diy solar

diy solar

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  • PV Disconnects or breakers before the 6000XP?

    I have read allot of threads on this and unless you have strings in parallel, disconnects aren't required before the PV feeds land on the inverter. Still, I plan on putting disconnects at the arrays, along with the 15 amp fuses, 1 each per 8 panel string. I would also like to have a way to shut...
  • Lifepower 4 Updating

    Check me on this please gurus, After reading, watching and digging around, looks like you have to update these batteries one at a time. Pull all 5 patch cables, set all addresses to zero, plug in one at a time and run the firmware. Then reset all dips for coms to inverters. (pain in the ass)...
  • Did I Make a Mistake Buying This From Signature Solar?

    New guy here. Electronics background, first foray into REAL solar systems. I am only going to use one inverter and 8000 watts of PV input to start with, 4000 per input on the inverter. The battery rack will have 6...
  • Solar Panel "Tilt" site, Which one is Correct?

    Maybe I am just burned out with all this but I cant see how 40 degrees from horizontal and 35 degrees from vertical come out to the same angle for winter in my area. Way I see it, in my area, a 40 degree tilt down from horizontal for January, doesn't line up with a 35 degree tilt up from...
  • Do PV wires need to be in conduit in 20' basement run? 4 pair total, 10 ga.

    Wondering if I need to pull these 4 pairs of 10ga, 19 strand PV feeds through metal pipe (emt) in the basement to the inverters? Each pair will be supplying 434 VDC at 15 Amps, on a good day...
  • Solar Panel Tilt Test. What are your angles for 38 Degrees North Latitude?

    For June and December? I have used 5 different calculators and no 2 agree. Only reason I ask is I have devised a tilting rack where I can change the angle on 8 groups of 4 panels to anything needed. So far, June ranges from 11 to 18 degrees, December from 46 to 66 degrees, with autumn/spring...
  • Mains panel backfed by generator while 6000XP tied into mains?

    Guess this aint gonna fly, is it? Unless THD is below xx%. My plan "was" to move all 120vac loads to solar/inverter/battery, while keeping two 240VAC loads, range and dryer, on the mains since they are rarely used. Then if there is a mains power failure, manually fire the genny up and let the...
  • What good are 1/0 battery cables from 2 XP6000's to 30kWh battery pack?

    And how would you connect 2 pos and 2 neg to the battery rack buss bars if stacking is a no-no and assimilates a Lincoln are welder? Seems to me I should run, as a minimum, 1/0 cable from XP's, to small buss bars under the inverters in parallel, then only one pair of 2/0 from the small buss...
  • 6000XP Breakers. Explanation needed...

    Can someone explain to a stupid old man how these breakers do anything other than cut AC/DC power(s) to the inverter in the event of an catastrophic event within the inverter, as well as serving as disconnects? I understand how they would trip if there were shorts on the feed lines but what...
  • Do I have this right? Class T fuse on 4/0 feed to two 2/0 feeds to inverter?

    Credit to Hedges. Below figures based on Hedges computations and I suspect on 6500EX inverters, or other, not quite as efficient as the 6000XP at 93%, as per spec sheet. 2 6000XP 6000 watt max charge/output draw EACH. (plus momentary surge, not included below) 6-8 foot 4/0 wire length. If...
  • Does EG4 18 amp charger shut down automatic?

    Trying to top balance 6 48 Lifepower batts, one at a time with this charger. The first one took about 3 hours, 4 led's lit up and the charger shut down. On the second one, the charger has been running for about 6 hours now, holding at 56.4 volts and bouncing around between .5 to 1.5 amp. I...
  • 6000XP/6500EX Generator terminals, good for? Beating a dead horse here...

    Outside of $2000 - $5000 inverter generator with low THD, (like less than 2 - 3%) what else can you connect to these inverters gen terminals? I eluded to this in another post a while ago. Since I back feed the house mains with the generator, what I would like to do is run the inverter on...
  • Walk through: Wind Farm Sub Station

    Pretty interesting.
  • Could I have Matched the Panels Better? Check my Figures Please.

    6000XP's -2 of them. 4000wats MAX ALLOWABLE, per MPPT, 480VDC MAX ALLOWABLE per MPPT - 2 MPPT's per XP Below figures based on ONE MPPT's input maximums. 8 - 455 watt panels, per MPPT = 3640 watts, per MPPT, voltage = 394VDC. On a 15 degree day, voltage increases to 435VDC, MPPT MAX ALLOWABLE...
  • How long can Lifepower 48 Volt Batteries sit?

    I have 6 of these batteries that were assembled and tested on 1/23. They are currently at a 80% SOC. I probably wont have this system up and running for a at least 2 months, possibly longer depending on weather/snow. I was wondering if I should somehow run them down to 20-30% SOC. and give...
  • Does anyone keep back up equipment on the shelf?

    Just wondering if anyone has considered redundancy for their large systems. I am doing 2 6000XP's, the all in ones, eventually, have amassed everything I need, just waiting on weather. Started thinking about what happens if they go down, do I keep a spare or two on the shelf? Or, would I be...
  • Is Liquidtite classed the same for code as EMT and FMC?

    Just wondering if I can use it to house PV lines inside the house going to the inverters? The real stuff, not the cheap plastic stuff.
  • Any issues pulling 4 pair, 10ga. PV lines in one pipe?

    Buried, 1 1/2" poly pipe, 135 foot run. 400VDC a pair, 10 Amps. Just wondering if there are any code issues, derating, EMF possibilities, etc. Thanks!