diy solar

diy solar

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  • Graphing cell voltages & BMS balancing action

    Hi, I see so much speculation about what/how various BMSs work & worry slightly about battery capacities. So I'm considering getting some test kit to monitor every cell voltage in a 16s LifePO4 battery during charge & discharge. There's various options for taking data from a BMS & getting into...
  • CD74HC4067 Multiplexer chip for measuring 16 cell voltages

    Hi, Has anyone used, or considered using a CD74HC4067 Multiplexer chip for measuring 16 x cell voltages? Seems a cheap way to do it.
  • Victron - why shouldn't I?

    I'm looking to put together some systems - grid tied solar/storage & off grid. I've used Victron a few times & was bowled over by the build quality & the amount of information in their documentation: Not just how to install/configure, but also a thorough explanation of why. Is it even worth...
  • pqduino - Arduino mains current monitor with wireless connection

    Bumped into this - Seemingly very competent electrical engineer making a standalone device for measuring power. Bluetooth or wifi connection. Built in web server. I have no links to this guy whatsover. It just seems like a good product...
  • Cheap 48V inverter recommendation for driving resistive load

    Hi, I will soon have a lot more PV generation (and charge controllers) than inverter power. That gives me spare 48V power available & I want to heat water with multiple immersion elements. I'm after recommendations for good value 48V > 230V inverters. They will only be connected to resistive...
  • 3 x single phases through a 3ph meter

    Hi, I've got single phase being supplied through a 3 phase meter. UK, 230V line to Neutral. No voltage between 'phases' I'm trying to get an understanding of how the meter will behave in the following scenario: Phase 1 Importing +5kW Phase 2 Exporting -5kW Phase 3 importing +2 kW So we have +5...
  • Underfloor heating.... outside!

    Hi, I'll have 30kW of PV fairly soon, with restricted permission to export, so excess power. Once the batteries are full & the car is charged & the hot water tank is hot, I'm considering heating water to pump in an underfloor area outdoors - goal is to have warm feet in the evenings. In the UK...
  • Ground mount spacing for maximum winter efficiency @ 50⁰N

    Hi, I'm going to be putting in 30-50kW of PV. I'm 50 deg north. I will be adding significant amounts of battery storage too. Goal is to try to squeeze through the winter months without importing. I fully appreciate the nominal need to space the panels such that the mid winter sun won't be shaded...
  • MyEnergi - Zappi car charger: kW vs kWh confusion

    Once the marketing wanketeers get involved their use of the correct units goes out of the window..
  • Driving high current resistive heating loads from 48V DC

    Hi - I am building a system which will have probably up to 50kW of excess PV power at times. I would like to use this for water heating (multiple immersions in parallel). Can anyone recommend any products for controlling large DC loads? I don't mind if I end up building e.g. 15 x 3kW immersion...
  • Battery tester is so smart I can't understand how it works...

    I bought a battery tester, typically for car use. 2 x croc clips. If you don't connect both leads well enough it tells you.... but it even tells you which colour isn't mated properly. How the hell can it know which one is dodgy? Explanations welcome!
  • Cost effective ground mount for large array

    HI, I'm looking to add a 30kW array, ground mounted, close to the house. Does anybody have any good suggestion as to which mounting approach is the most cost effective? Either DIY or Off-the-Shelf. UK moderately windy area. Many thanks.
  • Thermal imaging result of PV panels - troubleshooting

    Recently acquired a Flir One Pro, mainly to look at cabling with hundreds of amps. Looked at the some panels & saw hotspots. This was during light frosty conditions. The Flir will always lower it's range of temperatures so that you'll always see a 'hotspot' on anything, even if the...