diy solar

diy solar

Recent content by ozma

  1. O

    Adding Eve cells to existing set up (not done by me)?

    Using this online calculator, seems like at most, I'd be using 1748 Watt-hours/day. I know I need to make a spreadsheet with more accurate Wh usage, but I think this is a good estimate.
  2. O

    Adding Eve cells to existing set up (not done by me)?

    Yes, these are the 12V appliances that are running straight from the battery: 2 Dometic CRX refrigerators, occasional use of Espar D2 heater, lights, a water pump, MaxxAir fan And for those that are not (computer, phone, Starlink), I've got an inverter connected.
  3. O

    Adding Eve cells to existing set up (not done by me)?

    Currently, it's running 2 Dometic CRX refrigerators, occasional use of Espar D2 heater, lights, a water pump, MaxxAir fan, and the 1000W inverter will be used for charging my phone, laptop, and the addition of battery is needed to run Starlink. Does this answer your question properly?
  4. O

    Adding Eve cells to existing set up (not done by me)?

    Hi all! I currently have a bank of 4 Eve LiFePO4 cells, making it 305aH. I need more storage and am trying to figure out if I should buy more cells and add to this existing one - or just get a brand name battery. I'd feel more successful if I do the add-on method, but I really don't know where...