diy solar

diy solar

Do We Need a Control Group?

Q was right Thousands of children disappear each year even our own govt recognizes it.

Why is this jewish man popping up out of a sewer drain? What in the world is going on? Mattress, baby strollers, baby beds in NY Tunnels? What?

Even USA Today articles admits there is Adrenochrome but then they off hand say it is “baseless”. Do you believe the Media?
I bet that black guy with gun was locked in his room in Huntsville AL watching FAUX News.

So you figured out the Covid vaccine did not protect you and prevent covid? That is good. I’d bet you probably would have had same reaction if never took the 2 vaccines. How will you ever know?
I thing the whole subject of conspiracy theories deserves it's own thread.

That's what I meant.

I had everything else though when younger as just about everyone did.
Did you have to get the vaccine scar - the one that the govt made us show them every year when going to school. Everyone had to roll up their sleeve so teacher could see it. I was really disappointed in 1st grade wanted show my teacher
The pee pee…. She was nice. My lil pickle would have danced for her.
Did you have to get the vaccine scar - the one that the govt made us show them every year when going to school. Everyone had to roll up their sleeve so teacher could see it. I was really disappointed in 1st grade wanted show my teacher
The pee pee…. She was nice. My lil pickle would have danced for her.

Not old enough to have the scar.
Not old enough to have the scar.
To bad - that sob hurt like hell. Left nasty sore…and scar. You would had take it like a man…brought tear to my eye. I knew it was the mark of the beast. When I get a woody can see the number 666 across the head… just one - 6 otherwise.🤣😀

My 2nd grade school teacher had .38 special in her desk drawer. My 4th grade school teacher - an Army combat vet from Korea had a 1911 .45 acp in his desk. Gym teacher had 12ga shotgun in his truck open window rack on display for all to see. Other teachers had guns too. Strange but there was not 1 gun shooting - mass shooter anywhere around my area growing up. Not 1. I don’t remember any faggots or cross dressers back then - might been some hanging around that I didn’t know about. 😀

Shame some ppl are afraid of an old ~75 year old black person with a gun. You’d think someone in Military around 1975 would have more in common with same basic … elderly age. Right? Wonder why a ~75 year old man was living in a hotel for the last 6 months? What area of town allows ppl to live in a hotel for 6 months? Usually not the good side.
To bad - that sob hurt like hell. Left nasty sore…and scar. You would had take it like a man…brought tear to my eye. I knew it was the mark of the beast. When I get a woody can see the number 666 across the head… just one - 6 otherwise.🤣😀

My 2nd grade school teacher had .38 special in her desk drawer. My 4th grade school teacher - an Army combat vet from Korea had a 1911 .45 acp in his desk. Gym teacher had 12ga shotgun in his truck open window rack on display for all to see. Other teachers had guns too. Strange but there was not 1 gun shooting - mass shooter anywhere around my area growing up. Not 1. I don’t remember any faggots or cross dressers back then - might been some hanging around that I didn’t know about. 😀

Shame some ppl are afraid of an old ~75 year old black person with a gun. You’d think someone in Military around 1975 would have more in common with same basic … elderly age. Right? Wonder why a ~75 year old man was living in a hotel for the last 6 months? What area of town allows ppl to live in a hotel for 6 months? Usually not the good side.

No anti-depressants. No internet to sit and stew in.
No anti-depressants. No internet to sit and stew in.
The teachers would have mowed them down…. the corrupt politicians we have now would have been hanging around and if the sheriff wasn’t there to help would be hanging around too. Life was much simpler then.

Blacks went on rock throwing burn loot murder spree when I was a kid … because a concert was cancelled. They got their money back but were showing their ass. That went on for about a day or so then the boys in pick ups pulled up. That shit all stopped right then and there. Shhhhssss the pickups had local ppl of all colors armed with guns. Those outsiders decided to leave - Run Away. BLM did the same in areas where ppl with guns opposed them. Some areas around where the George Floyd riots were most fierce survived because the native Americans living there were armed to the teeth… the rioters stayed away from them. They made armed access points to their neighborhoods Ppl want to be to feminine now. Those same drugs and soy beans made their weenie shrink and grow tits.

In Israel when I was stationed over there in US Military the teachers were armed ppl everywhere had their weapons and knew how to use them because they were usually in military or reserves. Bunch of faggots flyin around in open glider oarachutes would of been turned in flaming falling swiss cheese. Still think Israeli mini 9-11 wasn't an operation by Netanyahu?

Israel was reported as basically a required Pfizer only covid vaccine country reported more vaccines then anywhere. The diplomats and dual passport ppl living here had their vaccines shipped from Israel or they got in a plane and flew home to get it. Why didn’t they get them here Same pickle sold vaccine from pfizer here as there…. RIGHT? Those tunnel jews in NYC won’t take vaccines.
To bad - that sob hurt like hell. Left nasty sore…and scar. You would had take it like a man…brought tear to my eye. I knew it was the mark of the beast. When I get a woody can see the number 666 across the head… just one - 6 otherwise.🤣😀

My 2nd grade school teacher had .38 special in her desk drawer. My 4th grade school teacher - an Army combat vet from Korea had a 1911 .45 acp in his desk. Gym teacher had 12ga shotgun in his truck open window rack on display for all to see. Other teachers had guns too. Strange but there was not 1 gun shooting - mass shooter anywhere around my area growing up. Not 1. I don’t remember any faggots or cross dressers back then - might been some hanging around that I didn’t know about. 😀

Shame some ppl are afraid of an old ~75 year old black person with a gun. You’d think someone in Military around 1975 would have more in common with same basic … elderly age. Right? Wonder why a ~75 year old man was living in a hotel for the last 6 months? What area of town allows ppl to live in a hotel for 6 months? Usually not the good side.
Big chrome injection gun with a hose to a 5 gallon bucket......
Dude, I already told you. In complex subjects there are no simple yes or no answers. You want to see an alternative story on 9/11 and watch all the facts, hyperlinked to official sources, speeches by politicians, businessmen, people in the know, all compiled into a documentary. You will learn many things, which you can then agree or disagree, maybe agree with some, disagree with others.
You are stuck on petty little thing - the exact technicalities on how the buildings went down and what cause the buildings to go down. That is irrelevant. What is relevant is that 9/11 was an inside job, long time in the making, which unleashed on us stage 1 of the globalist control grid (with covid being stage 2).

Simple yes/no questions and answers for complex issues are for juveniles, that want instant gratification without any critical thinking.

So none of your links will claim anything other than airplanes and fires brought the buildings down?

Also, why is the official story implausible to you?

Muslims use planes to get back at us for all the stuff we do on the middle-east.

Do you think they are too stupid to pull that off?

So none of your links will claim anything other than airplanes and fires brought the buildings down?

Also, why is the official story implausible to you?

Muslims use planes to get back at us for all the stuff we do on the middle-east.

Do you think they are too stupid to pull that off?

Non sequitur. The answer on why official story is BS is dissected in detail in the documentary, with A LOT of hyperlinks, including official sources (that often conflict each other, which is always a red flag).

Until you watch the documentaries, i wont discuss this with you anymore since you clearly have no idea what you are even talking about. You are stuck up on juvenile details of little importance to the matter at hand. (Such as exactly how buildings went down and things like Muslim revenge/etc, while refusing to look at the elephant(s) in the room. (With financial elephant probably being the biggest).

I will link it again. All transcripted (so you don't have to watch, you can read if you like) (Be sure to check every single hyperlink. Yes this requires attention span of a thinking adult.)

In this order:
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Shame some ppl are afraid of an old ~75 year old black person with a gun. You’d think someone in Military around 1975 would have more in common with same basic … elderly age. Right?
D71, IMO you are mischaracterizing my hotel encounter. that older gentleman was white not black, and red flags in my head
can be seen long before fear or afraid.

My 2nd grade school teacher had .38 special in her desk drawer. My 4th grade school teacher - an Army combat vet from Korea had a 1911 .45 acp in his desk. Gym teacher had 12ga shotgun in his truck open window rack on display for all to see. Other teachers had guns too. Strange but there was not 1 gun shooting - mass shooter anywhere around my area growing up. Not 1. I don’t remember any faggots or cross dressers back then - might been some hanging around that I didn’t know about.
I get how a number of older people could come to that conclusion.

As I remember it back then we had maybe 5 TV stations to get our information, I'd bet 2 of them stations ran nothing but
All Start Wrestling , reruns of I love Lucy or Hop Along Cassidy, for news of the day you had Dan Rather or Walter Cronkite.
There may even have been laws that controlled the type of information given on news programs, that's not how it is today (after 1990).
I don’t remember any faggots or cross dressers back then
out of sight out of mind?.

an example.
in the 60's my father could go out after work and get drunk with the guys from work , then come home and slap
is family around, and no one would know(this could, and did go on for years). until now. I would post it on facebook.

I would bet that 30% of the USA population in 1800's didn't even know slavery was a thing, or in the 1900's that the
railroad killed off whole tribes of native Indians, male , female and babies.

none of the above would fly today.

if I had encountered this older gentleman when I first started my current career in 1986 it may not have caused red flags
but after the walmart down in Texas, the church out west, or the Las Vegas hotel guy. before the internet I would not have known
about any of these events.

it may be possible that each and every mass shooting perpetrator is convinced the government is trying to kill them
or at least some type of conspiracy theory (Q crap) .
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it may be possible that each and every mass shooting perpetrator is convinced the government is trying to kill them
or at least some type of conspiracy theory (Q crap) .

Of course Donald Trump represents your father.

Anyone voting for Donald Trump is advocating for drunken domestic violence.

Anybody who wants smaller government and to be left alone is also your father.
Non sequitur. The answer on why official story is BS is dissected in detail in the documentary, with A LOT of hyperlinks, including official sources (that often conflict each other, which is always a red flag).

Until you watch the documentaries, i wont discuss this with you anymore since you clearly have no idea what you are even talking about. You are stuck up on juvenile details of little importance to the matter at hand. (Such as exactly how buildings went down and things like Muslim revenge/etc, while refusing to look at the elephant(s) in the room. (With financial elephant probably being the biggest).

I will link it again. All transcripted (so you don't have to watch, you can read if you like) (Be sure to check every single hyperlink. Yes this requires attention span of a thinking adult.)

In this order:

You're filibusters.

Did planes and fires knock the buildings down, yes or no?

After you answer that we'll discuss motive.
Of course Donald Trump represents your father.

Anyone voting for Donald Trump is advocating for drunken domestic violence.

Anybody who wants smaller government and to be left alone is also your father.
checkthisout, your not just painting with a broad brush , I think your using a squeegee.

I can see how Trump could attract multiple groups of people that would not Condone violence
and smaller government is defining argument of the conservative party .

each generation has it's battles to fight, my fathers generation had the depression and WWII, mine had
civil liberties , right now a group of people are sounding an alarm about future generation battles, like
climate change and fossil fuels.

we should be able to stick a straw in it and suck it out like our fathers, or we could leave some for our kids.
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You're filibusters.

Did planes and fires knock the buildings down, yes or no?

After you answer that we'll discuss motive.

Learn to read. See my post above. Until you educate yourself on the whole story, there is nothing to discuss with you.
Learn to read. See my post above. Until you educate yourself on the whole story, there is nothing to discuss with you.

None of that is relevant to the technical question of what you think brought the towers down.

As is such with 911 Truthers, you're a motive in search of a crime.
I have always considered the recommendation to vaccinate children as one of the most scumbag things the CDC
I'm not seeing the scumbag, I'm seeing adults thinking better safe then sorry.
I don't know of anyone getting jabbed unless they wanted it , that would be a scumbag move. (unless you were in prison or nut house ,I'd question that also, but I would get it.)

I could recommend that you upgrade your wires sizes as you upgrade your inverter, without being a scumbag (I think)

maybe here on this forum and from me, it could be called a dick move.
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I'm not seeing the scumbag, I'm seeing adults thinking better safe then sorry.
I don't know of anyone getting jabbed unless they wanted it , that would be a scumbag move. (unless you were in prison or nut house ,I'd question that also, but I would get it.)

I could recommend that you upgrade your wires sizes as you upgrade your inverter, without being a scumbag (I think)

maybe here on this forum and from me, it could be called a dick move.
Read this thread from the beginning ..... plenty of proof ... plenty of studies that prove the corruption of our healthcare agencies ..... maybe just watch the video in that last link I posted.