diy solar

diy solar

Recent content by Señor Quattro

  1. S

    Spain here...

    Just checking, I haven't annoyed you with references to your PM have I?
  2. S

    Spain here...

    I am considering writing something about roof structures and the use of CLC in a flat roof. It might get a bit sciency but it will be fun. Would you be interested in reading about this? In the meantime, here's a look at our yard. "CdL" is the name we have given to our new home, it's in there...
  3. S

    Spain here...

    Good to hear that 100. Have small businesses been able to survive or have some had to close? I sincerely hope ordinary people will be able to recover from the shutdown. Well our plans are intact, just delayed. I'm still going to be looking at our solar (PV cells, batteries, etc.) options as we...
  4. S

    Spain here...

    Haha 45. Wise words indeed. You are, of course, completely right. The only sensible way forward is for us to employ professionals who know what they are doing. But here's the thing. We have worked hard all our lives to build up some kind of retirement fund. Well, maybe not all our lives, there...
  5. S

    Spain here...

    I am definitely going to be labeled "naive", and a property developer friend I have known for 40+ years (giving away my age) must have told me at least twenty times that I am underestimating the time it will take to do this stuff. I know. Some of it is experimental. Some won't work. I'll have to...
  6. S

    Spain here...

    Wild boars. :)
  7. S

    Spain here...

    45, and Erik, I hope you have a pretty good idea now what CLC is and its properties. Quick summary, cellular lightweight concrete is regular concrete (more usually cement without additional material) within which air is entrained before placing and curing. It is different from ‘Aircrete’ in the...
  8. S

    Spain here...

    Happy to hear you still got to take your vacation and returned safely to the frozen northland. I love Canada and could live there, except for the weather. And your PM. I was intending to set out a few of our plans re CLC (a non-Solar related topic) in a more appropriate place on the forum but...
  9. S

    Spain here...

    Hi - sorry for much delayed response. Thanks for the interest. Well due to the current shutdown of society, the economy, planet etc. unfortunately all plans are on hold. We're still 100% committed to the project, and in fact more plans have evolved since, but we probably need to factor in a...
  10. S

    Spain here...

    Actually I see that you’re a North American. So I can be more honest with our affection for Huelva. We really, really don’t like the traditional Spanish resort populated by Brits. There are no Brits here and if you don’t speak Spanish then you need not apply. I am a proud Brit but believe that...
  11. S

    Spain here...

    Thanks 45. Huelva is quite different to Algarve. It is undeveloped and the tourism that happens on the Costa de la Luz has a particularly Spanish bias. I like a big full English as much as the next man but part of the charm of this region is that it isn’t spoiled by tourism. Re fixer-upper. The...
  12. S

    Spain here...

    Yes - we had a few cloudy days over in the west of Andalucía and Portugal too. One day I even had to put a shirt on.
  13. S

    Spain here...

    I am delinquent in my replies and more - Christmas and new Year have got in the way. Now I'm back at real work, but I will be writing on this topic some more presently.
  14. S

    Spain here...

    Sorry for continuity lapse, been occupied with stuff - Christmas, New Year and prep for Spanish finca where we are now. 100FUEGOS, Feliz Año. Yesterday (Jan 2) was overcast. I’m interested in what your system produced.
  15. S

    Proyecto Espa

    Mrs Q is keen on a vlog but I pointed out that we’ll be too busy doing stuff, then redoing it again properly, to film it all. I do intend to document it all in a blog though, hopefully daily, and it will be illustrated. Between now and then I’ll establish a platform but this forum here is where...