diy solar

diy solar

how long until DIY solar is dead? -- states are beginning to require microinverters


Solar Enthusiast
Jul 12, 2022

Along the same lines, many/most AHJs are requiring that only licensed electricians can pull permits for solar installs.

here's the legislation from NM

<rhetorical>if solar is really a viable renewable energy solution, why are "they" restricting it to the point that systems cannot be off-grid and cannot be DIY installed?</rhetorical>
Can you do DIY in Cal.? I see per your 1st. article smart inverters been required for a few years?

Is your concern just a version of "the sky is falling"?

I didn't read the full 119 pages (don't care too) can you call out the pages that concern you?
the point is that government intervention is intentionally limiting (killing?) the implementation of a renewable energy option.

if we believe climate change is real, we're running out of fossil fuels and we want to incentivize moving to solar, then this type of intervention is sending the opposite message.
the point is that government intervention is intentionally limiting (killing?) the implementation of a renewable energy option.

if we believe climate change is real, we're running out of fossil fuels and we want to incentivize moving to solar, then this type of intervention is sending the opposite message.
Because the climate change hoax is all about money and political power.
if we believe climate change is real, we're running out of fossil fuels
The climate has been changing since the beginning of time and we as well as the next couple of generations of humans will be gone before any real shortage of fossil fuel. Where solar is affordable for you, use it, where economizing makes sense do it, if you enjoy large vehicles and can afford them, use them. But when anyone tries to make those decisions for others it crosses a line
the point is that government intervention is intentionally limiting (killing?) the implementation of a renewable energy option.

if we believe climate change is real, we're running out of fossil fuels and we want to incentivize moving to solar, then this type of intervention is sending the opposite message.

It was never about the environment to "them." It is about control and money. Global warming/climate change is just a convenient façade.

Really, just follow the money. You can't get scientific "grants" and all kinds of funding for any kind of research that doesn't have the end goal or result of "proving" MMGW is a thing. Any study that calls their narrative into question is censored and suppressed (just like anything else that goes against their narrative, see JFK, COVID, etc). All about controlling the masses. They realized though that by pushing solar too much that it actually opens the door for more self-sufficient living at least in some areas, and they can't stand that, so they gotta crank the regulation screws to make it back out of reach again.

Anyway, I have micros and it made the initial grid-tie install easier and more cost effective. Adding storage to let it run by itself is a little more complicated due to having to have an inverter that can handle AC coupling, but, it is also a UL inverter, so if any questions come up from there I'm still good (though around here I doubt anyone is even going to care that much what I do, even if I did manage to burn my house down).
Anyway, I have micros and it made the initial grid-tie install easier and more cost effective. Adding storage to let it run by itself is a little more complicated due to having to have an inverter that can handle AC coupling, but, it is also a UL inverter, so if any questions come up from there I'm still good (though around here I doubt anyone is even going to care that much what I do, even if I did manage to burn my house down).
how did you get approval to bypass the grid keep-alive signal for the RSD? micro-inverters have to shut down when grid is down.
how did you get approval to bypass the grid keep-alive signal for the RSD? micro-inverters have to shut down when grid is down.
They are only required to shut down, if connected to the grid. Removing the grid connection serves the same purpose.
Yeah, I have an Outback Radian that will cut connection to the grid when it goes down, and establishes its own "grid" that the micros will then sync to, and uses frequency-watts to control the micros so that they don't push power when there's nowhere for it to go and blow up stuff.
It was never about the environment to "them." It is about control and money. Global warming/climate change is just a convenient façade.
Welcome to the world of special interest groups lobbying your government representatives. 99.9% of the garbage laws that are passed are the result of powerful special interests groups and corporations trying to secure their financial future by restricting your liberties and rights.

It was a conservative supreme court in 2010 (Citizens United v. FEC) that granted corporations (and everyone else) the right to make unlimited campaign donations for their own special interests.
Yeah, I have an Outback Radian that will cut connection to the grid when it goes down, and establishes its own "grid" that the micros will then sync to, and uses frequency-watts to control the micros so that they don't push power when there's nowhere for it to go and blow up stuff.
How do you use micros with a Radian? I was going yo use a Radian with mppts but if I can use micros with it all the better.
How do you use micros with a Radian? I was going yo use a Radian with mppts but if I can use micros with it all the better.
Look in the manual how to set up AC coupling. It requires the micros to support frequency watts control also. In my case, I have to configure them to support it. Chilicon has the instructions how to do it on their micros right on their website.
the point is that government intervention is intentionally limiting (killing?) the implementation of a renewable energy option.
The two states with the larger renewable energy are California and Texas. I don't see the correlation between renewable energy generation and government between those two states which are opposite politically.
The two states with the larger renewable energy are California and Texas. I don't see the correlation between renewable energy generation and government between those two states which are opposite politically.
I had no idea Texas was at the top of the list.
I'm not often surprised anymore in my older age but that one got me.