diy solar

diy solar

Solar rumors, need answers

Anything man made will create pollution, so simply don't take your hardware as 'Disposable' or for granted...
The longer it's used, the more it offsets it's initial production pollution.

While the political/big energy argument has blown the pollution produced WAY out of proportion, for instance claiming the aluminum in the frames creates 10,000 times the pollution any other aluminum production does,
The silicone in solar panels creates 100,000 times, or more, pollution than the silicone for smart phones, etc.
Everything has its costs, no need to exaggerate the problem...

The 'Simple' truth is,
After the cost/pollution of creating the solar panels, there is no pollution in the service life.
While fossil fuel will turn 60% to 80% of those fossil fuels into NOTHING BUT pollution,
Burning fossil fuels is between 20% & 40% efficient, that's 80%-60% waste heat/pollution, and you can't change the laws of thermodynamics, it's always going to be that way.

Solar creates ZERO pollution during it's working life.

Once someone does large scale electro-chemical process for removing heavy metals from panels at the end of their lives, this *Can* be a closed cycle.
Right now it's not economically viable, so no one is doing it large scale.


*IF* a CME (nature) decides to throw a fit, you will be good.
What gets through the magnetosphere won't effect your panels or electronics.

*IF* someone can pull together the multi-billion dollar (minimum) specialized nuclear device for an EMP,
Can get a lift vehicle to get that device into place inside the high atmosphere,
Have a guidence system to precisely locate that lift vehicle & nuclear device,
Can build a specialized launch platform for that lift vehicle,
And can track the ever moving magnetic field for the optimum place to park that EMP device,
Then you have to worry about something you can't do anything about.

Spare parts fixes anything an EMP can do...
Solar Panels, likely not effected by EMP, will charge batteries directly, YOU will have to monitor charging but they will still make DC current, and your batteries will still accept DC current.
Stick a cheap multi-meter in your bag.

Does the EMP go through soil?
Does the EMP go through soil?

According to the Military, EMP doesn't do sea water or dirt very well.
Don't know the details, not an expert on magnetic fields, but it has something to do with conductivity & resistance, and the surface magnetic layer.
They always told us mother Earth was our best friend.
They always told us subs & ships would come through a direct EMP attack just fine.
This is the same government that told us to duck & cover under a school desk in the event of a nuke, so who knows ;) ?
All the lead paint on those desks would protect you from the blast.
I was in the military when EMP was the 'Boogy Man' and they were spending like crazy to try and harden everything against it...
Two things I learned,
1. A magnetic field stops a magnetic field in it's tracks.
The lab monkeys used refrigerator magnets (vinyl sheet magnets) to protect their computers when they were pulsing the big EMP generator gadget.

The big 'Secret' here is, the magnetic field has to be MOVING to induce (induction) to build voltage in electrical conductors. While a ferrous metal box attracts the magnetic field, and dissipates it, a static magnetic field absorbs the Moving field (unsupported) 100%.
Save those pizza joint and fridge magnets and stick them to your box/cage.

2. Most fuel injected vehicles from the 80s-early 90s survived.
Those lab monkeys zapped dozens of cars, most would shut off, but restart after the zap.
The wiring is sheltered inside sheet metal, run next to ferrous metal, etc, also short runs of wire.
Not saying you won't have every trouble code pop up, but the vehicles did operate.

You have to remember the under hood of an early 80s vehicle is an EM nightmare,
Stupid high voltage pulsing ignition, amperage pulsing wiper & heater-A/C motor, an alternator that pulsing both amperage and throwing a BIG magnetic field, a pretty hostile place for sensors, wiring, etc.
It always amazes people when you show them twisted wire pairs, shielding, wire bundles run next to magnetic loads (engine block, intake, sheet metal/frame) to reduce the line noise, EM/RF so the early computers can do their jobs...

I can't tell you about vehicles from later, I separated from the military in '95.
They don't exactly keep you in the loop on secret research after you separate.
I'm just 'Joe Average' now.
Actually, @JeepHammer you are a solar/electrical genius compared to me, LOL!
Spraying us with DDT & malathion, hosing us down in lead & asbestos, and yet telling us the desk would save us from a ground zero nuke...

And they think Road Runner & Coyote cartoons send the wrong message... ;)
Spraying us with DDT & malathion, hosing us down in lead & asbestos, and yet telling us the desk would save us from a ground zero nuke...

And they think Road Runner & Coyote cartoons send the wrong message... ;)
I remember the "mosquito trucks" and running inside the house...
There are other essentials you should stock up on in case of an EMT blast...

Note that I got a 36 pack of Scott's on my prior trip. I REALLY have a lot of TP. Half way through the 8 boxes of Cheerios, though and not even Winter solstice, yet.
THANK YOU HOLLYWOOD ! Another example of the massive amount of misconceptions people have thanks to Hollywood Screen Writers...

---> Privatised Utilities refused to do so because there is "no profit" in it and they see it as a superfluous expense. Consider how they run rough shod over most everything else that may affect their profits and are always ready & able to take Government subsidies to keep operating but without being responsible.

The US-DOD like most others are also looking to be independent of fuels for more & more equipment as that IS a weakness that can be manipulated resulting in failure.... Materiel and fuel supply lines can and are often disrupted in military ventures by the enemy.
Yup... watch Tom cruise’s war of the worlds... crazy... car had its starter out, so it wasn’t destroyed like the other cars... I’m like??
That mess of a show had so many crazy rumors in it.
Emp is a disaster for power distribution... hardly a concern for off grid stuff...
Yup... watch Tom cruise’s war of the worlds... crazy... car had its starter out, so it wasn’t destroyed like the other cars... I’m like??
That mess of a show had so many crazy rumors in it.
Emp is a disaster for power distribution... hardly a concern for off grid stuff...
Yeah, but what if the aliens can detect Lithium batteries? Who ya gonna call?
Here's an oldie but still interesting for those thinking nuclear apocalypse:
Lots of variables one can play with to see what could happen.
Here's an oldie but still interesting for those thinking nuclear apocalypse:
Lots of variables one can play with to see what could happen.
I feel safer now that I know that I'm just outside the blast radius of a W-78. Before I was concerned the Amazon drones wouldn't be able to deliver.
Looked up this Inverter I just saw mentioned on another thread:

“With Sol-Ark, you will have peace of mind with “the most well thought out solar generator on the market.” “Not just EMP resistant – it’s actually EMP Hardened!” (Scott Hunt-about the 3K in 2017)
Anything man made will create pollution, so simply don't take your hardware as 'Disposable' or for granted...
The longer it's used, the more it offsets it's initial production pollution.

While the political/big energy argument has blown the pollution produced WAY out of proportion, for instance claiming the aluminum in the frames creates 10,000 times the pollution any other aluminum production does,
The silicone in solar panels creates 100,000 times, or more, pollution than the silicone for smart phones, etc.
Everything has its costs, no need to exaggerate the problem...

The 'Simple' truth is,
After the cost/pollution of creating the solar panels, there is no pollution in the service life.
While fossil fuel will turn 60% to 80% of those fossil fuels into NOTHING BUT pollution,
Burning fossil fuels is between 20% & 40% efficient, that's 80%-60% waste heat/pollution, and you can't change the laws of thermodynamics, it's always going to be that way.

Solar creates ZERO pollution during it's working life.

Once someone does large scale electro-chemical process for removing heavy metals from panels at the end of their lives, this *Can* be a closed cycle.
Right now it's not economically viable, so no one is doing it large scale.


*IF* a CME (nature) decides to throw a fit, you will be good.
What gets through the magnetosphere won't effect your panels or electronics.

*IF* someone can pull together the multi-billion dollar (minimum) specialized nuclear device for an EMP,
Can get a lift vehicle to get that device into place inside the high atmosphere,
Have a guidence system to precisely locate that lift vehicle & nuclear device,
Can build a specialized launch platform for that lift vehicle,
And can track the ever moving magnetic field for the optimum place to park that EMP device,
Then you have to worry about something you can't do anything about.

Spare parts fixes anything an EMP can do...
Solar Panels, likely not effected by EMP, will charge batteries directly, YOU will have to monitor charging but they will still make DC current, and your batteries will still accept DC current.
Stick a cheap multi-meter in your bag.
can you recommend a multi-meter?