diy solar

diy solar

Newb design for RV 800W solar, 48V 200Ah batteries, Victron system. Reasonable? Suggestions?

You can always add another charge controller and just have the extra 2 panels on a separate string. If 5S works for your charge controllers, you have that option but the 200W panels are probably 24 VOC or higher and that won't work with the 100VOC rated charge controllers.
You can always add another charge controller and just have the extra 2 panels on a separate string. If 5S works for your charge controllers, you have that option but the 200W panels are probably 24 VOC or higher and that won't work with the 100VOC rated charge controllers.
The panels are 24V and controllers are 100/50 so most I can do is 3S on each controller.