diy solar

diy solar


Executor for my brother's estate - he was incredibly knowledgeable about solar and renewable energy, and was something of an inventor - highly respected I hasten to add, not the mad scientist type! Unfortunately, he didn't 'skool' the rest of us and we now have huge piles of all kinds of equipment left behind to deal with. From solar panels of all kinds, batteries, cables and ultra capacitors, let alone a plethora of smaller components that must have a use to someone.

We are looking to sell - setting up a trust fund for his young son - but clearly looking more to understand what these do, how they can be used, and who might want them.
May 2
Looking for help and ideas. Estate executor, 40+ batteries, need help to check and dispose. Complete newbie with the tech, learning as I go - would prefer to up-cycle these than destroy - a lot of use left in most of these.
Current or Future Solar Power System
40 Valence U27-12XP Lithium batteries


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