diy solar

diy solar

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  • Renogy minimum number of batteries?

    I have the Renogy 3000W inverter/charger hooked up to two 100ah Canbat lead carbon batteries being powered by two 100W Renogy panels. This is a brand new system and all is working well. I have just had a closer look at the inverter information and it states the minimum number of 100ah batteries...
  • Odd Behaviour From Renogy Setup.

    Altho my working setup is acceptable I am curious why this happens. First, a little background. I have a cargo conversion close to completion. Had my maiden voyage last week and everything is great. I opted for a Renogy setup with Canbat Lead Carbon batteries. Three of these at 100ah each. Two...
  • Rover Setup

    Hey there. Brand new to the site and setting up a trailer build with 200W Renogy twin panels into a 30A Rover. I chose Lead Carbon batts and cant see a listing for them in the controller. It settled on what I think I am reading as solid. So I am assuming it chose this automatically. Does anyone...