diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Handling high power without causing voltage drop?

    Adding more cells was indeed my initial thought. But then I read Nordkyn's stuff where he says quite the opposite - that it is bad to keep Lithium cells near to full, and that one should cycle them down rather than keep topping them up. So that lead me to think about just keeping what I have...
  • Post in thread: Handling high power without causing voltage drop?

    Having just upgraded my solar array, I want to add some high-power appliances, eg electric kettle and induction plate cooking but am not sure if it will work with my current setup. Would appreciate some thoughts and suggestions. There is a bit of history here, so please excuse the long post...
  • Post in thread: Handling high power without causing voltage drop?

    yeah, you are right. No point stressing. That day will come in multiple years unless something else happens to fry them At the moment I think I am coming to the conclusion that the 4 cells that EVLITHIUM sent me were not new balanced cells. Maybe some used junk. As far as I can determine there...