diy solar

diy solar

how long until DIY solar is dead? -- states are beginning to require microinverters

I don't see the correlation between renewable energy generation and government between those two states which are opposite politically.
The two states are not really that opposite politically- people make the mistake of assuming republicans are conservative, that could not be further from the truth, the elites that run the country are liberals reguardless of party. Solar appeals to both the conservative and liberal mind set. Conservatives like the opportunity for some semblance of independence and freedom from the monopolistic utility industry and liberals like the “do-gooder” feeling wether it’s real or imagined. Both can see the wisdom in a backup system- anyone who understands history- liberals or conservatives- knows that governments and bureaucracies always end up failing their subjects.
I didn't read the nm 119 page, but I read "smart inverters" not micro inverters, although the picture is of an enphase. Smart Inverter to limit export back to the grid because so much solar power is going back to the grid behind the distribution equipment that it overpowers local areas?

That's my take without reading both articles
The two states are not really that opposite politically- people make the mistake of assuming republicans are conservative, that could not be further from the truth, the elites that run the country are liberals reguardless of party.

Ask yourself how big the corporate power company lobby is. There in is the answer, they lobby and make campaign contributions so the power companies dictate policy.
Solar appeals to both the conservative and liberal mind set.

But it doesn't appeal to power companies unless they can profit off it. The recent decision in CA will allow the power companies to take power for basically nothing (mandated rooftop solar on new construction) and sell it for a profit.

They consider it not theft because they "pay" for the power.

Conservatives like the opportunity for some semblance of independence and freedom from the monopolistic utility industry and liberals like the “do-gooder” feeling wether it’s real or imagined. Both can see the wisdom in a backup system- anyone who understands history- liberals or conservatives- knows that governments and bureaucracies always end up failing their subjects.
I wouldn't say conservatives but rather independently minded people, those who think for themselves and made something of their life without handouts or regulation that enabled an advantage.

Two reasons I went solar and went solar now; I could see trends in energy were unsustainable and prices would rise due to not only higher costs to generate but also mergers/acquisitions of power transmission entities plus the shutdown of coal generation.

The second is self sufficiency in the future before government makes regulation that makes it impossible outside the system they want. Government wants people dependent upon the state, it increases government power.
the point is that government intervention is intentionally limiting (killing?) the implementation of a renewable energy option.

if we believe climate change is real, we're running out of fossil fuels and we want to incentivize moving to solar, then this type of intervention is sending the opposite message.
I am all about renewable energy. BUT, in my research with trying to update my current grid-tied system; the one theme that is (unfortunately) very prevalent in the solar industry is extreme corporate avarice.

The cost of this equipment (batteries especially) is ludicrous. The installation costs are ludicrous as well.
I am all about renewable energy. BUT, in my research with trying to update my current grid-tied system; the one theme that is (unfortunately) very prevalent in the solar industry is extreme corporate avarice.

The cost of this equipment (batteries especially) is ludicrous. The installation costs are ludicrous as well.
i have a weird opinion that openly sharing research conclusions, as is done widely on this forum, can contribute to reducing the cost of these devices by reducing research and development costs. the material costs are less negotiable in my humble observation. kind regards!
Climate change, renewable energy, all bs. Technology exists for free energy yet the powers that be forbid its use. We are decades behind what the government has in its storage depots concerning free energy.
the point is that government intervention is intentionally limiting (killing?) the implementation of a renewable energy option.

if we believe climate change is real, we're running out of fossil fuels and we want to incentivize moving to solar, then this type of intervention is sending the opposite message.
That's because these governments pushing the climate change agenda privately don't really believe their own narrative - the whole thing is really just about CONTROL of the population.

I don't know why so many people can't recognize this. Fundamental human nature hasn't changed; there has always been a portion of the population whose driving ambition has been to rule over and control other people.
If you're off-grid and not interested in getting a "check" from the bureaucrats, you may employ alternative roofing/ and or rain diversion materials for given areas of your property. "No, those are not solar panels. I do not answer questions without my attorney present. Get off my property."

Along the same lines, many/most AHJs are requiring that only licensed electricians can pull permits for solar installs.

here's the legislation from NM

<rhetorical>if solar is really a viable renewable energy solution, why are "they" restricting it to the point that systems cannot be off-grid and cannot be DIY installed?</rhetorical>
a reason to get rid of the grid. ‘take back the power’ #motsenbocker