diy solar

diy solar

Recent content by maxwattage

  1. M

    California install newbie

    my nem appication says "pending AHJ inspection" so I guess I am solid for 2.0 nem?
  2. M

    SolarEver 410w panels, are they good?

    How long have you had them and do they work well in cloudy days?
  3. M

    SolarEver 410w panels, are they good?

    I am not qualified to qualify a panel but I am considering buying 22 of these for my home install diy, but would anyone recommend these or have used these? I am going to pair them with TIGO optimizers and a growatt 10kw hybrid inverter.
  4. M

    California install newbie

    I found this: I was looking online and there was a webpage I lost which mentioned the Tigo connects with the growatt app, but I must have premium tigo service ($20 a year I think) I am...
  5. M

    California install newbie

    The growatt I plan on using has 4 mppt. So I could do 4 strings w/o optimizers, or 2 strings with optimizers. But panel level monitoring is interesting to me
  6. M

    California install newbie

    On the product detail page for growatt 10kw hybrid inverter at renvu it states "WiFi + LAN Integrated Communication Module + Tigo Transmitter Integrated". Also, when you use renvus design and plan tool, when going with optimizer and string inverter setup, the growatt and tigo combination is...
  7. M

    California install newbie

    I think I’ve decided to go with the Tigos and the growat 10kw. It will be 2 strings of 11 410w solarever panels. The permit plan guys say that the inspector won’t even look at the unpermitted addition and mostly concerned with electrical. I guess they will look at the whole thing and see it’s...
  8. M

    California install newbie

    Assuming my setup with minimal shading and same orientation, how much more juice in % would a micro get vis a vis an optimizer?
  9. M

    California install newbie

    Nem department says grandfathering is from the submission date. I thought it was from approval date. So that’s good. Also they say you can change the components due to shortages as long as the change is to a system of the same or less size.
  10. M

    VSUN 400 vs SolarEver 410 Which is better? Anything else that is better around same size and color? The vsuns don’t mention PiD resistance so I am not so sure about them.
  11. M

    California install newbie

    I don't know but that's what I got from speaking directly with a person at the NEM dep. of SDGE. In their DIIS form they make you state the exact panel and inverter used. I think I will go with the TIGOs. I am not sure about the MPPT you mentioned. I honestly just don't have the time to look...
  12. M

    California install newbie

    Im half way through the interconnect form and stuck at the choose your equipment section. I can't decide what I want. And once it's decided there is no backing out of it after april deadline.
  13. M

    California install newbie

    True, in 20 yrs the technology will have advanced so much and maybe even nem 4.0 will happen and go back to the way it was, who knows what could happen. Now I’m bouncing back to micros… I could get them quite cheap on eBay. But I don’t know how compatible they are ( enphaze iq7+s ) with 400w...
  14. M

    California install newbie

    I thought TIGO optimizers have mppt functionality?
  15. M

    California install newbie

    So I've been busy, but I've found the plan and design tool over at renvu, and I find it quite alluring that it will all be put together for me. I am not sure how accurate it is but now I am considering just using optimizers, the TIGO ones, with 400w panels, and a string hybrid inverter, the...