doesn't have a breaker I'm relying on the fuse in the inverter and the circuit breaker in the generator. Will bonding at the receptacle be effective at allowing that current through the ground in the case of...
  • Post in thread: Missing Fuse in Will's Classic 400 W?

    I'm having a hard time grasping fuses. Sizing them and where to use them. If my inverter has a built in fuse why do I need a fuse between my battery and inverter? Isn't it serving the same purpose? On Will's Classic 400 watt system I'm wondering why there isn't a fuse between the main fuse and...
  • Post in thread: Grounding and bonding help. I've read many previous threads and the awesome four part article but still confused.

    Incredible helpful. Thank you Tim. One person said that bonding ground and neutral is pointless if I don't have a panel with breaker. Did you see my question about relying on the generator and inverter's protections? Is this reasonable? I'm trying to keep this stupid simple.
  • Post in thread: All in one vs plug and play?

    Why are you charging the delta 2 with the battery and not directly from the panels?
  • Post in thread: Missing Fuse in Will's Classic 400 W?

    Can you please explain to me what you mean by "the fuse block itself is fused"?I believe in the diagram for the fuse block it shows a required separate fuse of 125 A on the DC positive side which I don't see in Will's system. If the battery could output 300 A, and the max rating of the DC...
  • Post in thread: Missing Fuse in Will's Classic 400 W?

    I should also re title this because he clearly states fuses and wires vary by setup. But I'm wondering about the hypothetical of a 2000 W inverter and needing a separate fuse for the DC fuse block.
  • Post in thread: All in one vs plug and play?

    I was thinking I could charge my battery with my delta 2 then power my DC appliances with my battery. So trying to figure out why you're going battery > delta where I was planning to go delta > battery.
  • Post in thread: All in one vs plug and play?

    I need help analyzing pros and cons of systems for my scenario. I have a 160 sqft off grid cabin. Only loads to power are lights, composting toilet fan, sink pump, and would like to add a fridge. Maybe a hot water heater eventually but not sure if that's feasible electrically or propane would be...
  • Post in thread: All in one vs plug and play?

    I got the delta 2 with the extra battery for $999 at Home Depot last week. I think I jumped too quick because I thought the price was too good but it doesn't meet my DC load needs. Either AC-DC converters inbound or charge a 12V battery from the delta 2 and then run my DC loads off that but then...
  • Post in thread: All in one vs plug and play?

    Have the MP 1012 fans gotten any quieter? That seems to be the big complaint and running that in a small living space I'll drive my girlfriend nuts