diy solar

diy solar

Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?


Florida Driving tests no longer require Parallel Parking, well yeah... even paradise has some problems...

sorry but thats funny as can be. I don't even think its illegal....or is it?
Lets Prioritize. Which do you think happens first?
Meteor strike
Nuclear war
Solar Flare
Global communism
Currency collapse
Terror attacks
Crime waves
Anarchy in the streets
Civil war
Food shortages
Global Pandemic

The weather destroys all life on earth?

this is how I would arrange your list. mind you this is only my opinion. we are somewhere between #3, and #4.

1. Anarchy in the streets. (BLM ANTIFA.)

2. Crime waves. (We see this due to theft in major cities along with rapes and murders from illegal aliens.)

3. Food shortages (all of the various food producing plants suddenly having catastrophic explosions and fires.)

4. Currency collapse. (china has been attacking the dollar for a while now.)

5. Civil war (both sides be pushing in that direction.)

6. Global communism. (What will happen if the US falls due to civil war.)

7. Nuclear war. (what is oging to happen if the dumbass in charge continue to jerk russia's chain.)

8. Meteor strike, Solar Flare, (possible it would take a serious CME to bring us down but it could happen, not so worried about asteroids as most of them took them selfs out of the picture bombarding us millions of years ago.)

9. Global Pandemic, or the weather destroys all life on earth (these at the bottom.)
Space satellites show new ice age coming fast
Hillarious Bob!

I had to google the article of course. It was from 1974. Even today people
are still predicting a new ice age. And for good reasons!

Contrary to deniers' belief that its "increases" in solar radiation that
cause warming, solar activity has been steadily decreasing while
temperatures take off. Good thing too! Just look at that temperature
line taking off!

Graphs in this post are links to articles if you want to know the source
or read factual information.

So yeah, without humans and based on the evidence from the past, the planet would be cooling. Yet the temperature is going up....and while it's been slowly increasing ... it's on an exponential path so it'll start increasing faster with time.

Sunspot activity has also been correlated to solar output and we have a pretty good historical record of those. For example, the Little Ice Age occurred during the Maunder Minimum:

The sun's output doesn't change that much despite how big it looks above. Even the Maunder Minimum only accounted for 1°C cooling. So, even with the reduction in solar radiation we are up ~+1.5°C.
Milankovitch cycle
The other big "natural" driver is the Milankovitch cycle, which are three
orbital mechanics (obliquity, precession, and eccentricity) with periods
of around 100,000 years, 41,000 years, and 26,000 years. We know
warming isn't caused by the Milankovitch cycle as we're currently in
a cooling phase (despite temperature going up), yet another
predictor for an ice age.

The three effects aren't synchronized, so each cycle is different. But, it's over
such a large scale of time it's not really worth bringing into the conversation
(when was the last time someone worried about the north star not being north?)

But what about Volcanos! 🌋

I know you love volcanos. They're all natural too!
CO2 has a half-life of over 100 years (longer the more we deforest).
That is the Gt humans put into the atmosphere every year
accumulate, which is why the temperature starts exponentially

Previous to our endeavors, there was a natural balance between
volcanic activity and the carbon sinks absorbing it back out of
the atmosphere. But that balance was broken when we put
our energy-hungry thumb on the scale.

(Having trouble spotting CO2 from volcanos? it's purple at the bottom, it's just noise now)

To be fair, that last graph is a bit misleading. The exponential rise only really shows the yearly rise due to our energy appetites. As CO2 is a stable molecule and doesn't readily break down the accumulation of CO2 is phenomenal:

They said somewhere that tree planting might not be solution…it has been posted. I’ve read that India is cutting the trees up and burning quicker then can plant new ones. You can’t believe anything from any source anymore. We did same thing in 19th century for burning wood - during CIVIL WAR it was hard find wood for anything…..

Read that Amazon disappearing was for 1 source blamed on USA Gibson guitars so they have been sued time and time again for using Amazon wood sources. Their guitar prices have soared after each lawsuit - passed cost onto customers from lawsuits. So Gibson sourced wood elsewhere. Gibson guitars tripled or more in price. Not many ppl want to pay thousands of dollars for a basic guitar.

BUT Look you can buy China guitars for $100-$250 decent quality - same wood like Amazon wood - formerly used by USA Gibson Guitars ….someone is still chop chop Amazon forest. Hmmmm….. humans are not very bright especially in USA. We like to think we are bright but we really are not smart. Dumb as a stump.

Like everything else we curb our population by abortion and birth control. The leaders of the free World should have had more children and our own ppl then other parts of World. Think where we would be now, Instead we controlled ourselves while others did not. Most big country china - india and Africa have our population plus Billion more ppl - white ppl are a minority - 7-8% world population. To stupid to figure out called a racist so will support the other 92-93% of the World population with our money. The USA is only about 6-7% of World population … numbers vary. They are flooding here - for free shit. We curb our sourcing and try be green - end up punished and called every name in the book. We limit our output of emissions but yet these ppl that are reaping the rewards of not changing to our standards or better are over populated = taking over. They have the numbers now.

Ppl in the USA are not very bright and climax agenda like abortion proves it. They - illegal ppl flooding in here are breeding like cock roaches and flooding us and Biden is paying them. Helping them. The powers that be have killed us from within. Now we are just shells of our former selves waiting on it to end. We have allowed them to suicide us…and groups like climax dreamers - worshippers cheer like idiots. They are not smart. 🤡 they are trying to bring about martial law - nuclear war to reduce the population. Agenda 2021 like Gates and others have talked openly about. If ppl keep sitting by and allowing it than it will only get worse…. Point of no return

View attachment 205348

It was ebony and rosewood from Madagascar with Gibson. Get the facts straight.

There is enough BS floating around, take the time to find out the correct things before you site them as examples.
It was ebony and rosewood from Madagascar with Gibson. Get the facts straight.

There is enough BS floating around, take the time to find out the correct things before you site them as examples.
Apologize they were charged more then once



They were charged more then once.

Last I checked the Rainforest was in Brazil. This is a 2011 BBC news article and there were many other news articles like it. So was going off memory for the post on here.

2008 Gibson Forum discussion about Brazilian Woods.

Not that it matters. My point is even if the USA stops using the Wood then other countries are still buying Wood there and using it. The Amazon Rain Forest is still being harvested.

The Gibson Guitar wood source was a political scene. The Govt often picks and makes example of 1 while allowing others. Even imports allowed like ppl across border.

Just like the Amazon Rain Forest was a political scene.

It was ebony and rosewood from Madagascar with Gibson. Get the facts straight.

There is enough BS floating around, take the time to find out the correct things before you site them as examples.
2 of my foreign guitars one was ~$89 and other was under ~$200 most likely wood sourced from Amazon. Made in foreign countries. I reworked the electronics in cheap black one. I’ve got other guitars too. Have had several guitar in the past. Never seen a woman get horny over a solar panel array vs playing a guitar for them. I had sex with a lot of women Got a picture of your mom? 🤡



Monoprice $15watt makes nice tube amp for ~$200. They had a 5watt tube amp for just over $125. Copies too. Think they use particle board for cabinets.

I’m not paying ~ $3500 for a guitar that use to be ~$500. Be my guest - pay up. I’ve owned Gibson too. Again it was politics. Ppl in the link in prior post brag how wood harvest are down 55% well that might sound good but 45% wood is still being taken based on what number?

I didn’t really expect an apology…. Your type are more common then should be….

Apology? What have I done to you make you want to attack especially when you are wrong for majority of your attack?

Your basic words in quote and realize am not arguing your word “site” vs CITE” since you are offering correction based on 1 example when facts are it has been in practice.. also politicized .
“‘There is enough BS floating around, take the time to find out the correct things before you site them as examples.”

Apologize or practice what you preach. 🤡🤣

Thread Recap​

This thread has been a journey. I started off as a skeptic/denier, but bad science is usually debunked after a decade and the whole topic of climate change had been around far too long not to give it a second look with an open mind. So I open Bill Gate’s book How to Avoid a Climate Disaster and saw problems. Bill's book was not the type of book I was looking for, but it did raise questions. Along the way, I looked hard at the science, and saw that Global Warming really was a significant issue.

The biggest issue I had with Bill's book is it seemed reasonable to me that an energy storage solution (e.g., a battery) could be tied with wind and solar to resolve the crisis and the rest of it was noise, so I started this thread to see what others thought. From the OP it seemed ESS could get us all but about 28%.

Mainly I've been a proponent of a low-cost ESS solution (seems very feasible) because it would make wind and solar the lowest LCOE providers, and our natural capitalism steak could have the pro-climate people less concerned and reduce costs for everyone. That is a win-win.
But that lingering 28% was still a lot if climate change was something to worry about.

Planting more trees didn't seem like the answer (#8). So I went looking for other books and not finding anything started doing some research and posting the findings for discussion as I had a lot of questions in terms of the validity of the science. That starts at post #9, based on the half-life of GreenHouse Gases (GHGs), and recognizing the buildup I started changing my tune and seeing the value of net-zero. But I still had a lot of questions and the thread hit many subtopics:

  • How we know it is not a hoax or wrong
  • #15 talks about Anti-Greenhouse Gases.
  • #20 talks about water as a GHG.
  • #26 talks about GHG frequency/temperature, see also #50 & #309 for a detailed video.
  • #29 talks about how they know the temperature from millions of years ago and the scientific battle over accuracy.
  • #32 talks about the accuracy of the IPCC temperature models.
  • #40 is a quick synopsis.
  • #41 the number of scientists that agree with climate change
  • #53 the IPCC models
  • #56 why most published papers are wrong
  • #57 is the NASA image of the energy balance and why it doesn't make sense to me.
  • #64 Noctilucent clouds
  • #76 magma swelling from the earth's core.
  • #72 and #78 discuss the geological temperature changes and extinction events
  • #87 Start of posts that discuss the 6th IPCC report
  • #94 looks at oxygen levels needed for fish to survive
  • #122 Modern-day temperature measurements.
  • #129 The IPCC tipping points
  • #136 What big countries think and how American attitudes have been changing
  • #229 Why temperatures will increase despite CO2 "saturation"
  • #259 Talks about NF3
  • #287 Economics of going carbon neutral and comparing it to existing fuel costs.
  • #522 Review of energy storage systems including their costs and carbon footprints.
  • #524 Nuclear power seems better than ESS, but expensive.
  • #525 Would Reducing the population help or not.
  • #541 Ocean Currents
  • #648 Sustainable Energy Generation & Use see also #890#757 Transition expenses
  • #767 Heatpumps
  • #807 Minerals & Mining
  • #827 Facts about the opposing view recap
  • 200 climate myths With Explanations as to why they're wrong
  • Master Plan 3 - Synopsis
Annnd, I still don't give a crap about this because:

A) Humans have MUCH more pressing issues at the moment
B) Mankind will be extinct way before weather becomes the most pressing problem
C) I kinda like warm weather. Let the icecaps and Siberia melt, and we can plant more food, and give the plants more CO2 to feed on.

So in the meantime, I will buy more Chinese solar panels made from child labor and strip mining across the globe

I will buy more Lithium cells made by destroying thousands of acres of land in Peru

And I will drive a diesel truck that can pull heavy loads like the windmill blades being installed all over Texas.
2 of my foreign guitars one was ~$89 and other was under ~$200 most likely wood sourced from Amazon. Made in foreign countries. I reworked the electronics in cheap black one. I’ve got other guitars too. Have had several guitar in the past. Never seen a woman get horny over a solar panel array vs playing a guitar for them. I had sex with a lot of women Got a picture of your mom? 🤡

View attachment 206248

View attachment 206249

Monoprice $15watt makes nice tube amp for ~$200. They had a 5watt tube amp for just over $125. Copies too. Think they use particle board for cabinets.

I’m not paying ~ $3500 for a guitar that use to be ~$500. Be my guest - pay up. I’ve owned Gibson too. Again it was politics. Ppl in the link in prior post brag how wood harvest are down 55% well that might sound good but 45% wood is still being taken based on what number?

I didn’t really expect an apology…. Your type are more common then should be….

Apology? What have I done to you make you want to attack especially when you are wrong for majority of your attack?

Your basic words in quote and realize am not arguing your word “site” vs CITE” since you are offering correction based on 1 example when facts are it has been in practice.. also politicized .
“‘There is enough BS floating around, take the time to find out the correct things before you site them as examples.”

Apologize or practice what you preach. 🤡🤣

When you leave the $200 chinese guitar area and move in to the $4500 Gibson world they have to have something for them to push the "play authentic" Do you remember that one.

Not a gibson fan, but I linked the court docs for you.

Hillarious Bob!

I had to google the article of course. It was from 1974. Even today people
are still predicting a new ice age. And for good reasons!

Contrary to deniers' belief that its "increases" in solar radiation that
cause warming, solar activity has been steadily decreasing while
temperatures take off. Good thing too! Just look at that temperature
line taking off!

Graphs in this post are links to articles if you want to know the source
or read factual information.

So yeah, without humans and based on the evidence from the past, the planet would be cooling. Yet the temperature is going up....and while it's been slowly increasing ... it's on an exponential path so it'll start increasing faster with time.

Sunspot activity has also been correlated to solar output and we have a pretty good historical record of those. For example, the Little Ice Age occurred during the Maunder Minimum:

The sun's output doesn't change that much despite how big it looks above. Even the Maunder Minimum only accounted for 1°C cooling. So, even with the reduction in solar radiation we are up ~+1.5°C.
Milankovitch cycle
The other big "natural" driver is the Milankovitch cycle, which are three
orbital mechanics (obliquity, precession, and eccentricity) with periods
of around 100,000 years, 41,000 years, and 26,000 years. We know
warming isn't caused by the Milankovitch cycle as we're currently in
a cooling phase (despite temperature going up), yet another
predictor for an ice age.

The three effects aren't synchronized, so each cycle is different. But, it's over
such a large scale of time it's not really worth bringing into the conversation
(when was the last time someone worried about the north star not being north?)

But what about Volcanos! 🌋

I know you love volcanos. They're all natural too!
CO2 has a half-life of over 100 years (longer the more we deforest).
That is the Gt humans put into the atmosphere every year
accumulate, which is why the temperature starts exponentially

Previous to our endeavors, there was a natural balance between
volcanic activity and the carbon sinks absorbing it back out of
the atmosphere. But that balance was broken when we put
our energy-hungry thumb on the scale.

(Having trouble spotting CO2 from volcanos? it's purple at the bottom, it's just noise now)

To be fair, that last graph is a bit misleading. The exponential rise only really shows the yearly rise due to our energy appetites. As CO2 is a stable molecule and doesn't readily break down the accumulation of CO2 is phenomenal:

It's obvious to me from your reply that you didn't watch the video I posted ..... and you grabbed a snippet from the video and made it look like that's what I posted .... I consider misquoting someone to be very unethical.
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When you leave the $200 chinese guitar area and move in to the $4500 Gibson world they have to have something for them to push the "play authentic" Do you remember that one.

Not a gibson fan, but I linked the court docs for you.
I cited common knowledge and then provided websites to back it up for my memory of the Gibson wood source actions as it went down and also reported in main stream media. My memory works just fine and I am part of the living history until I die. Since it is recorded here then this will live on after me. Imagine that.

That cheap black guitar with a duncan blackout electronics and 9 volt battery in it sounds - better then my old gibsonS. Again you cited 1 example and without looking it up knew from that era the citations were 2-3 for Rain Forest wood sourcing. Probably more because …Again it was cancel Globalist SVETZ type culture - political with Gibson. The other FOREIGN guitar makers most likely use wood from the Amazon Forest areas. Is there a cheap website to do woody dna sampling? I can send them a sample. 🤡

I have played graphite composite and aluminum body as well as a basic 2x4 guitar. The 3 string cigar box were fun too.
Havana Cigars were illegal because we were political. I don’t like cigars but……just bad politics were in play.

Allowing my cheap guitars enter country and sourced from probable Amazon forest should be illegal too. Maybe they will jump to $3500 as a rub to Gibson in Great State of TN. Thanks to the current Govt. ppl can now ask even more….for new and used gibsons. Shhhhsss had old piano made with real ivory keys not plastics. The horror. Guitar words Bone Nut.

Lucky for you can’t find the meme where a famous guitarist that was so high didn’t realize he was performing the song without his guitar. He was playing air guitar. The show went on and His guitar was best ever. The meme said that air guitar sold for over $1 million dollars. 🤡
It's obvious to me from your reply that you didn't watch the video I posted ..... and you grabbed a snippet from the video and made it look like that's what I posted .... I consider misquoting someone to be very unethical.
How is it unethical to talk about a source used in something you posted? They showed lots of examples of exaggerated claims in the beginning, I just picked that one to talk about as it was their cover image and the heart of their argument. From the video, "This video is about the fake arctic story created by government agencies". That is, it's a conspiracy theory by conspiracists for conspiratists.

They presented facts from a timeframe when the year-to-year effects and predictions from climate change had little sway as if proof it was fake. Then they drag in the whole new Ice Age coming. Their argument is if the ice age is coming then it's all good and warming is just a lie.

But, that's not what the evidence shows. Yes, the cooling from lower solar output is true. But, the CO2 build has more than overcome the cooling trend (which is what my last post was about as I thought it germane to the discussion, not sure how you found it disingenuous).

The video was hilarious because they quoted Nobel laureate Al Gore, the Sierra Club, and headline news from newspapers as facts of truth. It's disingenuous as Al isn't a scientist (the nobel isn't what it used to be, one politician even got one for the things they might do), the Sierra Club will say anything and has no creditability (as do many organizations with an agenda), and "headline" news is meant to be sensationalized. These people and organizations typically take the very edge of the curve of the absolute worst case and present the headline as fait accompli. It's no wonder people have a hard time believing.

Yes, we've all been bombarded with half-truths, most who aren't climate
scientists. It's probably one of the things that kept me from being a
believer for so long.

That doesn't mean it's some grand conspiracy. Your source is using
the same tricks to push the same lies to comfort themselves like an ostrich.
Fact: What 3rd parties (like you & me) say doesn't make it true or false,
it's just their spin on it. Heck, even the original frequently has a spin.
Good data is like the IPCC graph to the right and shows the range of
accuracy. While the predictions have yet to be wrong (e.g., outside the
range of accuracy).

See that topmost outer red line? You can make a headline out of that
which says IPCC predicts +5.4C by 2050. That makes it hysterical and
true, but not very likely....just like a lot of the headlines quoted.

The red line is the "if we just keep going on as we have. Note how it curves off around 2070, that's because a lot of the models predict lower populations. See the blue line at the bottom? That's what we need to do just to keep things as they are. Which already is costing is nearly 500 billion more a year than the 70s just in terms of weather.

So, where do our government's current policies put us? Somewhere in the grey region in the chart above. Unlike urgencies that may not happen (e.g., nuclear war), climate change is inevitable.


On the upside, it was encouraging in Simon's video that ~80% of the things we could do to decelerate climate change saved us money.
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One of the costs of inaction​

2023 numbers came out, and I thought $450 Billion per year was bad. Honestly, with only one hurricane (Idalia) hitting the U.S. in 2023 I expected the numbers to go way down. But looks like El Niño did a number on the midwest.


What's your prediction for 2024?
See the blue line at the bottom? That's what we need to do just to keep things as they are. Which already is costing is nearly 500 billion more a year than the 70s just in terms of weather.
500 billion every year? Please show your source for that statistic.

But even if true though, eliminating fossil fuels would cost us our freedoms, which to me is more important.

One of the costs of inaction​

2023 numbers came out, and I thought $450 Billion per year was bad. Honestly, with only one hurricane (Idalia) hitting the U.S. in 2023 I expected the numbers to go way down. But looks like El Niño did a number on the midwest.

What's your prediction for 2024?
I appreciate the effort you are putting into trying to educate these guys, but I think you are wasting your time.
On the internet these days one can find "proof" for anything they want.
I did a search om "aliens cause climate change" and sure enough
I did a search on "trump has brain damage" and sure enough
I did a search on " trump supporters are all psychotic" and sure enough
I did a search on "trump uses subliminal messaging to hypnotize his supporters and sure enough

The internet makes true scientific research meaningless in the eyes of trump supporters and allows any 6th grade drop out to thinks he's smarter than a phd.
How is it unethical to talk about a source used in something you posted?
Because you took a snippet of what the video was about and inserted bold text in your reply ....that I did not say. .... and in the remainder of your response, you tried to insinuate that bold statement you inserted was what the whole video was about .... and was a reply to what I said.
It's the same kind of manipulation of the facts all the climate activists are employing.

The video was about much more, including how the temperature data from sources like the IPCC are intentionally misrepresented.
How the large temperature increase in the late 1930's are totally edited out of some of the graphs to make things appear different than they are .... and how they try to make the very cold period following that to be the norm.
They showed lots of examples of exaggerated claims in the beginning, I just picked that one to talk about as it was their cover image and the heart of their argument. From the video, "This video is about the fake arctic story created by government agencies". That is, it's a conspiracy theory by conspiracists for conspiratists.
They presented inconvenient facts to support everything they said in the video ..... The conspiracy theory is that organizations like the IPCC are telling us the truth.
The IPCC deploy summaries that skew the facts so they can be used by journalists and politicians who want to control the "public" to make them appear that they are following the science.

It's pretty obvious to everyone outside the echo chambers that "the science" has been corrupted.
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