diy solar

diy solar

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  • California install newbie

    There does seem to be much on California install that are clear and spelled out so I’m at my wits end here having almost settled on a growatt 10kw inverter, some hypersomething panels 550kw, 14 of them, and that’s all I could brain in at the moment, if that’s even an expression. I’ve got a 7 mo...
  • VSUN 400 vs SolarEver 410 Which is better? Anything else that is better around same size and color? The vsuns don’t mention PiD resistance so I am not so sure about them.
  • SolarEver 410w panels, are they good?

    I am not qualified to qualify a panel but I am considering buying 22 of these for my home install diy, but would anyone recommend these or have used these? I am going to pair them with TIGO optimizers and a growatt 10kw hybrid inverter.