diy solar

diy solar

The leanings of this "group".


Solar Enthusiast
Dec 7, 2022
I am pretty new around here, and actually did not know you had a "basement" or "porta potty" section till a little bit ago.

It took me a while to take a look down here as I was sure just where the lean would be. I was fairly sure if I came down here, I would be off to band camp fairly quickly.

Shock of all shock, it seems pretty wild west down here. It seems like people talk like adults down here and only when something gets personal does the ban hammer come out. Well I might make it after all.

I have done a few "drive by" posts in some threads, and I am still here. So I think I will be ok.

I will say I was dead wrong on the "leanings" of the people in a "solar" forum. There is a mix of folk down here no doubt about it, but the majority of those seem to have the ability to actually look around and think for themselves. I wonder if that is a product of having to think to put your own solar outfit together from scratch. A little harder to pull the wool over the eyes of a thinking man.

Remember the saying by Mark Twain

The Chit Chat section of the forum is .... mostly .... not moderated. Pretty much anything goes as long as it is in chit chat.

Gotta be more careful in threads outside chit chat. Will ..... the forum owner .... is very much a believer in free speech.
I am center - right. I post stuff that sometimes - might hurt some ppl’s feelings. I have been banned at least 3 times 2 from this chit chat forum.

Think most ppl have been fooled at some point in our life such as your meme describes. It is shocking to find out how much foolery goes on in this world. Sometimes when you look it is overload. Think the hardest part is trying to wade through stuff. For me when see something suddenly change it is a trigger. Example Mail in voting push in 2020 was a trigger. The results will always be in question. The Swing States halting voting then going back without ppl to oversee the counting was a trigger.

When Biden pardons all the illegals ~15+ million and they vote in 2024 for him then it is what it is. Republican - Right party will be over. It will never recover. Most of them are RINO anyway.

I figured more ppl would comment. Some posts are rollers for page after page while others are not. Everyone here is opinionated. :)
The Chit Chat section of the forum is .... mostly .... not moderated. Pretty much anything goes as long as it is in chit chat.

Gotta be more careful in threads outside chit chat. Will ..... the forum owner .... is very much a believer in free speech.

There are a few other forums I am on that are like that, I generally don't last long on boards that don't.

As long as it does not get personal, or threats then all should be fair game.

IMHO a big part of the problem is pulling out anything you can think of to ban someone if you don't agree with the views of that person.

I don't think I will have that issue here.

You might need to be a boomer to get this one:

I too was at first surprised by the makeup of this site. Once I thought about it I felt kind of silly. This site is for people to do their own research and ask questions. Why would it be filled with left leaning government worshipers? DIY solar for myself and many others is a hobby and gives some us independence.

The "lets force everybody to pay for solar to save the earth from global warming" crowd doesn't do a lot of research or discussion in the real world. They have the government, corporations, and media doing most of the advocacy for their causes, plus they aren't typically equipped to function in a discussion with an informed logical person. Think of the videos of protesters being interviewed or questioned, when all of the sudden a handler comes and tells everyone not to talk to the interviewer. The best solution to bad speech is more and better speech, but if one is incapable of better speech they have no chance, therefore they must silence opposition to win.

I guess that It only makes sense that the free thinkers and rational people ended up here and the cult followers were already told what to believe, so no more effort is required on their part. Why wouldn't it be a mix of people who value independence and self sufficiency?
I too was at first surprised by the makeup of this site. Once I thought about it I felt kind of silly. This site is for people to do their own research and ask questions. Why would it be filled with left leaning government worshipers? DIY solar for myself and many others is a hobby and gives some us independence.

The "lets force everybody to pay for solar to save the earth from global warming" crowd doesn't do a lot of research or discussion in the real world. They have the government, corporations, and media doing most of the advocacy for their causes, plus they aren't typically equipped to function in a discussion with an informed logical person. Think of the videos of protesters being interviewed or questioned, when all of the sudden a handler comes and tells everyone not to talk to the interviewer. The best solution to bad speech is more and better speech, but if one is incapable of better speech they have no chance, therefore they must silence opposition to win.

I guess that It only makes sense that the free thinkers and rational people ended up here and the cult followers were already told what to believe, so no more effort is required on their part. Why wouldn't it be a mix of people who value independence and self sufficiency?

I think it has to do with the "green new deal" that most of us have in our minds when the "alt power" thing comes up.

Some people are smart enough to know its limitations, I sure do after a week of rain, and another that is to be sunshine here.
I think it has to do with the "green new deal" that most of us have in our minds when the "alt power" thing comes up.

Some people are smart enough to know its limitations, I sure do after a week of rain, and another that is to be sunshine here.
Collect all your rainwater and build a hydro generator to charge your batteries, talk about a big system...
Collect all your rainwater and build a hydro generator to charge your batteries, talk about a big system...

I have a better idea.
You know that a cat always lands on its feet?
You know that butterbread always falls butter down?
Well, tie a butterbread to the back of the cat and drop it out of the window. You have just invented perpetual motion.
I have a better idea.
You know that a cat always lands on its feet?
You know that butterbread always falls butter down?
Well, tie a butterbread to the back of the cat and drop it out of the window. You have just invented perpetual motion.
😹 remember, being bat shit crazy is not always a bad thing…@aenyc is a good example 😸😸😸
I will say I was dead wrong on the "leanings" of the people in a "solar" forum. There is a mix of folk down here no doubt about it, but the majority of those seem to have the ability to actually look around and think for themselves. I wonder if that is a product of having to think to put your own solar outfit together from scratch. A little harder to pull the wool over the eyes of a thinking man.
My observation is that people are pretty much split 50/50:
1.) The weak who sit back and have the federal government force others to enact their agenda: i.e. Green New Deal. Typically will be the younger generation.
2.) The strong who get up and DIY without relying on the government. Or in some cases figure out how to DIY in spite of the local government. Typically will be the older generation.

From Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain:
Hard times create strong men [we are here]
Strong men create good times
Good times create weak men
And weak men create hard times

I am seeing the millennials starting to become strong men. Very reassuring.
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I am seeing the millennials starting to become strong men. Very reassuring.

really? you should stop by a Navy or airforce base.... I have never seen a larger collection of entitled children in my entire life. these idiots get promoted for com rels.. not due to their ability to do their job, but how many collateral duties they do...

They no longer enforce the shaving and grooming standards as once they let the Black Service members go buck wild with their often unsubstantiated no shave chits then the the black females started in with the braids and other "faddish" hair styles claiming it was an "african/black" thing.... (bullshit kinda of hard to braid hair that is short and curly...) show me a female African in Africa with long braided hair other then those living in some of the cities and paying for perms to straighten their hair...

once the above happened some enterprising Indians claimed to be Sikh so they should be able to have a beard, and now the white people have jumped on board with claims of viking religions :rolleyes:

its all one big cluster fuck of a lack of discipline and good order.

you look funny at them and they go crying to their chain of command... "that contractor laughed at me and said I was obese..." yeah that actually happened to me, I told the Command Master Chief to fuck off or I would take it to a contract dispute with Defense Logistics Agency on their dumb ass's

I don't see them firming up nor becoming strong.. I see a bunch of whiny little cunts.
really? you should stop by a Navy or airforce base.... I have never seen a larger collection of entitled children in my entire life. these idiots get promoted for com rels.. not due to their ability to do their job, but how many collateral duties they do...

They no longer enforce the shaving and grooming standards as once they let the Black Service members go buck wild with their often unsubstantiated no shave chits then the the black females started in with the braids and other "faddish" hair styles claiming it was an "african/black" thing.... (bullshit kinda of hard to braid hair that is short and curly...) show me a female African in Africa with long braided hair other then those living in some of the cities and paying for perms to straighten their hair...

once the above happened some enterprising Indians claimed to be Sikh so they should be able to have a beard, and now the white people have jumped on board with claims of viking religions :rolleyes:

its all one big cluster fuck of a lack of discipline and good order.

you look funny at them and they go crying to their chain of command... "that contractor laughed at me and said I was obese..." yeah that actually happened to me, I told the Command Master Chief to fuck off or I would take it to a contract dispute with Defense Logistics Agency on their dumb ass's

I don't see them firming up nor becoming strong.. I see a bunch of whiny little cunts.
Zumwalt was the first loosen standards ..... Seems to have gone WAY down hill since then.
Zumwalt was the first loosen standards ..... Seems to have gone WAY down hill since then.
when you see fat little piglets that cannot fit through a scuttle and listen to them whine that the scuttles are too small/racist/patriarchal???

That's what caused the issue I had... listening to a lard ass whine I commented that the scuttles were designed a specific size to help control flooding during a casualty and that scuttles themselves were neither patriarchal nor racists and maybe she should get herself onto one of the treadmills the Navy so graciously offers for her free use... guess being honest is no longer a desirable trait.
really? you should stop by a Navy or airforce base.... I have never seen a larger collection of entitled children in my entire life. these idiots get promoted for com rels.. not due to their ability to do their job, but how many collateral duties they do...
Know a few "kids" that are in the military... It's fucking scary they are going to be defending the USA.
Can't even get to work on time let alone perform a simple job, I say, almost everyday, I'm a kindergarten teacher for pussified men. ... Sad.
I have a better idea.
You know that a cat always lands on its feet?
You know that butterbread always falls butter down?
Well, tie a butterbread to the back of the cat and drop it out of the window. You have just invented perpetual motion.
Good times create weak men.
Weak men create hard times
Hard Times create Strong Men
Strong Men greate Good Times
Good times create weak men.
Weak men create hard times
Hard Times create Strong Men
Strong Men greate Good Times

You need to read this book if you have not already. This is the second one, I have not read the second but I did the first. And what you say is right out of the first book

You need to read this book if you have not already. This is the second one, I have not read the second but I did the first. And what you say is right out of the first book

View attachment 217154
its a quote from "those who remain" i forget the author, but it (saying) is pretty accurate. these days we molly coddle bad people too much because those that are strong do not reign in those that are weak. the weak (especially willed or mentally) always want to show how kind they are.. shit like saying "its nuture... or no its nature".... no its all bullshit, they scumbags are simply scumbags and we should hang them. if we had sent armed men into the middle of the BLM riots, or the antifa riots with orders to shoot the most violent of the protesters, the rest of them would have calmed their tits down. if we would hang politicians that lie constantly and act in ways that are contrary to the health of the nation, we would be sitty pretty.
Why we hate politicians - because they always sell us to the highest bidder

A World State Through the Back Door?​

What is going on with the World Health Organisation? In December 2021 it began to talk about a global pandemic treaty. And now an International Treaty on Pandemic Preparedness, Prevention and Response will be presented to the 77th World Health Assembly between May 27th and June 1st: that is, next week. In the Daily Sceptic David Bell has done good work in going through the articles of the draft treaty, and also noting that we should read the amendments to the International Health Regulations too. But I want to ask a broader question. Is this a world state through the back door?

No one spoke about a world state much — except dismissively — until the early 20th century. H.G. Wells was fond of the idea. It was a modish subject at around the time of the formation of the League of Nations and again around the time of the formation of the United Nations, though, interestingly, it was usually dismissed. In the last 30 years the question of a world state has returned, though the answer is usually still negative.

However, one of the fundamental laws of politics is, and has been ever since Thucydides — or Augustus — that a thing can be one thing and yet can be called another thing. Politics is, as everyone has known since before Socrates, a rhetorical art: and the art of rhetoric involves all manner of minimisations, exaggerations, substitutions, reversals, redescriptions.

So what has happened in the last 30 years is not that we have become enthusiasts for something called a world state, but that we have become enthusiasts for something that we by and large do not want to call a world state while hoping — consciously, unconsciously — that it will be a world state.

Consciously: here I refer to the hypocrites, who want a world state but know they should not say so.

Unconsciously: here I refer to the idealists, who believe that one could have an ‘international society’ or ‘global democracy’ or ‘global governance’ — all vogue phrases of the last half century — without a state (specifically, without coercive power).

I have waded through the academic literature on ‘cosmopolitanism’. Many scholars, especially since the end of the Cold War, have strained to tell us exactly what we should do to have peace, redistribution, representation, rights, capabilities, all over the world. You know the sort of people I mean: earnest, irritating, the sort of professors who try to overcome their own presumable Weltschmerz by sketching visions of Weltharmonie: those tweeded 1950s Lucky Jim types or leather-jacketed 1970s History Man types, or, nowadays, the open-necked and scarved 2000s glass-ceiling breaking types, all of whom love the sound of their own grandiose normativity.

Normative: a word I have always disliked. It doesn’t mean ‘normal’: it means ‘concerning norms’, especially ‘concerning the norms that should be established’. It is a stipulative, imperative, finger-wagging word. The emphasis is on the word ‘should’: an innocent word, until it alarmingly comes to sound like ‘must’ and then, finally, ‘shall’.

The academics who write about cosmopolitanism most often speak about it as if everything could be achieved by law or federation or that mystical thing called ‘global governance’. ‘Governance’ is yet another dubious word: it means ‘government’ without exactly meaning anything as clear as ‘government’. (Governance murders us without leaving any marks on the body.) But with the advent of ‘climate change’ there has been a growing sense that something less democratic and more technocratic is required. And, of course, COVID-19, especially for those who believed that it was what it was said to be (those innocent folk who forgot that politics was a rhetorical art), was the most emphatic and startling arrival of an opportunity to respond to something collectively and coercively — in fact, in the manner of a world state.

The WHO declared COVID-19 a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on January 30th 2020 and, more memorably, a ‘pandemic’ on March 11th 2020. But the definition of a PHEIC is worth examining. It refers, I discover, to “an extraordinary event which is determined to constitute a public health risk to other states through the international spread of disease and to potentially require a coordinated international response”. The most important words in that sentence are determined and coordinated.

Determined: someone decides that there is risk.

Coordinated: the response to the risk is a singular one.

And if we ask who is to do the determining and the coordinating the answer is not a world state, but instead an international agency with treaty powers. COVID-19 was the best thing that has ever happened to the World Health Organisation (and its cluster of corporate allies). The back door opened. While the WHO strode through that back door, the IPCC looked on jealously; and I daresay Stonewall wondered how they could get involved.

But of course the WHO got there first, not letting a good crisis go to waste. The first thing it did was get us all on side rhetorically. Consider the word ‘pandemic’: it is derived from Greek: pan = all, and demos = people. Think about it. It isn’t a medical word. It’s a political word. From now on, they (‘They’) want us to be a pandemos, to be ordered about by those-who-know-best.

The European Union is also an influence here. For what is the history of the European Union but a history of bait-and-switches? First we hear: “It is just an economic community.” But in come the hypocrites and the idealists, and then we hear: “It is a political community.” Or first we hear: “We’ll have a referendum on the constitution.” But the people vote ‘No’, and the hypocrites and idealists have to change tack. So then we hear: “Here’s a treaty to get the constitution through the back door.” The international agencies have learnt much from the EU: which, in the later history of the world, will seem to have been nothing more than an early and useful and small-scale experiment in How To Do It.

There are two really profound problems with a World State.

The first is that it is a logical impossibility. States are like demons in the New Testament: their name is Legion. They are necessarily plural. For thousands of years we had empires with frontiers; then, in the 16th and 17th centuries, we invented states with borders: lines exactly drawn. A line can only be exactly drawn if we are no longer fighting over territory but coming to some agreement: where this agreement involves what modern lawyers call ‘recognition’: each side recognises the right of the other to exist. States are plural: they recognise others. I don’t know how we could live in a world where there was one state which recognised only itself. Whatever such a thing would be, it would not be a state in the usual sense. It would be an unlimited state, whereas it is part of the idea of a state that it is limited.

The second is that it is an abstraction. It is a fantasy, a fiction: it exists in the mind of lawyers. It could exist in law, of course: everything can exist in law. But there would be no culture or society to back up that law: so it would be backed up by force. Lord Sumption writes books about how we are coming to depend too much on law and not enough on convention. David McGrogan in the Daily Sceptic tells us the same thing. It was Burke’s point in Reflections on the Revolution in France, which remains the paradigmatic book of our time. I heard Eric Weinstein say it recently too. (His illustration: Law = you may not say something objectionable. Convention = you may say it, but the convention is that you would not say it.) Our cultures have usually depended on conventions which have emerged through long, troublesome but shared histories. If we have no shared history, then there is no culture, no conventions, only law. So a world state would be an unreal thing: something no one would believe in, except the people paid to believe in it, i.e., its functionaries — the bossy WHO, IPCC, Stonewall types.

Neither of these profound problems is enough to stop the thing happening. So I’d say that though this WHO treaty might not be a very clear revelation of a world state, it is certainly an important dry run for it. It is a sketch, part of a work-in-progress: and we should be wary of all the quislings who are opening the back door for it.