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Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

We, the Arbiters of Truth, are Working Really Really Hard to Understand Those Stupid Lying Climate Denier Liars​

Sigh, another in a long line of “trying to understand” the motivations and reasoning for people who disagree with them, but in reality are likely more informed than them.

I don’t have much to say about this ugliness, but I’ll let their writing speak for itself.


Using data from Twitter (now X), this study deploys artificial intelligence (AI) and network analysis to map and profile climate change denialism across the United States. We estimate that 14.8% of Americans do not believe in climate change. This denialism is highest in the central and southern U.S. However, it also persists in clusters within states (e.g., California) where belief in climate change is high. Political affiliation has the strongest correlation, followed by level of education, COVID-19 vaccination rates, carbon intensity of the regional economy, and income. The analysis reveals how a coordinated social media network uses periodic events, such as cold weather and climate conferences, to sow disbelief about climate change and science, in general. Donald Trump was the strongest influencer in this network, followed by conservative media outlets and right-wing activists. As a form of knowledge vulnerability, climate denialism renders communities unprepared to take steps to increase resilience. As with other forms of misinformation, social media companies (e.g., X, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok) should flag accounts that spread falsehoods about climate change and collaborate on targeted educational campaigns.


Climate change denialism persists in the United States, with estimates ranging from 12% to 26% of the U.S. population1,2. It is more pronounced in some states and regions3. Reasons for this denialism are multifaceted: Political affiliation and ideology, income, education, and exposure to extreme weather events are all important factors4,5,6. Denialism is more prevalent where local economies are highly dependent on fossil fuels7, in rural communities, and in populations where mistrust in science is pronounced8,9. Social media reaches millions of users, providing a key mechanism for influencers to spread misinformation10. The ability of social media to influence and harden attitudes was apparent in the response to COVID-19 vaccines11.
Understanding how and why climate change opinion varies geographically and documenting it at an actionable scale is crucial for communication campaigns, outreach, and other interventions12,13. Most estimates of the extent and geographic configuration of climate change denialism rely primarily on national surveys, with the Yale Climate Opinion Survey being the only dataset that provides estimates at the state and county levels for the entire U.S.3. These survey efforts, however, are time-intensive and expensive and are therefore destined to cover short time spans and, often, limited geographic extent. The Yale Survey combines data from more than 2500 national surveys and uses multinomial regression modeling to downscale estimates to subnational levels. Independent representative surveys conducted in states and metropolitan areas validate the predictions from the Yale Survey models3.
Mining social media data (e.g., Facebook, YouTube, and X, formerly Twitter) is a tantalizing alternative to survey-based approaches14,15. X is a social media platform with an extensive data repository. By adjusting for the skew toward certain demographic groups in users, data from this platform is useful for estimating public views on an array of topics, such as politics, social issues, and COVID-19 vaccination rates16,17. Data from Twitter has also been used in predictive modeling of election outcomes18. Account holders can misuse it to oppose scientific knowledge and spread misinformation19.
This study used Twitter data (2017–2019) to: (i) estimate the prevalence of climate change denialism at the state and county levels; (ii) identify typical profiles of climate change deniers; (iii) understand how social media promulgates climate change denialism through key influencers; and (iv) determine how world events are leveraged to promulgate attitudes about climate change.
We used a Deep Learning text recognition model to classify 7.4 million geocoded tweets containing keywords related to climate change. Posted by 1.3 million unique users in the U.S., these tweets were collected between September 2017 and May 2019 (see Online Methods S1). We classified these tweets about climate change into ‘for’ (belief) and ‘against’ (denial). Our analysis resulted in a profile of climate change deniers at the county level, provided insight into the networks of social media figures influential in promoting climate change denial, and generated insight into how these influencers use current events to foster this denial.
After confirming the validity of using social media data instead of information collected through surveys to capture public opinion on climate change at policy-relevant geographical scales, we found that denialism clusters in particular regions (and counties) of the country and amongst certain socio-demographic groups. Our analysis reveals how politicians, media figures, and conservative activists promulgated misinformation in the Twittersphere. It maps out how denialists and climate change believers have formed mostly separate Twitter communities, creating echo chambers. Such information provides a basis for developing strategies to counter this knowledge vulnerability and reduce the spread of mis- or disinformation by targeting the communities most at risk of not adopting measaures to increase resilience to the effects of climate change.


Where in the U.S. is climate change denial prevalent?​

Our study found that 14.8% of Americans deny that climate change is real (Fig. 1A), a percentage consistent with previous national studies (Fig. S4). Using geolocation information, we determined that denialism is highest in the Central part of the U.S. and in the South, with more than 20% of the populations of OK, MS, AL, and ND consisting of deniers. Along the West and East Coasts and New England, belief in climate change is highest. However, climate change denial varies substantially within states, often clustering in geographic swaths across multiple counties (Fig. 1B). For example, in Shasta County, California climate change denial is as high as 52%; yet overall less than 12% of the population of California does not believe in climate change. Similarly, the average percentage of deniers is 21% in Texas, but at the county-level this ranges from 13% in Travis County to 67% in Hockley County.
The full study can be found here.

uring the lockdowns, numerous globalists and globalist connected climate researchers publicly expressed joy at the suggestion that covid lockdowns could be useful for reducing carbon emissions. The phrase “climate lockdowns” started circulating around major conferences and in various globalist funded studies.

These studies obviously show a precipitous drop in human based carbon emissions during the lockdowns, but still do not provide any evidence that man-made emissions actually cause climate changes. This remains the underlying con game of the climate narrative – Climate researchers with access to billions in government funds and think-tank funds happily operate on the ASSUMPTION that emissions cause warming, when in fact they have zero evidence to support this position. Correlation is not causation.

This summer, the media has been relentlessly pounding the climate propaganda drum to a degree that mimics the covid propaganda of a couple years ago. The nihilistic reports of impending “global boiling” are built upon a house of cards. Almost all climate crisis claims are based on records of a little over 100 years old. The Earth’s climate history is vast and there have been numerous warming periods much hotter than today. All of these warming events occurred during periods of ample animal and plant life and without human industry to blame.


The climate bogeyman is nothing more than another covid-like fraud, a vehicle for grabbing power and erasing our freedoms. There is no threat, and even if there was there is nothing that human beings could do about it since we have no bearing whatsoever on the course of the Earth’s temperatures. The world’s climate has been changing for millions of years, and there is no difference between the changes of today vs the changes of the past.

The globalists know that to achieve the “new world order” or the “great reset” they desire, a large percentage of the population has to be onboard. And since most people have a measure of conscience as well as self interest, their enslavement has to be presented as a positive. They must be made to believe that by embracing slavery they are saving the planet and the lives of others.

None of this is true of course, but as long as the populace thinks they are doing good they can often be manipulated into supporting immense evil.
We dont operate on the assumptions that people tell us to, or pay us too. You know I take some of this personally. Those who dont like the science of climate change say those of us who work in the field (I do so only peripherally) must all be on the take, as part of some Q-Anon conspiracy. I personally am not a liar or a fool. I am a well educated engineer with a graduate level education in thermofluids. More specifically I have taken and passed a graduate level radiation heat transfer class. Grey body radiation in a participating media is a really effing hard problem which requires math skills. I use those skills for propulsion systems, others use them for climate modeling. We cant make stuff up to suit the math. And right now the math and physics show a warming climate. We are not part of a conspiracy. There is no conspiracy and only a fool would think there is.
All your engineering on propulsion systems is closed loop. Something built and tested fails, back to the drawing board.

Climate science is open loop, predicting the future.
It is easy to tune models to fit past data, doesn't mean they will predict the future.

Changes in measurement methods change measurements. The methods applied to prehistoric times differ from what is used for recent measurements.

Modeling the entire Earth is hard. Look at how good the weather predictions are, and how far out it can be done.

Well, I will admit a bit of climate science is closed loop. We've gone from global cooling to global warming to "Will it go up or down?" "Yes, but not right away."

What is down to a science is "How to make enemies and influence people."
....Just visited this thread after a long absence....
Welcome back! I'm impressed you did, and glad you did! I put the members that aren't respectful and can't separate good references from bad on ignore as there's just nothing to discuss with them as they're not open to ideas... they're not honest to the discussion, just noise and part of the problem - not sure why they even bother posting on a thread about climate change. But it is good to hear from others and I do try to post interesting information as I come across it.

We cant make stuff up to suit the math. And right now the math and physics show a warming climate. We are not part of a conspiracy. There is no conspiracy and only a fool would think there is.
What? You mean I can't call myself a climate scientist and make zillions by getting in on the global conspiracy? Dang! ; -)
It is amazing anyone can think all scientists are corrupt and the fossil fuel industry (who we at least have proof have paid for PR firms to cast doubt, see Merchants of Doubt) are completely guileless.

Before it was politicized, everyone agreed with the science. Even fossil fuel companies say Global Warming is real and man-made. But hey, if natural hydrogen turns out to be a real thing the fossil fuel companies and world can switch and possibly they'll stop pushing false narratives.

It is easy to tune models to fit past data, doesn't mean they will predict the future.
And yet, they've done amazingly well never being outside the stated range
of error (see table right). Not sure how well they'll stand up as we
continue to warm and waltz past tipping points.

But science is always advancing and it'll probably get even better. It'll be
interesting if the "hot" models do turn out to be more accurate.

Modeling the entire Earth is hard. Look at how good the weather predictions are, and how far out it can be done.
I think it's easier to model the Earth as a whole for the next 20 years than it is to determine the weather for any 2 square miles next week as it averages out when you're planet-wide. At least the IPCC predictions have been more accurate than our weather forecasts.

Around #53 is where I looked into the IPCC models
What is down to a science is "How to make enemies and influence people."
Yup. People don't like to have their preconceptions challenged and many seek to divide us. As to enemies, that seems more emotional than rational. No reason for any of us on the forums to be enemies, just uninformed or misunderstood. Discussion and honesty using good sources can fix that (except for those that disbelieve data from rational sources like NASA/NOAA). I think many are just too tired of the discussion to actually look into it, but still have the energy to post opinions. ; -)
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Well nuts... my weather guy thinks La Niña is going to switch fast at the height of the hurricane season (during El Niño they're more like to stay in the Atlantic). The official forecast is around April.

Cat 6?​

A study published in the National Academy of Sciences suggests adding a new category for hurricanes: Category 6. It leaves the existing categories as they were and adds one:

CategoryWind Speed (mph)
6191 and above

Scientists say it’s important as the energy of the wind is related to the cube of the wind speed; so small increases have exponential impacts. I can see that; it's important to evacuate promptly as Florida building codes were only recently raised to 180 mph, older homes may have been built when the codes were less stringent.

Hurricane Patricia holds the record for the strongest sustained winds globally at 215 mph (345 km/h), recorded on October 23, 2015.

Category 6 is not official and does not represent an official move by the National Hurricane Center to add another hurricane category, the paper is just a start to the official process.

Hurricane Category 6?​

This simple guest post was prompted by an alarming WaPo report ‘today’ of a new PNAS study seriously proposing an expansion of the Saffir-Simpson hurricane scale to a ‘level 6’, (beyond the current peak of 5) because of intensified tropical cyclones caused by climate change.

The PNAS reasoning was that a few Pacific Hurricanes (aka tropical cyclones) have exceeded SF level 5. True, sort of. All 5 cited by PNAS only temporarily exceeded Cat 5. For example, quoting from the new paper, “The most intense of these hypothetical Cat 6 storms, Patricia, hit landfall in Jalisco, Mexico as a cat 4.” OOPS.

The PNAS paper reached its new and alarming future ‘Cat 6’ conclusion by applying ‘bias corrections’ to CMIP5. Although it then states, “None of these high resolution climate model projection should be taken too literally.” Especially after PNAS ‘bias corrections’. But IPCC said CMIP5 was then the best and brightest.

There are two basic skeptical problems with this newly alarming ‘climate science’—albeit ‘not to be taken too literally’.

First, almost all the recent ‘worst satellite wind speed’ Florida hurricane alarms were not ground truthed by observations near eye wall ground wind speeds—by a lot.

Ian was an exception to this, unfortunately as bad as predicted. So the satellite and hurricane hunter CatX estimates are generally high compared to ground truth. That is probably OK when NHC warnings a threatened Florida populace to evacuate—but not for ‘climate science’ in PNAS.

Second, Ryan Maui’s ACE shows no such ‘Cat 6’ strengthening over time.


So PNAS published an alarming model speculation based on “corrections to climate model biases’, then failed to publish the observed facts.

Feynman is surely rolling over in his true science grave.
We dont operate on the assumptions that people tell us to, or pay us too. You know I take some of this personally. Those who dont like the science of climate change say those of us who work in the field (I do so only peripherally) must all be on the take, as part of some Q-Anon conspiracy. I personally am not a liar or a fool. I am a well educated engineer with a graduate level education in thermofluids. More specifically I have taken and passed a graduate level radiation heat transfer class. Grey body radiation in a participating media is a really effing hard problem which requires math skills. I use those skills for propulsion systems, others use them for climate modeling. We cant make stuff up to suit the math. And right now the math and physics show a warming climate. We are not part of a conspiracy. There is no conspiracy and only a fool would think there is.

LOL "Mr Scientist" who has been indoctrinated in today's education system where 2+2=5.

Here is what real scientists say:

“There Is No Climate Crisis”…1600 Scientists Worldwide, Nobel Prize Laureate Sign Declaration​

1609 signatories recently signed a declaration that states there is no climate crisis, thus casting doubt over man’s alleged role in climate change and extreme weather.


Their doubt is based on data showing that natural factors are very much at play, the warming is slower than predicted, the models are unreliable, that CO2 has great benefits and weather disasters have not increased. The media hysteria and weather hype are not supported by data.

There is no climate emergency
Climate science should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific. Scientists should openly address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming, while politicians should dispassionately count the real costs as well as the imagined benefits of their policy measures.
Natural as well as anthropogenic factors cause warming
The geological archive reveals that Earth’s climate has varied as long as the planet has existed, with natural cold and warm phases. The Little Ice Age ended as recently as 1850. Therefore, it is no surprise that we now are experiencing a period of warming.
Warming is far slower than predicted
The world has warmed significantly less than predicted by IPCC on the basis of modeled anthropogenic forcing. The gap between the real world and the modeled world tells us that we are far from understanding climate change.
Climate policy relies on inadequate models
Climate models have many shortcomings and are not remotely plausible as policy tools. They do not only exaggerate the effect of greenhouse gases, they also ignore the fact that enriching the atmosphere with CO2 is beneficial.
CO2 is plant food, the basis of all life on Earth
CO2 is not a pollutant. It is essential to all life on Earth. More CO2 is favorable for nature, greening our planet. Additional CO2 in the air has promoted growth in global plant biomass. It is also profitable for agriculture, increasing the yields of crops worldwide.
Global warming has not increased natural disasters
There is no statistical evidence that global warming is intensifying hurricanes, floods, droughts and suchlike natural disasters, or making them more frequent. However, there is ample evidence that CO2-mitigation measures are as damaging as they are costly.
Climate policy must respect scientific and economic realities
There is no climate emergency. Therefore, there is no cause for panic and alarm. We strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy proposed for 2050. Go for adaptation instead of mitigation; adaptation works
whatever the causes are.”
Growing skepticism

Nobel Laureate in Physics Dr John F. Clauser also signed the manifesto.

The message is clear: there is no climate crisis. The number of critical scientists who no longer submit to the dogma of the alleged man-made climate catastrophe is growing.

ExxonMobil is suing investors who want faster climate action

Opinion: Funny, but I don't see how they can win that lawsuit. Of course, the reverse is true too for all those states sueing. That is, only the lawyers win. That's okay, they need to make a living too.

New York sues beef producer JBS for 'fraudulent' marketing around climate change

Opinion: Going after greenwashers. This one they should be able to win, as I recall NY has some laws about truth in advertising (did a quick check regarding if any political candidates have been sued for false promises. There are non-legal mechanisms, but doesn't seem like anyone has ever won such a case as they don't seem to be legally enforcible and the non-legal mechanism can't work on many candidates).

Side Effects of Sulfur-Based Geoengineering Due To Absorptivity of Sulfate Aerosols

Biochar carbon markets

Opinion: They include a discussion on how reduction is opposed in favor of mitigation. I can understand that as any form of reduction has a cost associated with it. But on the other hand, it seems like we have, or are about to, cross the line where we can solve global warming for little to no cost.

Scientists warn a poorly managed hydrogen rush could make climate change worse

Opinion: Most of this literature seems to have been published before the January discovery of natural hydrogen (good to be skeptical on things that look to good to be true) and a "hypothetical warning" is different from scientific published and peer-reviewed facts. One thing's for sure, if it's true the companies that closed up in December that providing hydrogen refueling are going to wish they'd stayed the course.

How we know Global Warming is not a hoax or wrong

Climate change deniers get called 'Neanderthals'

February likely warmest on record

Nuclear Waste at Risk

Dry out the sky

Opinion: Ran across this one today and I'm pretty skeptical as it doesn't make sense to me. If you recall one of @Bob B 's earlier posts about a submerged volcano blasting megatons of steam into the stratosphere was modeled and found to have climate impacts. This is the reverse of that, removing water from the stratosphere. The problem is it's already very dry up there so seems like it would have very limited gains (but I'm not an expert by any means).
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Manmade climate change is fake. It is based on fake, madeup data!

EXCLUSIVE: A Third of U.K. Met Office Temperature Stations May Be Wrong by Up to 5°C, FOI Reveals​

Nearly one in three (29.2%) U.K. Met Office temperature measuring stations have an internationally-defined margin of error of up to 5°C. Another 48.7% of the total 380 stations could produce errors up to 2°C, meaning nearly eight out of ten stations (77.9%) are producing ‘junk’ or ‘near junk’ readings of surface air temperatures. Arguably, on no scientific basis should these figures be used for the Met Office’s constant promotion of the collectivist Net Zero project. Nevertheless, the state-funded operation frequently uses them to report and often catastrophise rises in temperature of as little as 0.01°C.

Under a freedom of information request, the Daily Sceptic has obtained a full list of the Met Office’s U.K. weather stations, along with an individual class rating defined by the World Meteorological Office. These CIMO ratings range from pristine class 1 and near pristine class 2, to an ‘anything goes’ or ‘junk’ class 5. The CIMO ratings penalise sites that are near any artificial heat sources such as buildings and concrete surfaces. According to the WMO, a class 5 site is one where nearby obstacles “create an inappropriate environment for a meteorological measurement that is intended to be representative of a wide area”. Even the Met Office refers to sites next to buildings and vegetation as “undesirable”. It seems class 5 sites can be placed anywhere, and they come with a WMO warning of “additional estimated uncertainties added by siting up to 5°C”; class 4 notes “uncertainties” up to 2°C, while class 3 states 1°C. Only 13.7%, or 52 of the Met Office’s temperature and humidity stations come with no such ‘uncertainty’ warnings attached.


The above graph shows the percentage totals of each class. Class 1 and 2, identified in green, account for just 6.3% and 7.4% of the total respectively. Class 3 identified as orange comes in at 8.4%. The graph shows the huge majorities enjoyed by the darkening shades of red showing classes 4 and 5. It is possible that the margins of error identified for classes 3, 4 and 5 could be a minus amount – if for instance the measuring device was sited in a frost hollow – but the vast majority are certain to be pushed upwards by heat corruptions.

Last year, the investigative journalist Paul Homewood sought FOI information from the Met Office about the Welsh weather station Porthmadog, which often appears in ‘hottest of the day’ listings. He was informed that the site was listed as class 4 and “this is an acceptable rating for a temperature sensor”. Hence, continued the Met Office, “we will continue to quote from this site”. In short, observes Homewood, the Met Office is happy to use a class 4 site for climatological purposes, “even though that class is next to junk status”. It is bad enough that the Met Office is using this site, but it is even worse that they know about the issues but still plan to carry on doing so, Homewood continued. “How many other weather stations are of such poor quality?” he asked.

Now we know.


The graph above shows nothing more than very minor, gentle warming since 2005, slight warming that might be expected in the small and continuing natural rebound from the depths of the pre-industrial Little Ice Age. A reliable source of global data is to be found in the UAH satellite record, which shows less overall warming since 1979 than the surface datasets. Both these datasets are rarely mentioned. In fact one of the compilers of the satellite data, along with the UAH paper on urban heat, is Dr. Roy Spencer. In 2022 he was kicked off Google AdSense for publishing “unreliable and harmful claims”. The move demonetised Dr. Spencer’s widely consulted monthly satellite temperature update page by removing all Google-supplied advertising. Google is on record as stating that it will ban all sites that are sceptical of “well established scientific consensus”.

From the you cant make this up if you tried department:​

Climate Change is Bigger Existential Threat Than Nuclear Holocaust, Says Biden​

What’s the bigger existential threat to humanity, climate change or nuclear holocaust? As Trump and Biden take different sides on this question, the Washington Post‘s Philip Bump ponders the evidence.

Donald Trump is clear that “the biggest problem we have in the whole world, it’s not global warming. It’s nuclear warming”. Meanwhile, Joe Biden has recently claimed that: “This is the last existential threat, it is climate. We have a crazy SOB like that guy Putin and others, and we always have to worry about nuclear conflict, but the existential threat to humanity is climate.” And so the battle lines were drawn. But who is correct?

In an effort to resolve this debate, Bump contacted the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk at the University of Cambridge. And one S.J. Beard – described on the centre’s website as an “emerging research leader in the transdisciplinary field of Existential Risk Studies” – told him that the best place to start is by defining what we mean by “existential”. “We tend to look at two things,” Beard said. “One of them is full-on human extinction. The other is global societal collapse.”


S.J. Beard: Emerging research leader in the transdisciplinary field of Existential Risk Studies
So with those criteria, whose existential threat does Beard view as the bigger risk: Trump’s or Biden’s? According to Bump:

“The problem is they’re just incredibly different kinds of risk,” Beard began, fairly. The difference, though, is mainly one of timelines. The damage done by climate change accrues slowly, chronically. It’s accruing now, as Beard noted. The threat of nuclear weapons is, to put it dryly, acute. In each case, there would be risks to food supplies, forced relocations, interruptions to power production and so on. It’s just that it happens very rapidly in the wake of a nuclear exchange.
“Right now, nuclear weapons are much more likely to have really global catastrophic effects than climate change,” Beard said. “But in 100 years’ time, the effects of climate change may have added up to what we would experience with a nuclear war.” …
Asked which existential threat seemed more likely to unfold, Beard demurred.
So with no firm reply I visited Mr. Beard’s organisation’s website and discovered under ‘Research’ there was no report on the risk of nuclear holocaust, but there was an extensive section on climate change that relied almost completely on the research of the economists Wagner and Weitzman, who used the IPCC’s figures to produce estimates – which were of course highly uncertain – of possible extreme temperature rises. “If we continue to pursue a medium-high emissions pathway, [the IPCC authors] estimate the probability of eventual warming of 6°C is around 10%, and of 10°C is around 3%.”


At stake in the European elections in June this year will be everything that defines the modern EU: a large volume of net zero legislation, a values-based foreign policy, and ever-more intrusive business regulation.

Polls suggest the centrist majority that has supported these policies is growing slimmer. [emphasis, links added]

Ursula von der Leyen [pictured above] has been the quintessential representative of that majority. Born in Brussels, German by nationality, proposed by France, she was the perfect candidate for European Commission president in late 2019.

Now she is seeking a second term. Whether she will succeed will depend to a large extent on whether the centrist four-party coalition that supported her in 2019 will hold.

All over Europe, we are now seeing a backlash against the kind of policies the Von der Leyen Commission represents.

The far right is part of that response, but the main political shift has been inside Von der Leyen’s own political group, the European People’s Party (EPP), of which the German CDU/CSU is the largest member.

This backlash follows one of the most hectic political phases in recent EU history. When Covid struck in early 2020, Von der Leyen was instrumental in setting up the EU’s recovery fund to help countries deal with the economic consequences of the pandemic.

Then came the Green Deal, a hefty tranche of legislation on renewable energy, land use, forestry, energy efficiency, emission standards for cars and trucks, and a directive on energy taxes.

There was also a tightening of standards on pesticides, air quality, water pollution, and wastewater.

Farmers are resisting this program because it affects their livelihoods. Industrialists, too, are unhappy. A big part of the Green Deal was its industrial policy; the flagship legislation was the Net Zero Industry Act.

The industry used to be the EU’s strongest supporter.

But with the new laws came new bureaucracy: now, all EU-funded investment must include a green component of at least 30 percent, while a carbon border adjustment mechanism, to take effect in 2026, will penalize imports that do not meet EU carbon-emission standards. Together, EU legislation in the last few years amounts to a near-total corporate regime change.

Compliance with some regulations is virtually impossible for companies without dedicated legal teams. It is going to get worse.

Under discussion right now is a supply-chain law that would make European companies responsible for human rights abuses in their supply chain – including the suppliers of their suppliers.

I expect that the hyperactive phase of this green agenda will end with the elections in June. Some of it might even go into reverse. I am even starting to doubt whether the EU will ever enforce the 2035 target for phasing out fossil-fuel-driven cars.

This is an industrial-policy disaster in the making because Europe’s carmakers are having trouble selling their electric cars.

It is instructive to look at what happened to Green politics in Germany. The coalition of the center-left SPD, the Greens, and the liberal FDP started with great enthusiasm in 2021 but is now hopelessly divided.

After a string of unpopular laws, Germany’s anti-Green surge has been in full force for some time. Both the far-right AfD and Sahra Wagenknecht’s new left-populist party have identified the Greens as their main opponent.

They depict them as members of metropolitan elites forcing their urban values on rural communities. The language suggests parallels with Brexit. As the EU is associated with partisan policies of the center-left, opposition to those policies and opposition to the EU are starting to merge.

It was the sudden abolition of a diesel subsidy for agricultural vehicles that led farmers to protest in Germany. But their discontent goes deeper.

What is happening all over Europe is the first organized revolt against the green agenda. The center-right has discovered that there are votes to be had by opposing green policies. Farmers and rural communities are starting to fight back.

A consequence of this is that the centrist coalition is no longer viable. This is a healthy development. When centrist parties always form coalitions with one another, we should not be surprised to see parties emerge on the fringes.

The centrists’ reaction to the rise of the far right has been to erect firewalls – by simply refusing to engage with such parties.

This might work to begin with. But when the far right exceeds certain thresholds in support, as it has in Germany, such firewalls cannot withstand the electoral arithmetic.

In Brussels, the firewall is cracking. The EPP has already opened up to the European Conservatives and Reformists group, whose most influential member is Giorgia Meloni, the hard-right Italian prime minister, who has said she will support Von der Leyen.

Meloni’s big issue is immigration: I would not rule out the idea of Von der Leyen once again assembling a majority; what I struggle to imagine is a coalition that encompasses both the left and Meloni.

It is not clear whether Renew Europe, the liberal grouping in the European Parliament, will still support Von der Leyen. Support for liberal parties is weakening everywhere, including in France.

Mark Rutte’s Party for Freedom and Democracy lost last year’s election in the Netherlands. The German FDP is fighting for its political survival within the coalition in Berlin. Von der Leyen’s hyperactive green industrial agenda is the antithesis of what conservative-liberal parties such as the FDP are standing for.

And herein lies the ultimate irony. If Ursula von der Leyen were to win a second term, she would spend most of it undoing what she did in her first.
Don't know if this was photoshopped or not, but pretty funny and I suspect it is real.
The CO2 Coalition is ...William O'Keefe, ... former CEO of the American Petroleum Institute [ref]
Sure, they have no stake in petroleum going away or not and he probably has
no ties to any oil companies.

It's like that bit @Hedges re-posted in #4,752 (not picking on you, but I have some
people on ignore so can't cite the original) about the CO2 frequency gap and how
it means adding more CO2 won't make things worse. Someone twisting science for
those that want to disbelieve there really is a problem (see this link for a scientific
explanation for GHGs work).

What do people in the know say about Climate Change:​

  • Ken Cohen, Exxon CEO: ...Climate change is real and appropriate steps should be taken..." ref
  • Mike Wirth, Chevron CEO" “Climate change is real. There’s no doubt about it,” ref
  • Gretchen Watkins, Shell CEO: ...urgent need for action on climate change" ref
  • Trump (2016) global warming is non-existent. (2018): I’m not denying climate change (ref), (2020) ‘Not a Hoax’, [humans contribute] to an extent (ref), (2020) ‘Don’t think science knows’ ref, (2022) “a hoax.” ref, (2023) ‘we shouldn’t be worried about global warming’ ref
  • Even Fox News Admits Climate Change Is Real Now

Wrestling heavy containers builds character! ; -)

Thanks for the information, love getting things from people that have the practice rather than the theory! What type of plants did they grow? You mentioned customer areas and closing in the winter which makes me think of landscaping plants rather than things like food in the winter.

My searches show it depends on the plant, possible with C3s (e.g., 40-100%, ref). But, for example, while it increases growth in wheat it also decreases nutritional value. ref

But neither plants or humans are "safe" from global warming which increased CO2 causes. Keep in mind that 50 million years ago when it was last +4C over the IPCC baseline crocodiles lived on the Arctic island of Ellesmere [ref].

Rapid and massive changes to our current living conditions are already expensive to fix. For example, just looking at the "adjusted" costs to repair weather disasters is nearly a half trillion per year more expensive that it was in the '80s:


They did both "garden" type stuff with things like tomato and such, they also did things like landscaping all the way down to bulbs and house plants. It was a "full service" place. You buy a tree and you could have us come out and plant it for you, and that would get you a warranty on the tree, or you could take it yourself, but no warranty.

I actually dug up a dead tree that was still in the plastic pot.
OK, I'll try again. Every engineering problem NO MATTER HOW LARGE, is an integration of a lot of smaller problems. Thus much is done with integral methods. The fundamental physics are actually quite simple. Though the math is not trivial. How does radiation pass through a gas?. How much goes through? How much gets absorbed? Then we add in the physics of the solid body. It is heated by radiation, at equilibrium the heat absorbed and the heat radiated away are equal and the temperature is stable. We do these calculations for small things all the time. And those physics show that the equilibrium temperature for a body heated by the radiation from the sun is effected by the atmosphere around it. That is why we dont get as hot as the moon in the day , or as cold as the moon in the night. First principle physics clearly show that an atmosphere that is only N2 and O2 would be cooler than one that has gasses that absorb in the IR such as CO, CO2, H2O, CH4 will be warmer. Its math and physics. That same math and physics that folks like me use on combustors, is used by the climatologists. So the guys who can do the math say - CO2 levels are increasing and temperature is going up with it, are using math. The folks who say it isn't happening are using wishful thinking.

Modeling isn't always about absolute numbers, its about predicting trends. Will making this change to a combustor increase or decrease combustion efficiency. I stake my professional reputation on that daily. Will that increase be 5%, well I hedge my bets a little, and say increase 5% plus/minus 1%. What will the absolute efficiency be? Well now I may begin to hedge a little more. But I never have had a case where I said it goes up and it went down. So is the absolute end point predicted to the last decimal? Likely not. But all the math says it increases. And remember you always put plus or minus. So perhaps we are missing something in our model and it doesn't go up as quickly as we think, BUT unless we engage our wishful thinking, it could also go up FASTER than we are currently predicting.

Remember what started folks looking at this. Based on Solar Min/Max, we should be entering an Ice Age. Clearly we are not!. So the climate guys started scratching their heads. Started looking deeper into the causes of global temperature increases and decreases. Started digging deeper into the fossil record with more detailed tools. And hmm, CO2 pops right out as a big, big climate knob!

When the King was asked, "Aren't you being paranoid your Highness?" He replied, "Yes. But am I being paranoid enough?"
Manmade climate change is fake. It is based on fake, madeup data!

EXCLUSIVE: A Third of U.K. Met Office Temperature Stations May Be Wrong by Up to 5°C, FOI Reveals​

Nearly one in three (29.2%) U.K. Met Office temperature measuring stations have an internationally-defined margin of error of up to 5°C. Another 48.7% of the total 380 stations could produce errors up to 2°C, meaning nearly eight out of ten stations (77.9%) are producing ‘junk’ or ‘near junk’ readings of surface air temperatures. Arguably, on no scientific basis should these figures be used for the Met Office’s constant promotion of the collectivist Net Zero project. Nevertheless, the state-funded operation frequently uses them to report and often catastrophise rises in temperature of as little as 0.01°C.

Under a freedom of information request, the Daily Sceptic has obtained a full list of the Met Office’s U.K. weather stations, along with an individual class rating defined by the World Meteorological Office. These CIMO ratings range from pristine class 1 and near pristine class 2, to an ‘anything goes’ or ‘junk’ class 5. The CIMO ratings penalise sites that are near any artificial heat sources such as buildings and concrete surfaces. According to the WMO, a class 5 site is one where nearby obstacles “create an inappropriate environment for a meteorological measurement that is intended to be representative of a wide area”. Even the Met Office refers to sites next to buildings and vegetation as “undesirable”. It seems class 5 sites can be placed anywhere, and they come with a WMO warning of “additional estimated uncertainties added by siting up to 5°C”; class 4 notes “uncertainties” up to 2°C, while class 3 states 1°C. Only 13.7%, or 52 of the Met Office’s temperature and humidity stations come with no such ‘uncertainty’ warnings attached.


The above graph shows the percentage totals of each class. Class 1 and 2, identified in green, account for just 6.3% and 7.4% of the total respectively. Class 3 identified as orange comes in at 8.4%. The graph shows the huge majorities enjoyed by the darkening shades of red showing classes 4 and 5. It is possible that the margins of error identified for classes 3, 4 and 5 could be a minus amount – if for instance the measuring device was sited in a frost hollow – but the vast majority are certain to be pushed upwards by heat corruptions.

Last year, the investigative journalist Paul Homewood sought FOI information from the Met Office about the Welsh weather station Porthmadog, which often appears in ‘hottest of the day’ listings. He was informed that the site was listed as class 4 and “this is an acceptable rating for a temperature sensor”. Hence, continued the Met Office, “we will continue to quote from this site”. In short, observes Homewood, the Met Office is happy to use a class 4 site for climatological purposes, “even though that class is next to junk status”. It is bad enough that the Met Office is using this site, but it is even worse that they know about the issues but still plan to carry on doing so, Homewood continued. “How many other weather stations are of such poor quality?” he asked.

Now we know.


The graph above shows nothing more than very minor, gentle warming since 2005, slight warming that might be expected in the small and continuing natural rebound from the depths of the pre-industrial Little Ice Age. A reliable source of global data is to be found in the UAH satellite record, which shows less overall warming since 1979 than the surface datasets. Both these datasets are rarely mentioned. In fact one of the compilers of the satellite data, along with the UAH paper on urban heat, is Dr. Roy Spencer. In 2022 he was kicked off Google AdSense for publishing “unreliable and harmful claims”. The move demonetised Dr. Spencer’s widely consulted monthly satellite temperature update page by removing all Google-supplied advertising. Google is on record as stating that it will ban all sites that are sceptical of “well established scientific consensus”.
Clearly you dont understand instrumentation. So if I have a poorly calibrated thermometer and it told me yesterday that the temp is 50F when a precise instrument told me the temp was 52.3F and today the poorly calibrated instrument tells me the temp is 51F, do you think today is hotter than yesterday, colder than yesterday, or just the same as yesterday? I work with data sets that have huge potential integration errors. I use 20 individual pressure measurements in a rake to "deduce" the mass flow though a duct. It is functionally impossible to truly calibrate this deduction. But if my process says the mass flow in the duct went up do to a design change, I believe it. Generally precision and accuracy are the things we focus on when we look at instrumentation, BUT, when we are looking at trends, repeatability is generally sufficient.
LOL "Mr Scientist" who has been indoctrinated in today's education system where 2+2=5.

Here is what real scientists say:

“There Is No Climate Crisis”…1600 Scientists Worldwide, Nobel Prize Laureate Sign Declaration​

1609 signatories recently signed a declaration that states there is no climate crisis, thus casting doubt over man’s alleged role in climate change and extreme weather.


Their doubt is based on data showing that natural factors are very much at play, the warming is slower than predicted, the models are unreliable, that CO2 has great benefits and weather disasters have not increased. The media hysteria and weather hype are not supported by data.

Growing skepticism

Nobel Laureate in Physics Dr John F. Clauser also signed the manifesto.

The message is clear: there is no climate crisis. The number of critical scientists who no longer submit to the dogma of the alleged man-made climate catastrophe is growing.
So Quantum physics is hard, thats why I changed my major from Physics to engineering way back when. But... just as I am not qualified to comment on quantum, he is likely not qualified to comment on climate. Einstein sawed the bottom third of a centerboard off of his boat to get into shallower water, but then complained the boat no longer would sail to windward. If he had don the math on the change of center of effort of the hull with that change, and the lateral resistance, he would have understood why he should not have done what he did. Having a Nobel in physics in no way qualifies you as an expert in any other field. But if they agree with you they must be right.

PS None of us were taught 2+2 = 5
So Quantum physics is hard, thats why I changed my major from Physics to engineering way back when. But... just as I am not qualified to comment on quantum, he is likely not qualified to comment on climate. Einstein sawed the bottom third of a centerboard off of his boat to get into shallower water, but then complained the boat no longer would sail to windward. If he had don the math on the change of center of effort of the hull with that change, and the lateral resistance, he would have understood why he should not have done what he did. Having a Nobel in physics in no way qualifies you as an expert in any other field. But if they agree with you they must be right.

PS None of us were taught 2+2 = 5

ROFL, there are 1600+ prominent scientists saying that manmade climate change is hoax!
And when we observe things with our own eyes, with our own experiences (many of us have memories of the 80's and earlier) we know FOR SURE that there is no climate crisis of any kind and the whole thing is MADE UP!

When you pair this with not so secret information from the globalist think tanks and various cronies, you research the corruption within the IPCC and various other elected and unelected bureaucracies anyone who is capable of critical thought just a little bit will instantly know that manmade climate change/globull warming is complete baloney!

Even the pundits know its baloney, which is why the build mansions near the ocean and fly private jets.

Don't embarrass yourselves by believing them!