diy solar

diy solar

4 X class solar flares to impact this weekend.

Is there a grid risk on the night side of the planet? Do the charge particles follow the magnetic field and disrupt the dark side too? Or is it just the sun facing side where the particles push through the magnetic field?
News release will probably let us know without any doubt that the Sun is causing the warming of the globe we are on! LOL

Some people might be in fear over this as a cause!

Hopefully there is some news reported that solar flares aid in solar production, and more DIY'ers visit the forum for installation advise.
Is there a grid risk on the night side of the planet? Do the charge particles follow the magnetic field and disrupt the dark side too? Or is it just the sun facing side where the particles push through the magnetic field?
It's the electromagnetic energy from the solar flare that is traveling near the speed of light that only hits the sun side of the earth and causes radio blackouts. It's the actual "mass" of energetic particles that takes days to arrive (if it was pointing towards the path of where earth will be in a few days) since they are traveling much slower and is what results in auroras, potential energizing of electric lines, etc. Auroras form in both daylight and night time but the human eye can only see them at night.
It's the electromagnetic energy from the solar flare that is traveling near the speed of light that only hits the sun side of the earth and causes radio blackouts. It's the actual "mass" of energetic particles that takes days to arrive (if it was pointing towards the path of where earth will be in a few days) since they are traveling much slower and is what results in auroras, potential energizing of electric lines, etc. Auroras form in both daylight and night time but the human eye can only see them at night.
Seems like I am ok connecting to the grid at night.
This channel also has some good info (warning, music can be intense).

I don't think this weekends event will cause any severe issues but AR3664 is definitely something to pay attention to. (a lot of this is way over my head).
I kinda dig the music..

Interesting videos, probably should be aware of the possibilities of these events.
They've since updated it to 12% because of another couple bursts.
Did anything bad happen in 2005? Not to my memory.
Not worried...

I'm still standing by my statement. Bring on the lights.

My luck, it will be cloudy and rainy when it hits so we can't see nothing anyway. Darn it Ohio.