diy solar

diy solar

Inflation Reduction Act may be Unconstitutional - Take your Credits ASAP

Perhaps it’s the way you’re asking……..just maybe…?
Sure, or they can't find any actual data outside of some blog on the internet and give up.

But in reality they would rather just build straw man and whine about China while repeating boring fossil fuel propaganda
I wouldn't call them "little green guys" when they are literally trying to force "green" down our throats. I don't have to provide some sort of study to see that. The govt is very active in this as of late.
Show me on the doll where the solar panel touched you?
The fossil fuel industry has been lobbying against nuclear since the 1950s.... But nice of you to regurgitate more of their propaganda.

You always forget to include money and bribery and lobbying from the old dinosaurs that don't want to give up their share of the pie into your stupid scapegoating.

I don't know who you are referring to with your stupid commentary but I don't always forget anything. Shut up or put up. I have posted data - you keep saying nobody posts data and everyone builds strawman arguments. You are made of straw...

Please show me all of the "big oil" people who comprise this group of morons that believe it is better to have nuclear waste stored in unprotected, unsecured facilities all across the country, as opposed as to being stored in a facility designed for the task. I'll wait.

Sure, or they can't find any actual data outside of some blog on the internet and give up.

But in reality they would rather just build straw man and whine about China while repeating boring fossil fuel propaganda
Heeey maaann… as cool as ya can…face piles of trials with smiles…
Moody Blues , 1970.

And you're the one who whines about bad arguments and such...
I guess maybe start by defining "shoved down our throats" if you really want a serious answer?

I just thought you were throwing out nonsense.
I don't know who you are referring to with your stupid commentary but I don't always forget anything. Shut up or put up. I have posted data - you keep saying nobody posts data and everyone builds strawman arguments. You are made of straw...

Please show me all of the "big oil" people who comprise this group of morons that believe it is better to have nuclear waste stored in unprotected, unsecured facilities all across the country, as opposed as to being stored in a facility designed for the task. I'll wait.

Plenty of well sourced info there if you'd like to get outside of the "liberals did this " propaganda chamber.
I don't know who you are referring to with your stupid commentary but I don't always forget anything. Shut up or put up. I have posted data - you keep saying nobody posts data and everyone builds strawman arguments. You are made of straw...

Please show me all of the "big oil" people who comprise this group of morons that believe it is better to have nuclear waste stored in unprotected, unsecured facilities all across the country, as opposed as to being stored in a facility designed for the task. I'll wait.

Why store it away, I’ve read estimates that with newer technology, up to 95% of the “waste “ at those plants can be use to produce.
Why store it away, I’ve read estimates that with newer technology, up to 95% of the “waste “ at those plants can be use to produce.
Bill Gates has been working on this for years. I'm losing hope though.
The only way that will get permitted is if the Pelosi/Newsom crime family are majority stakeholders.
Poor Sonny Bono will be rolling over in his grave.

Gad zoots!

Nancy is gonna start looking like Feinstein soon.

These weirdo freaks "work" until their death day which shows they had no other goals other than to work and make money.

They don't know what to do otherwise.
Thank Goodness ppl are not all in argeement with Climax Doom Sayers… they have been weevil wobble everything up. Grifting. Trust the Science now means BS’ER at major level.

These mf’ers think they have the right to mess with our foods and make us eat altered cows and fake meats …. Crazy Mao Zedong wanna be communist dict tasters.

Give em hell.

Look at what they want to do with cows. No doubt they will ask for govt money for to alter the cows dna and who knows what that will lead to. mRNA animal vaccines are already a thing.

They need someone to slap the shit out of them for trying to re-engineer mother nature and mucking up our foods. Give them a short trial followed with lobotomy, junk removed so as never breed again, and trip to the newest Green Mental Ward forever permanent lock away throw the keys out Cuck Coo Nest . They deserve more than that.

These cucks don’t want to eat cheaper plentiful gmo foods but they are all for making it no choice for us gmo shit. F is time for a divorce They spent trillions of dollars on shit I consider wasteful. Money back to them under the table. Bunch of Crooks and Criminals.

Thank Goodness ppl are not all in argeement with Climax Doom Sayers… they have been weevil wobble everything up. Grifting. Trust the Science now means BS’ER at major level.

These mf’ers think they have the right to mess with our foods and make us eat altered cows and fake meats …. Crazy Mao Zedong wanna be communist dict tasters.

Give em hell.

Look at what they want to do with cows. No doubt they will ask for govt money for to alter the cows dna and who knows what that will lead to. mRNA animal vaccines are already a thing.

They need someone to slap the shit out of them for trying to re-engineer mother nature and mucking up our foods. Give them a short trial followed with lobotomy, junk removed so as never breed again, and trip to the newest Green Mental Ward forever permanent lock away throw the keys out Cuck Coo Nest . They deserve more than that.

These cucks don’t want to eat cheaper plentiful gmo foods but they are all for making it no choice for us gmo shit. F is time for a divorce They spent trillions of dollars on shit I consider wasteful. Money back to them under the table. Bunch of Crooks and Criminals.

View attachment 199422
Qanon leaked out tonight.

I'd love to see a diet list of what you eat. I'm sure it's not at all been selected and modified for decades
  • Haha
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Gad zoots!

Nancy is gonna start looking like Feinstein soon.

These weirdo freaks "work" until their death day which shows they had no other goals other than to work and make money.

They don't know what to do otherwise.
With all the laws they changed to get Trump means their silly ass can be got now. That feinstein bitch had been in politics way to long got their because that queer named milk f over a vet that shot and killed his ass. Enter feinstein.

Pelosi was a gangster daughter implant from the east coast. Why she went on that royalty tirade that time about Trump. Her and that $10,000 freezer for her gourmet ice cream, Ever look at these ppl’s district in CA? Crooks - all of them.

They need to shit on sidewalk and streets all around Pelosi home . Let her drunk husband chase one with a hammer. Get taken away and fk’ed. They should have pumped his stomach to see if he swallowed any sperm. Did anal swab too. Why was that guy in Pelosi’s house? Or was that just cover for their insider trading?

Did Feinstein or Pelosi use green energy?
Now the serious question how many trillionS of dollars can we recoup if cancel all this shit?

The original poster said they could cancel all these past monster spending bills.
If we did that back until 9-11 what would be our national debt?
Most of those Past Bills had projected long term spending so how much would it reduce the National Debt?
Now the serious question how many trillionS of dollars can we recoup if cancel all this shit?

The original poster said they could cancel all these past monster spending bills.
If we did that back until 9-11 what would be our national debt?
Most of those Past Bills had projected long term spending so how much would it reduce the National Debt?
I think tax cuts for the rich, and controlling vaginas and the things upstream from them will probably solve this problem. We nailed it with those cuts in 2016 didn't we!?
The Climate doomsday people have been screaming "The sky is falling" since the 60's ( At least when I started to pay attention ).
CO2 is .04 % and since the industrial age it has increased .001%. Energy is what makes a great economy. And while we are pissing and moaning over green energy, social manipulation, war, and the border, inflation etc. The Great Reset marches on............