diy solar

diy solar

Recent content by sollarPASS

  1. S

    Growatt SPF 5000 ES - 3 phase parallel setup power consumptions

    Yeah seems like it - but i cant chaneg away its an existing 3 Phase system You have some cool videos on youtube - i like them :-) I will update the inverters to the latest Firmware the next days and hope that will help at least with the SBU problem i have and the fan noise. I plan on...
  2. S

    Growatt SPF 5000 ES parallel confection

    Normal setup - Each growatt needs his own phase Parallel Setup - all parallel Growatts need to have the same phase You can use the growatts to just provide load to one phase lets say when you have a garage or any load that you want to connect only thru the growatts. But under no circumstances...
  3. S

    Growatt SPF 5000 ES - 3 phase parallel setup power consumptions

    just for everyone that wants to know it deactivates - passthru and PV as well as battery power to the load if you limit the timerange
  4. S

    Growatt SPF 5000 ES - 3 phase parallel setup doesnt use battery for loads

    Hi all, i would need some help with my growatt spf setup - i have tried now i guess most things The setup doesnt use the battery to provide to the load of the house, only for the inverters themselfs at night. They charge the battery up with solar but never take anything from it (except the...
  5. S

    Growatt SPF 5000 ES - 3 phase parallel setup power consumptions

    Hi all, Growatt SPF 5000 es 3 phase parallel setup (3 with PV 4,5 kw each and 3 just connected to the battery I try to optimize the Powerkonsumptions I allready have the slaves with Standby setting For poweroptimizations does anybody has expirience with setting 50 or alternativ...