diy solar

diy solar

Pictures: Look What a Few Punishing Minutes of Baseball-Sized Hail Did to Massive Nebraska Solar Farm

Any honest geologist can show you by digging dow through the earths surface that this warming trend is not new. The earth goes through warming and cooling cycles. We just happen to be in a warming cycle. Those same people shouting climate change are the ones who said Covid was a pandemic. So you know the numbets were fudged to mske it look like one. Ask any medical coder.
Not in 100 year span, not unless you have some kind of major event happen to the Earth and nothing like that has happened in the last 100 years.
Dr. Peterson is the interviewer, not the subject.

Richard Lindzen is a dynamical meteorologist. He has contributed to the development of theories for the Hadley Circulation, hydrodynamic instability theory, internal gravity waves, atmospheric tides, and the quasi-biennial oscillation of the stratosphere. His current research is focused on climate sensitivity, the role of cirrus clouds in climate, and the determination of the tropics-to-pole temperature difference. He has attained multiple degrees from Harvard University, and won multiple awards in his field of study such as the Jule Charney award for “highly significant research in the atmospheric sciences”. Between 1983 and 2013, he was the Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at MIT where he earned emeritus status in July of 2013.
Okay.. So I skimmed through the video and got tired of the bla bla bla.. Decided to go to other sources to see where this guy differs from other scientists.

Basically, the controversy is over a temperature vs. water vapor argument. Lindzen's argument is that the higher temperature causes a drying effect in some upper atmosphere clouds.. which allows more IR back into space.. where as, the generally accepted concept is that higher temperatures cause more water vapor, which blocks IR and holds the energy here on the planet.

The generally accepted function has several global events to back it up..

Lindzen could still be correct however.. these things are complex and don't always happen the way we think they do just because we saw something similar somewhere else.

That said, the deeper understanding here is that even if Lindzen is correct, all he's saying is that the climate models are just a bit over zealous. He's not disputing the results, he's disputing their accuracy on a fine tuning scale.. which the climate models themselves already include in their error analysis.

In short, in layman's terms, its like standing on the side of the road with a posted speed limit of 45 mph and seeing a car whiz by going 85.. Then reporting the car was going 85 and someone disputing that claim by saying they think it was going 80 mph. It's not a big difference in the over all picture because the speed limit is 45!

That is basically what's going on with Lindzen.. he's not claiming the climate models are a conspiracy to get your money because George Soros wants to control you.. He's claiming that some small fraction of the climate model is incorrect.. the key word is SMALL. and he could be wrong about even that..

Too bad we can't put a space probe out a few million miles from Earth to record the IR energy radiating out over time. Pretty sure that would quell any controversy over that bit of argument.
Looks to me like China's growth in coal power production since 2015 is several times growth in solar.

A bit of nuclear power. Probably to manufacture plutonium.
A giant world wide conspiracy every government on the planet is involved in? Please name these "highly credentialed independent journalists" so I can take a look at these credentials you speak of.. Should I look at their credentials or just take your word for it?
Yes. This is all driven by the WEF. I've been down the rabbit hole and it is deep. Literally hundreds of hours reading factual testimony and evidence of fraud. The best analogy for those of us who are awake see the production for what it is...think of The Truman Show, where we are the audience. We know that it is a huge production and those still sleeping are Jim Carrey who hasn't yet found the very well obscured rear stairs and exit door. The difference is that we're telling you there is a rear door and it's all a production but you still believe the world around you is reality because it is all you know.

If you're on Twitter, I suggest you start following these names:

For those who haven't read any of the "Twitter Files" discovery data, you can start here:

If you're on the left, reading some of this is going to be upsetting. You're first inclination is going to be to "Google" a name. What you will find is very comprehensive but believable slander and misinformation. Your first reaction will be to proclaim "conspiracy theorists"! Like the cast of the Truman Show, everyone and their brother is going to try to prevent you from getting on that boat and finding the stairs and the door . You should take the trip and find the stairs. Exit the production. Big money interests have usurped just about every system we have.

“It's Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.” – Mark Twain
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Yes. This is all driven by the WEF.
So you think its all a world wide conspiracy? Dude, there are almost 200 sovereign countries on this planet, if you took a random sample of any 5 of them, you couldn't get them to agree on what to have for lunch without 4 conferences to discuss the physical layout of the meeting room, then 4 more conferences to discuss the location, then 4 more for the date, another meeting to discuss the tableware, etc.

But somehow you think they magically all decided to agree on one of the most complex conspiracies in the world?

Let me guess.. Please check the boxes that apply to you:
911 Inside Job
Global Warming fake
Covid consipracy
Moon landings fake
Bigfoot real
Government covering up Aliens
Jewish Space Lasers
Election was Stolen

Mental illness of this type almost always results in a cluster of irrational beliefs..

I've been down the rabbit hole and it is deep. Literally hundreds of hours reading factual testimony and evidence of fraud. The best analogy for those of us who are awake see the production for what it is...think of The Truman Show, where we are the audience. We know that it is a huge production and those still sleeping are Jim Carrey who hasn't yet found the very well obscured rear stairs and exit door. The difference is that we're telling you there is a rear door and it's all a production but you still believe the world around you is reality because it is all you know.

If you're on Twitter, I suggest you start following these names:

For those who haven't read any of the "Twitter Files" discovery data, you can start here:

If you're on the left, reading some of this is going to be upsetting. You're first inclination is going to be to "Google" a name. What you will find is very comprehensive but believable slander and misinformation. Your first reaction will be to proclaim "conspiracy theorists"! Like the cast of the Truman Show, everyone and their brother is going to try to prevent you from getting on that boat and finding the stairs and the door . You should take the trip and find the stairs. Exit the production. Big money interests have usurped just about every system we have.

“It's Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.” – Mark Twain
You are extrapolating nonsensical points to slander and demean your pre-conceived "opposition". You likely won't read any further to ensure you stay within your safe bubble. It's OK, I have seen and heard it all before. I have a brother like you...who simply can't fathom how bad it is. It doesn't compute and he simply won't do the work. The rest of the family just stays away and leaves him be in his happy place. We still love him though.

"If you are alarmed by the facts, the problem isn't with the facts." - Chris Martenson
I don't know if there was any US knowledge or seeding of 9/11, but some of the plans to topple Cuba, supposedly actually proposed within our government, involved a similar actual terrorist attack inside the US.

I wouldn't put anything past any of them.

I don't know if it is true people associated with the Bush administrated had said we needed another Pearl Harbor; searching for that pops up many such claims. Just like Hillary wanting to have our 401k accounts taken over and invested in T-bills, I don't know if they actually made that statement, or it was made up to impugn them.

"Cognito ergo sum."

Like Descartes, all I can be (relatively) sure of is that I am (I'm thinking, therefore I must exist.)
I can't know what is lies and what is truth. But I don't like a lot of what politicians do and how they try to do it.
You are extrapolating nonsensical points to slander and demean your pre-conceived "opposition". You likely won't read any further to ensure you stay within your safe bubble. It's OK, I have seen and heard it all before. I have a brother like you...who simply can't fathom how bad it is. It doesn't compute and he simply won't do the work. The rest of the family just stays away and leaves him be in his happy place. We still love him though.

"If you are alarmed by the facts, the problem isn't with the facts." - Chris Martenson
You want me to read further about a conspiracy theory concerning a subject I'm not trained or educated enough to understand??

I am not a medical doctor, virologist, immunologist, or in any way trained or educated in the medical or healthcare fields. I am however an engineer, and in my retirement I study astrophysics and astronomy. Occasionally, when a medical or healthcare discussion comes across some facet that is also relevant in the field of physics, my amateurish studies may allow me to comprehend what is being said and provide additional information.

The point is, unless you have the education in the subject matter, your conversation is going to always turn to conspiracy and social issues.. and the reason for that is that you have no choice because you don't understand the science.

There is always some evil guy hiding out in an extinct volcano plotting to harm you in every conspiracy. (That's a metaphor for those who are a bit slow)

Never trust a used car salesman
Never run from a bear
Never argue with a police officer
Never accept information from someone who believes in magical invisible sky fairies.
You are extrapolating nonsensical points to slander and demean your pre-conceived "opposition". You likely won't read any further to ensure you stay within your safe bubble. It's OK, I have seen and heard it all before. I have a brother like you...who simply can't fathom how bad it is. It doesn't compute and he simply won't do the work. The rest of the family just stays away and leaves him be in his happy place. We still love him though.

"If you are alarmed by the facts, the problem isn't with the facts." - Chris Martenson
You will not reach that person best to drive him to point that he places you on “ignore.” He even made statement that he has no one on ignore. Hehehehe

i like to post unopposed from him to ppl reading his dribble. Works for me. ?

this is his favorite line but it never applies to himself:
“You want me to read further about a conspiracy theory concerning a subject I'm not trained or educated enough to understand??”

if you push him to hard will call you a Russian troll. The funny part he admits his younger “wife is Russian Ukraine bride…. “ Probably got her mail order style. That is my theory.

after a while he will make an appealing post to try win ppl back when he has abused enough ppl with his words…. then turn a-hole again.

He hates religion but only christians…. He hates conservatives too. Didn’t stop him from moving directly into center surrounded by them. Way out in country side. Away from all the crap he longs for and loves. Insanity he wants his current place to be like the one he escaped from. Failed Politics and all. Insanity.

You will see. I have no mercy left for him. He is not human. He is a being.

p.s. He claimed be double ee then later admitted he is not a double ee.
I don't know if there was any US knowledge or seeding of 9/11, but some of the plans to topple Cuba, supposedly actually proposed within our government, involved a similar actual terrorist attack inside the US.

I wouldn't put anything past any of them.

I don't know if it is true people associated with the Bush administrated had said we needed another Pearl Harbor; searching for that pops up many such claims. Just like Hillary wanting to have our 401k accounts taken over and invested in T-bills, I don't know if they actually made that statement, or it was made up to impugn them.

"Cognito ergo sum."

Like Descartes, all I can be (relatively) sure of is that I am (I'm thinking, therefore I must exist.)
I can't know what is lies and what is truth. But I don't like a lot of what politicians do and how they try to do it.
The ppl like murphy subscribe to the “magic bullet”….. from Oswald. ? Those former jar heads are magic hour. The reported rifle used by Oswald should be standard issue to military since it was so special.
I'm also an engineer, one year out from retirement. I'm also a data guy. Same company for 31 years, 80k employees.

Your primary issue is that you haven't broken through the layer of global censorship yet. Once you do, you will find that the people pulling the strings have more control than you would like to believe. The WEF and their corporate members literally control every media and tech platform on the planet. This is why they can get away with their propaganda and "take down" of almost every dissenting voice, no matter their expertise. As Bret Weinstein would say, "zero is a special number". There was literally no avenue for opposing viewpoints to pervade the public awareness, giving the appearance that there was little dissent. It allows people like you to feel confident in your position, but that confidence is built on a preponderance of propaganda and lies from your trusted "experts". This is why you automatically default to using the word "conspiracy". Anything that challenges the "mainstream consensus" is labeled "right wing conspiracy".

Now that Twitter is allowing open debate and discussion, that number is greater than zero, so the information is getting through to people who are open to other narratives. Since you haven't been exposed to other experts speaking truth and providing supporting data and evidence, you believe there is no other valid position. Have you watched hours of testimony from Dr. McCullough in front of senate panel committees? Have your read his 200 page CV attached to various lawsuits against our health authorities? Do you even conceive of the possibility that the pharmaceutical industry can use their money and power to capture regulatory bodies and fund studies to make sure they get the result they want? Have you watched testimony of these officials and read their emails admitting their part in the corruption? I have. The information is out there if you decide you'd like to entertain data that may be antithetical to your core beliefs. Looking at this data and considering possible motivating factors like profit/greed doesn't make someone mentally ill.

I'll give you but one example of Dr. Tess Laurie referencing her exchange with Andrew Hill and his admission to altering study data related to early treatment of COVID and it's impact on the WHO decision making:

Always follow the money, and you will usually find the motive. Most systems we rely on have been corrupted by greed to some extent. To not even entertain this possibility means that you will remain ignorant to the pervasiveness of that corruption. It's not rocket simply takes the will to step outside your box.
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I'm also an engineer, one year out from retirement. I'm also a data guy. Same company for 31 years, 80k employees.

Your primary issue is that you haven't broken through the layer of global censorship yet. Once you do, you will find that the people pulling the strings have more control than you would like to believe. The WEF and their corporate members literally control every media and tech platform on the planet. This is why they can get away with their propaganda and "take down" of almost every dissenting voice, no matter their expertise. As Bret Weinstein would say, "zero is a special number". There was literally no avenue for opposing viewpoints to pervade the public awareness, giving the appearance that there was little dissent. It allows people like you to feel confident in your position, but that confidence is built on a preponderance of propaganda and lies from your trusted "experts". This is why you automatically default to using the word "conspiracy". Anything that challenges the "mainstream consensus" is labeled "right wing conspiracy".
That doesn't make any sense considering you're right here on this forum doing exactly what you're claiming isn't allowed.

And there are tens of thousands of other similar forums across the internet..

Some countries do censor their citizens, the USA is not among them.

Basically what you're arguing is the following: "My unqualified opinion, and the opinions of others, are not allowed to be published on someone else's property."

That's really what this comes down to. You want to be free to push your opinions upon others and do it upon property owned by others. That's not how it works.

Social media platforms, main stream media (whatever crap that means), and other resources, are owned by different entities, and you have no right to publish whatever you want on those platforms. If you want to call it censorship, that's fine because that's exactly what it is. If you come to my home, I will kick you out if you start blabbering nonsense.. Its my property, my rules. If you don't like those rules, you are welcome to open up your own social media platform or purchase property and set your own rules.

Unfortunately for you, I think you will find that the only people who will come to your platform are the demographic proportion of our society that isn't quite rational and playing with a full deck of cards.... and there are a lot of them, so maybe that's enough? Good luck with that.

Now that Twitter is allowing open debate and discussion, that number is greater than zero, so the information is getting through to people who are open to other narratives.
Twitter is not a source of information. Any forum or media resource that allows anyone to say anything they want, is not a source of information.

Since you haven't been exposed to other experts speaking truth and providing supporting data and evidence, you believe there is no other valid position.
I am intelligent enough to know that I am not remotely qualified to speak, understand, or comprehend, the type of science information that is relevant to managing a pandemic. Thus, with that in mind, I am not capable of separating viral, immunological, or other similar scientific information into fact or bullshit.

And to think I could be, would be irrational. And that's the key word.. Irrational.

Have you watched hours of testimony from Dr. McCullough in front of senate panel committees? Have your read his 200 page CV attached to various lawsuits against our health authorities? Do you even conceive of the possibility that the pharmaceutical industry can use their money and power to capture regulatory bodies and fund studies to make sure they get the result they want? Have you watched testimony of these officials and read their emails admitting their part in the corruption? I have. The information is out there if you decide you'd like to entertain data that may be antithetical to your core beliefs. Looking at this data and considering possible motivating factors like profit/greed doesn't make someone mentally ill.

I'll give you but one example of Dr. Tess Laurie referencing her exchange with Andrew Hill and his admission to altering study data related to early treatment of COVID and it's impact on the WHO decision making:

Always follow the money, and you will usually find the motive. Most systems we rely on have been corrupted by greed to some extent. To not even entertain this possibility means that you will remain ignorant to the pervasiveness of that corruption. It's not rocket simply takes the will to step outside your box.
I'm sure there is corruption.. we live in nation of capitalism and greed rules. Why is that a surprise to you?

Here's what I know.. Once again.. A pandemic hit, we scienced the shit out of it, the pandemic is over.

Once again, which of these do you subscribe to?
Christianity (or any religion)
911 Inside Job
Global Warming fake
Covid consipracy
Moon landings fake
Bigfoot real
Government covering up Aliens
Jewish Space Lasers
Election was Stolen

Conspiracy mentalities usually come in clusters... Please answer the question.
As an engineer, you should value data...wherever it leads. You remind me of the owner of the OceanGate submersible that just went down.
You simply won't listen to others. You'll fire them if they raise concerns that challenge your assumptions. You have blinders on and are comfortable with the lies you are living.

I tried. Good luck to you sir.
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As an engineer, you should value data...wherever it leads. You remind me of the owner of the OceanGate submersible that just went down.
You simply won't listen to others. You'll fire them if they raise concerns that challenge your assumptions. You have blinders on and are comfortable with the lies you are living.

I tried. Good luck to you sir.
I do value data very much, the problem is that, with the exception of the most basic things, I wouldn't understand the data related to the pandemic, virology, immunology, etc etc. And neither would you.

The difference here is that I recognize a show when I see it, and most things coming out of Texas these days are nothing but show. In fact, most things coming out of both the republican and democrat parties are nothing but political posturing and show.

Tell me, you and I are both engineers.. do you think you're qualified to both understand and comprehend medical data as it relates to the pandemic, virology, immunology, etc, and are capable of rationalizing that data with the proper perspective?

If either of us said yes to such a ridiculous assertion, we'd be considered idiots by anyone rational enough to recognize such idiocy...

Senate hearing you say? How many of those idiot politicians even have a science related education? One of those Texas politicians was so utterly f*ing stupid he proclaimed that "women can't get pregnant if they're raped because they have a way of shutting that down"... WTF? I'll find the link to that if you don't believe me, just ask.

When it comes to science, I generally go with the wider consensus because modern science is correct 95% of the time... actually, its more like 99.999% of the time, but that's another argument.

When it boils down to it, all modern science is "best guess".. but that best guess isn't based on picking some random door, its based on current knowledge, observations, computer modeling, math, and statistics. So when an emergency comes along and our science has to quickly come up with a solution, we can't expect perfection at every corner.. which is why these opportunist come out of the woodwork trying to capitalize on those imperfections in order to profit from them in either social networking or finance.

The pandemic came, we kicked its ass, now its gone. How the hell can you possibly argue with that? The answer is you can't.. You can't argue with results.

If you want to "follow the money".. find out who makes ivermectin and any other drug being pushed by the propaganda machine. I'll stick to the scientific consensus as it has always served me very well.
You suffer from projection. You create scenarios, make assumptions and then deliver your verdict. You must not actually be on Twitter since you believe experts cannot make their wisdom available there. You should know that actual experts reside there and they not only post their thoughts, but they also add videos you can watch and links to their studies and papers. Twitter has changed. There are many technical discussions with other experts. There are live Twitter "Spaces" where people can discuss issues live. But you wouldn't know this since you haven't been exposed to it. You likely believe it is just a forum of buffoons, tweeting insanities. You will find some of that of course, especially if you follow the wrong people.

By the way, ivermectin is off patent and there is no money to be made in it. It sells for .02 in India. It is literally one of the safest pharmaceutical products on the market, given to billions globally for 4 decades. You can buy it OTC from compounding pharmacies in Tennessee without a prescription. Their legislature held hearings, listened to the experts, and passed a bill to offer it to anyone who wants it for COVID. To people like you, it is simply "horse de-wormer" since that is what the "consensus" says. This is what they were paid to say. This is all exposed via e-mails and you can read about it in the Twitter Files I linked above. Your trusted "health authorities" admit it in writing, but the controlled "news" channels won't tell you about it. Many of the trials the media reference were fraudulently conducted, paid for by big pharma. They had a $200B "vaccine" product family to roll out. With an approved early treatment, the EUA would not have been possible. There was a lot of money at stake. This again is all in the internal memos, exposed for all to see. But many won't hear about it, similar to how they are covering up for the Biden family foreign illicit transactions. None of this is "conspiracy", except to the misinformed and ignorant. You are being played.

But it will all come out one day. The truth always comes out eventually. One day you might even awaken, but with your attitude I highly doubt it. Here is some "science" you can keep following: