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WHO Pandemic Treaty - Real threat to our freedom they are going overboard to distract you from


Solar Wizard
Jan 18, 2023
The most important thing people need to pay attention to is the upcoming WHO "Pandemic Treaty" that essentially usurps all sovereignty in the hand of a few WEF controlled corrupted bureaucrats.
If this passes, watch out below.

This is coming up in May, so be certain that they will do their best to distract everyone with new BS.

And yes, Fauci already said that next Plandemic is guaranteed next year (How convinient).

Perfect timing looks like (WHO Pandemic Treaty, US Election Year).
I will never understand why ppl let the WEF and ppl like Gates tell them what they are going to do. As you mention it is the corrupt bureacrats going along with them that is the most dangerous.
The WHO has elections but who really votes in them. I didn’t. We don’t need anymore dictators
I never voted for anyone in WHO did you?

Is this really Klaus Schwab at the beach? No wonder he acts so weird. IMG_2383.jpeg
And BTW, if you are thinking that Russia is in any way different, think again.
The entire world has been bought by the same people. The entire West vs East debate is theater.

Read the full statement here.

Some highlights:

  • “The Chinese side supports the fulfillment by the Russian side of the national development goals until 2030. The Russian side supports the implementation by the Chinese side of the tasks of modernization according to the Chinese model.
  • "The parties will deepen cooperation in the field of healthcare, expand ties in the field of scientific research and higher medical education … [and] strengthen the relevant work within the framework of such multilateral platforms as WHO, BRICS, SCO, G20, APEC.”
  • “The Parties reaffirm their readiness to resolutely defend the international system in which the UN plays a central role, the world order based on international law and the fundamental norms of international relations based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter; oppose all forms of hegemony, unilateral approaches and power politics, cold war thinking, bloc confrontation and the creation of narrow formats directed against certain countries.”
  • “The Russian Side positively assesses the Global Development Initiative and will continue to participate in the work of the Group of Friends in support of it. The Parties will continue to encourage the international community to focus on development issues and increase their contribution to it, will jointly contribute to the success of the UN Summit on Sustainable Development Goals, ensuring the early implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”
  • “The parties have established effective cooperation in bilateral and multilateral formats on combating the pandemic of a new coronavirus infection COVID-19, protecting the life and health of the population of the two countries and peoples of the world. The Parties support the deepening of information exchange on the subject of the COVID-19 pandemic and the strengthening of coordination when interacting at such platforms as WHO. The parties jointly oppose the designs and attempts to politicize the issue of the origin of the virus.

Russia is fully on board with the digital gulag, if anything Russia is unfortunately way ahead in this stuff with Biometrics starting to get introduced in schools, etc.
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The most important thing people need to pay attention to is the upcoming WHO "Pandemic Treaty" that essentially usurps all sovereignty in the hand of a few WEF controlled corrupted bureaucrats.
If this passes, watch out below.

This is coming up in May, so be certain that they will do their best to distract everyone with new BS.

And yes, Fauci already said that next Plandemic is guaranteed next year (How convinient).

Perfect timing looks like (WHO Pandemic Treaty, US Election Year).
What does it feel like to have your head that far up your ass and be so easily fooled and manipulated into believing fake news?

Corbett is a fraud, I tried showing you but you clammed up and refused to participate in the conversation. There always seems to be one or two of you in every internet forum.. Some quack member repeatedly posting their favorite fake news misinformation website..

Pretty sad that people such as yourself have fallen through the educational cracks.
The WHO will want us to foot the lion's share of the worlds needs. I for one have no desire to fund a China influenced world order of ANY kind.
We in USA are only around %5 percent of the World Population why do ppl come to us all the time to solve their problems and sign us up for more slavery?. We are were mostly white and christian by largest percentage. Again Why does the World always want the U/SA to pay the majority.

these ppl can never answer that. Most of them are white so are they saying USA is a white supremacy that owes the rest of the World What are they always coming here asking for money. Ppl to spend money… we are $31 trillion dollars in debt
The WHO will want us to foot the lion's share of the worlds needs. I for one have no desire to fund a China influenced world order of ANY kind.
Right.. meanwhile, you're using a phone made in China, wearing underwear and socks made in China, sitting in a chair made in China, using a keyboard, made in China.. etc etc etc etc..

But you have no desire to fund a China influenced world order of any kind...

Ask Murphy…. who moved manufacturing over seas and who tried to bring it back.
We can thank the Globalist for moving all the manufacturing.
Trump is one of the few Presidents that actually tried to force manufacturing back to the USA. The mask that murphy put on his stupid face came from China more then likely. Who knows the mask may have been the source for sickness. If we suspected China unleashed covid-19 on purpose then what else might they be capable? Duh….. he has a point we get everything from there. They make all the pollution that we are not allowed to make now so we have to buy from them. We even buy food from them that is raised in chemical toxic dumps ie: fish sold in walmart.

We can’t even get our govt agencies to say where it came from for the covid. Afraid of upsetting China. But we want to put the WHO in charge of us. We never voted for anyone at WHO to represent us. Nor should we allow them to tell us how to repond to anything inside our borders or for what we control. we should not be giving them a penny for funding either.

Covid taught us how dependent we have become on china. Or it should have. Our response should be to bring back manufacturing …. If we are going to pay carbon taxes then we need to be the ones making the pollution. MAKING MONEY TO ADD GDP TO LOWER OUR DEBT OF $31 trillion dollars
Right.. meanwhile, you're using a phone made in China, wearing underwear and socks made in China, sitting in a chair made in China, using a keyboard, made in China.. etc etc etc etc..

But you have no desire to fund a China influenced world order of any kind...

Well I have to admit the last 7 years have been a real eye opener when it comes to what is really going on in the USA.
Well I have to admit the last 7 years have been a real eye opener when it comes to what is really going on in the USA.
Good.. That's good.

Now, remember to write your congressman with the following demands.

1) Term limits for all elected officials and judges.
2) Demand that (Harlow v. Fitzgerald), a ruling by a conservative supreme court in 1982 that put cops above the law, be reversed.
3) Demand that (Kelo v. City of New London), a ruling by a conservative supreme court in 2005 that effectively removed your property rights, also be reversed.
4) Demand that (Citizens United v. FEC 2010), another f*cked up ruling by the conservatives which corrupted this entire country, be reversed.
5) Demand that laws created by republicans which allow the government to take your money (Civil Forfeiture by republican Strom Thurmond R-SC ) without ever charging you with a crime, be nullified.
6) Demand government outlaw and ban all corporate lobbying

Citizens United vs FEC in 2010 was the biggest republican screw up of them all by a long shot. The GOP thought they were going to cheat and sneak one over the line by allowing big corporations to donate unlimited funds to political agendas, except it totally backfired on them and it turned out the Democrats ended up being far better at it once those gloves were off.

So now, thanks to the ignorant and stupid republicans, large corporations can dump unimaginable amounts of money into political pockets, thus owning those politicians.. and since those same "large corporations" are almost universally international conglomerates, it means that foreign nations now have a quantifiable amount of control over the direction of our country.

Way to go greedy republicans.. Now that that cat is out of the bag, I doubt it can be put back in. 50% of democrat voters, and 50% of republican voters, are so ignorant and brainwashed, that they are incapable of voting for the other party or another candidate when their voter demands aren't meant.. and the elected officials who ignore us know it.

That single conservative supreme court decision is going to be responsible for destroying this country.
Good.. That's good.

Now, remember to write your congressman with the following demands.

1) Term limits for all elected officials and judges.
2) Demand that (Harlow v. Fitzgerald), a ruling by a conservative supreme court in 1982 that put cops above the law, be reversed.
3) Demand that (Kelo v. City of New London), a ruling by a conservative supreme court in 2005 that effectively removed your property rights, also be reversed.
4) Demand that (Citizens United v. FEC 2010), another f*cked up ruling by the conservatives which corrupted this entire country, be reversed.
5) Demand that laws created by republicans which allow the government to take your money (Civil Forfeiture by republican Strom Thurmond R-SC ) without ever charging you with a crime, be nullified.
6) Demand government outlaw and ban all corporate lobbying

Citizens United vs FEC in 2010 was the biggest republican screw up of them all by a long shot. The GOP thought they were going to cheat and sneak one over the line by allowing big corporations to donate unlimited funds to political agendas, except it totally backfired on them and it turned out the Democrats ended up being far better at it once those gloves were off.

So now, thanks to the ignorant and stupid republicans, large corporations can dump unimaginable amounts of money into political pockets, thus owning those politicians.. and since those same "large corporations" are almost universally international conglomerates, it means that foreign nations now have a quantifiable amount of control over the direction of our country.

Way to go greedy republicans.. Now that that cat is out of the bag, I doubt it can be put back in. 50% of democrat voters, and 50% of republican voters, are so ignorant and brainwashed, that they are incapable of voting for the other party or another candidate when their voter demands aren't meant.. and the elected officials who ignore us know it.

That single conservative supreme court decision is going to be responsible for destroying this country.
I agree with most of that. Damn. Clinton and Biden should have been mentioned for the 1994 crime bill It basically Allowed police to write their own laws. ….. the citizens that voted for biden are retarded. The rest were illegal voters.

ppl should recall politicians and have a candidate in place to win. Our election system is broken and both sides know it. We have selections by someone other then legal voters on both sides and both parties.

Globalist moved all production off shore.

via CHD TV: Meet Steve Solomon — Principal Legal Officer at the WHO. After it was revealed at the fifth meeting of the WGIHR that the group would be unable to meet their deadline, Solomon stepped in to reinterpret article 55 in what appears to be an attempt to PREVENT the public from seeing the amendments before they are passed. Are these ‘negotiations’ on the IHR amendments and pandemic accord really just smokescreen and theater, designed to placate the public into thinking there is some sort of democratic process in place — as the digital biosecurity state is already being built up around us? Dr. Meryl Nass, James Corbett, and James Roguski peel back the lies and warn us why it’s time to start paying attention. Tune in



This Is What The Globalists REALLY Fear​

Would you like to see what the globalists really fear?

OK, here's a picture:

"What? A protest? Pffff. The controllers of the global conspiracy don't care about a little protest, James," you scoff, scrolling on to the next post in your never-ending feed of doomporn.

But if that is what you think when you see this picture, then you don't understand this picture.

So, if you're willing to forego your next dose of ragebait conspiritainment for a little while, bear with me while I explain what the global cabal lives in mortal fear of and what we can do to flip the script on the would-be rulers of the world.

Are you ready?


The picture that we looked at above—the one that depicts what the globalists really fear—is, as you have correctly surmised, a picture of a protest. So, let's nail down some facts about that particular protest.

It took place on March 9, 2024.

It was part of a Canada-wide anti-WHO rally put on by Stand United, a group of activists in British Columbia who, according to their website, are "prepared to take appropriate actions to ensure our Charter of Rights and Freedoms and Bill of Rights will be honoured here in Canada" and whose "major focus is on the signing of the upcoming WHO Treaty."

The protest in the photograph took place in Edmonton, Alberta, and was hosted by Alberta4Liberty, which posted video of the event on its Facebook page.

The event consisted of a rally in which the assembled protesters:

  • played a game of "Is it 1984 or is it now?" (guessing whether various headlines were ripped from the pages of Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four or from present-day Canadian newspapers);

  • listened to speeches by a variety of speakers; and

  • gathered on a street corner with their homemade "Exit the WHO" and "#STOPTHETREATY" signs.
You can watch the trailer for the event that was put out in advance of the protest and read the post that Alberta4Liberty made announcing and promoting the event on its aforementioned Facebook page, and you can even watch the full video of the speeches that the group posted the day after the rally.

So far, so seemingly staightforward. A handful of protesters made some signs and held a little "Exit the WHO" rally in Edmonton last month. Good for them.

. . . But why are we here talking about it, James? It's not that big a deal, is it?


If you were going to speculate about why I'm drawing attention to this particular protest, you might guess that it has to do with the protest's location. After all, as you may or may not know, I'm Albertan myself, so perhaps I'm just excited to see some fellow Albertans standing up to the WHO tyranny at long last.

And, if that is your guess, then . . . .congratulations! You're technically correct. (The best kind of correct!)

What prompted me to stop scrolling through my own never-ending feed of doomporn and click on the article about the protest—"Protesters surround CTV demanding coverage of WHO pandemic treaty" posted on The Counter Signal on March 11, 2024—was indeed the fact that it was an article about an Exit the WHO protest in Edmonton.

But that isn't why we're talking about the protest.

No. This is why we're talking about this protest:

Do you see that? No? Let me zoom in on it for you:

That's right: CTV.

The protesters weren't protesting outside some government building or bureaucratic office. They weren't protesting outside Alberta Health Services or the provincial legislature. They were protesting at CTV.

For the non-Canadians in my audience, CTV is Canada's largest privately owned television network and is a major news source for many Canadians.

As the above-linked The Counter Signal article explains:

Edmonton protesters gathered outside a CTV building demanding coverage of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) plans for a legally binding global pandemic treaty.
So, what was the result of this action? Did the protests end up on the evening news?


But here we are talking about it.

I know that doesn't sound miraculous at first blush, so let me spell it out for you. The fact that we are here taking a moment to focus on this protest tells us two things:

  1. You (and many, many people like you) no longer have your news dictated to you by CTV or CBC or the equivalent television networks in your country.
  2. Protesters are finally starting to recognize the importance of the most powerful weapon in the world.
"Huh? What's the most powerful weapon in the world?" you ask.

Patience! I respond. We're getting to that!

. . . But first, let's take a second to appreciate the import of point number one.

In order to better appreciate that point, let's turn to a recent comment on In this comment, Corbett Report member b887 explains why it's so important that we are here in this digital space looking at information the establishment media doesn't want to talk about.

Sometimes I forget how informed we are here.
We see the bankers instigating wars, we see the puppets being selected to carry out these orders, we see the poison being added to the processed foods, we see the neurotoxins in the tap water…
The other day a coworker asked me why I collect my own spring water when the tap water is “clean”. I gently mentioned that I can’t trust the tap water in America and then I brought up the Flouride lawsuit against the EPA.
He didn’t look up the information I was telling him, he didn’t ask me where I heard about this, he didn’t care where I heard it, he just assumed I was crazy and changed the subject.
That’s why I appreciate New World Next Week, thanks for the upload
You see, it wasn't that long ago that if something wasn't being covered by the establishment media—either in the newspaper or on the major TV or radio networks—there was almost no chance that people would even know about it. But this is 2024, and things have changed completely. Despite the fact that the WHO proposed pandemic agreement is being almost completely ignored by the dinosaur press, people are nonetheless aware of it.

Oh sure, there are always those who will turn away from this information or choose to ignore it, but here we are talking about it anyway. Not only that, but we're forming national protest movements and coordinating days of action around a topic that most people have never seen on TV or read about in the paper.

Can we all take a moment to appreciate what a drastic shift this represents?

OK, on to point number two.

"Don't leave us hanging, James. What is the most powerful weapon in the world?"


Do you recall my 2020 article on "How to Save the World (in One Easy Step!)"?

No? Well, the link's right there. Go ahead, click it!

Now that you've familiarized yourself with that article, you'll know that the most powerful weapon ever invented is narrative. After all, as I pointed out four years ago:

With a gun you can kill a man. With a bomb you can kill a family. With a nuke you can level a city. But with a story you can control the world.
So, let's think about the significance of an "Exit the WHO" movement deciding to hold a protest at the local CTV offices.

Protesting media silence on the WHO's machinations (or on any other taboo topic) is an overt acknowledgment of the fact that the media propagandists don't simply tell us what to think about the news of the day. They tell us what to think about, period. If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? And if a WHO pandemic agreement is about to be signed in Geneva and the TV talking heads don't mention, will the public know it's even happening?

And so it makes perfect sense for a group of protesters to concentrate their efforts not on the phoney, corrupt politicians, but on the people who really matter. The general public. And how do you reach the people? Why, through the media, of course. Thus, we have a protest outside CTV.

It's perfectly logical and a fitting recognition of the fact that it is general public opinion, not some rigged political process, that really matters when it comes to effecting change in society.

But there's an even deeper level to this protest. The very fact that these protesters are gathered together outside the CTV offices, demonstrating about something they didn't hear about on CTV, proves that we no longer need CTV—or any of CTV's dinosaur media brethren—anymore.

We are informing each other.

We are organizing ourselves.

We are writing our own narrative.

Welcome to the globalists' greatest fear.



As it turns out, what the establishment really fears is what they have always feared: the masses—you and I—waking from our slumber and realizing that we don't need to listen to the media talking heads to know what to think about. That we don't need the oligarchs and their control system to run our lives for us.

This is why the powers-that-shouldn't-be invest so much of their time, energy, resources and political capital in propagandizing the public: to stop us from coming together and setting our own agenda.

A perfect case in point manifested itself over a decade ago, when both the Tea Party and the Occupy protesters, alarmed over the global financial crisis, pointed the finger at the real threat to humanity: the banksters. Distubed at the existential threat that these two movements represented to their system of control, the kakistocrats mustered all the resources at their disposal—including, of course, the bought-and-paid-for talking heads and propagandists of the mockingbird media—to derail them, using classic divide-and-rule tactics.

What's truly remarkable is that the Tea Party and Occupy had essentially the same correct diagnosis of our societal conundrum—namely, that the unelected, unaccountable, too-big-to-jail banksters are looting our economy and threatening civilization itself for their own benefit and that the politicians who are supposed to "regulate" these entities are in fact beholden to them. What's even more remarkable is that, within a few short years, both movements had been completely neutralized.

How? They were split along the fake left/right divide, with "Teabaggers" becoming a punchline among the trendy, Daily Show-consuming liberal Occupiers while the Tea Party—having been hijacked by the Republican Party and its donors—began spending more time fighting the "dirty hippies" in Occupy than confronting the banksters themselves.

Then, suddenly, the woke culture wars came along, completely displacing any talk about banksters and revolution. The partisan masses, having been pitted against each other by Woke Hollywood, by right-wing radio and by Mainstream Alternative Media, have all but forgotten where real power in society lies—much less how close we once were to making our power count.

But now all that is changing. And that change is apparent in this picture:

Scoff if you will, but your incredulity only belies your inability to understand the nature of the change that is taking place around us.

As b887 says: "Sometimes I forget how informed we are here."

Well, it’s time to take note of how informed we really are. It’s time to realize that we are in the midst of a truly revolutionary period. It’s time to appreciate the fact that, as Zbigniew Brzezinski once fretted:

For the first time in human history almost all of humanity is politically activated, politically conscious and politically interactive. There are only a few pockets of humanity left in the remotest corners of the world that are not politically alert and engaged with the political turmoil and stirrings that are so widespread today around the world. The resulting global political activism is generating a surge in the quest for personal dignity, cultural respect and economic opportunity in a world painfully scarred by memories of centuries-long alien colonial or imperial domination.
Brzezinski—himself a toadie currying favour with the establishment—understood this global political awakening as a threat.

But we know better. We know it represents our inevitable victory.

We are only starting to understand our power. We may be protesting outside CTV today, but tomorrow we will prove that CTV is completely unnecessary. We will have replaced it.

And, once we push this revolution through to its logical conclusion and stop ceding our power and authority to the banksters and their globalist technocratic minions, we will be unstoppable.

The answer to divide-and-rule is remarkably simple: unite and win. And that, in the final equation, is what the globalists fear most.
Hopper: You let one ant stand up to us, then they all might stand up! Those puny little ants outnumber us a hundred to one and if they ever figure that out there goes our way of life! It's not about food, it's about keeping those ants in line. That's why we're going back! -A bugs life

The things that were considered conspiracy theories 5 years ago by most are now spoken about by average people. As an individual who has been attempting to plant seeds of truth into the minds of those who I speak with, I can absolutely attest to the fact that people are moving toward truth and skepticism of centralized power. We do still have the left right team bullshit which is the last real hurdle to clear before we do finally unite the free thinkers, but even that is failing. The left in America is going so insane that most people can no longer abide them. Often the patience of those who desire to be left alone is mistaken by fools as weakness, It isn't.

As time passes the truth becomes common knowledge despite the best efforts of the controllers, we are seeing the fruits of this today, and we must make them obsolete. Their lies are very fragile, and they are largely maintained by feeble minded people. Malinformation (true but detrimental to the controllers narrative) is key. They hate it, but it works to open the eyes of those who's eyes can be opened, it is happening as aenyc stated above. We must unite. We can form into factions and fight about things of less consequence once we get these world government corporation entities off our backs.