diy solar

diy solar

Recent content by galstaf

  1. galstaf

    Santan Solar question: Do they charge credit card fee?

    Any recommendation on an attentive sales person? The guy I have been talking to seems to be gone a lot. Not responded to an email or phone call in a couple of days.
  2. galstaf

    Santan Solar question: Do they charge credit card fee?

    Hey all, Real quick and easy question.. Do Santan Solar typically charge a credit card fee and if so how much? Thanks much!
  3. galstaf

    Convert any Air Conditioner to Solar Hybrid?

    What was your result? Did you every get it working?
  4. galstaf

    Directly power an 240VAC HVAC from the panels (off grid system) conversion to DC?

    I have attached a specifications sheet in the PDF... they can operate up to 600VDC with UL compliance, but in reality can go up to 1000VDC. Each panel produces up to 29VDC at 1000W/m2 irradiance. So it looks like the panels can have 20 panels in series to make a 600VDC output which should...
  5. galstaf

    Directly power an 240VAC HVAC from the panels (off grid system) conversion to DC?

    By the way the model number of the panels is TSM PA05
  6. galstaf

    Directly power an 240VAC HVAC from the panels (off grid system) conversion to DC?

    Hey all, I have an bunch of Santan SSG 240W used panels that I want to use for roofing on an outbuilding. I don't currently have any other power needs in that building so not ready for a full system out there. I also have an unused Senville 240VAC 24000 BTU inverter minisplit heatpump that...
  7. galstaf

    USB Configuration File for EG4 6500 EX-48

    I don't think anyone would do that, would they? As I said, I am glad that having no control or insight to monitor for issues or failures works for you in your very specific instance. If they ever fix this stuff, feel free to ignore it. :cool: I am looking for low cost systems I can package...
  8. galstaf

    USB Configuration File for EG4 6500 EX-48

    Well I am glad you have such simple needs. However the ability to monitor and configure everything remotely is very desirable to a lot of other people. I can buy a wifi connected light bulb for 20 bucks that I can make sing and dance from anywhere in the world. I can remotely monitor...
  9. galstaf

    USB Configuration File for EG4 6500 EX-48

    What is really annoying is that the EG4 hardware is seemingly capable, but the software is so flaky and hard to configure. If they could just invest in some decent code and get these things genuinely plug and play with reliable MODERN (no serial cables!!) RJ45 style connections into a laptop or...
  10. galstaf

    50 to 100 kWh Molten Salt battery?

    mmm.. interesting. Like ice I guess.. one of the few things that expand on freezing. How much does it expand percentage wise? I am guessing you are saying it destroys the container it is in?
  11. galstaf

    50 to 100 kWh Molten Salt battery?

    ah.. gotcha. So it cannot be remelted to bring it back to life?
  12. galstaf

    50 to 100 kWh Molten Salt battery?

    By everything you mean the charge or you mean the battery destroys itself?
  13. galstaf

    50 to 100 kWh Molten Salt battery?

    Interesting background! So is a $5/MWh a typical cost for most utilities for generation of power? I suppose the parasitic losses of the Na/S batteries would be pretty high and it would basically degrade to zero charge fairly quickly. Did he give you any insight on whether the losses were...
  14. galstaf

    6000EX-48HV Issues with batteries charging above 54v with sufficient PV input

    do you have a link to that app please so we can check it out?