diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Iowa wants you to pay utilities even if you are totally off-grid and don't use grid power.

    I think it is pretty fair to pay the utilities company something if you use them to store your energie for later use. If you have to buy and maintain enough batteries to store all the energie you need when the sun is down it costs you a lot of money. It is just a matter of how much you should...
  • Post in thread: Cheap beginner standalone security light panel/battery that survives freezing temperatures

    Hello. I am just experimenting a little with some old panels I got from some one and I have a hard time finding a answer. I would like to make one panel charge a small battery bank. I was going for a few used 18650 from old lap top batteries in 3s and wanted to use a very cheap aliexpress...
  • Post in thread: Account removed?

    Ah that explains it. Than I am sure it will not happend again :)
  • Post in thread: Cheap beginner standalone security light panel/battery that survives freezing temperatures

    Hi Svets, Thank you for your reply. I would prefer if things just kept working but I think that is out of reach for low budgets so blocking the charge would be the next best thing. With the climate changes we hardly get any freezing days anymore anyway. Yes I have been looking at these...
  • Post in thread: Does a BMS drain your battery?

    i made a bluetooh receiver pack once with 3s 18650 and bms. this worke well for a while but after a month or so tit stopped working (low power) i could no longe charge the batteries my plgging in 12volts. after taking it appart it turned out the batteriwa were at 0 volt.sus spect my bms since...
  • Post in thread: Account removed?

    Hello, Just wondering if the was some kind of clean up? I tried to login today (after about 4 weeks) but login failed and password reset said I did not have an account. So I created an new one with exaclty the same emailadres I used ot have. I rememeber I had a disscussion about under volt...
  • Post in thread: Account removed?

    Okay. well lets hope all wil go well now. I do think I joined very shortly after Will anounced it in youtube. Thanks for replying.