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Our EG4-8KEXP-240 (MegaRevo R8KLNA) Hybrid Inverter & EG4 LP4 Battery/PV Install


New Member
Jun 23, 2023
Just wanted to grab a few posts (6-10) and work on doing a roll-up in one spot of what's gone into getting a working EG4 8Kw / MR R8KLNA inverter setup for my dad's house.

I will add that this has been a bit of a learning curve for us even though dad (John4178) has some residential construction/gen. contractor experience and I have an electronics background. Hopefully gathering this up will help others if they decide to go this route. I will try and clean this up & edited later, but for now just trying to get everything together.

Big thanks to the following and several others I may forget for their info, posts, youtube videos, etc:
@Markus_SignatureSolar, @BenFromSignatureSolar , @fromport, @Beene Brothers , @Will Prowse

8/8/23 Update:
Currently at 1.38MWh of usage/production (& 1.50 MWh of consumption) after 2 & 1/2 Months
... Dad seems quite pleased with the setup now! (see Post 5)


... Still to do:
>> Update 6x EG4 LifePower4 Battery FW for better charging Per EG4 Lifepower4 48V Top Balancing Firmware thread & @Zapper77
post #90

>> Maybe figure out how to integrate it will Home Solar Assistant or similar ??

Side Note (7/25/23): Dad swapped out the 6yr old conventional 60gal water heater that was using almost 4200w every hour (with on demand/recirc pump) for a Rheem 60gal Hybrid Heat Pump water heater, set time of use for the new unit (off from 10pm to 6am, at 110deg, disabled the recirc pump, and now only pulls about 1500w for an entire day.
(MSRP: $1800 at Lowes, found at discount supplier in town for $1250, -$650 in tax rebates/credits, -$200 reselling old waterheater = $400 Great deal!)

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I will be going to see Megarevo and talk with there engineers to get these issues solved. If you guys have anything you want me to bring up let me know. I have a pretty good list already but maybe you guys have other things I don’t know about.

Thread 'EG4 8k (Megarevo)'

I got pulled in after my 71 yr old dad tried to get the 1st unit up and running. He spent a good bit of their 401k on this trying to get some piece of mind against grid failures, etc. (Tried to get him to go with the SolArk 15k , but it was out of their budget... & wasn't sure about the new EG4 18Kw either??)

He's currently on the 2nd unit after the first was continuing to backfeed grid power even with Anti-Reverse (Zero export) enabled.

I discovered while helping with the swap out last that one of the CTs from original setup was bad (which may have been part of the original problem) ... Swapped out with a good one from new unit.

>> Latest 7/3/23 Working Update Post in Fw Thread here ... Post 5 (fw v22) <<

****** Here's the setup *****

1x EG4-8KEXP-240 (MegaRevo R8KLNA)

- grid Tied, anti Reverse enabled, critical loads panel on 'Load 1' . CTs on L1 & L2 with arrows toward inverter per Sig.Solar video above. (Edit: must be towards Grid)
- On standard Self Consume mode

2x 2900w strings of Pv on home built rack (calculated at 2910w, 314vdc/9.27A)

6x Eg4 100ah 5kw 48v Battery rack with BmS

** Items on Critical Load Panel Include: 2x Fridges & 1x Freezer, 1x Hybrid HeatPump Water Htr/recirc pump, 1x 120v Mini Split Inverter HVAC (addition/sunroom), 1x 240v Mini Split (non-inverter, Bonus room. Not used regularly), Wifi Router/Security Cam system, 1000w Microwave, & some small capacity 120v Outlets I believe. **

Initial Setup ISSUES :
> Can't seem to get the inverter to consistently allow PV 1 & PV2 to produce/show full wattage... Seems to be getting limited to ~ 500w each at times ... (& Fairly sunny day today when I took the screenshots. Have seen ~ 2400-2800w per PV at times previously).
EDIT: Shading issue at back edge of property/neighbor's still to be resolved.

> have had to switch to Battery Priority at times to get SoC back up b/c Self Consume will run down to 20-25% and not fully charge back up at any point.

> 1 bad CT from original setup. Swapped during install of replacement unit.

> Verified that manual has CT L1 and L2 Rj45 ports backwards by connecting one at a time and checking Grid current reading (silkscreen on ckt board is correct).

> 2nd unit also seems to possibly be back-feeding the grid even with CTs toward inverter per Eg4's Setup Video above, with Anti-Reverse (Zero export) Enabled.

> Weird part is that the Solarman Wifi logger/app Graphic shows 'Grid Power' flowing back to the grid, even though 'Device Parameters' section shows Positive Wattage value ?? (Which one is Correct?)

FIX! - edit: with CTs pointed towards grid per Manual! (per Markus at SigSolar below)... a Positive 'Grid Power' value indicates sending power to the Grid (
Export) and a Negative Value indicates pulling power from the Grid (Import) **

> EG4 8K manual shows CTs on every schematic diagram (4, I believe) with arrows towards the Grid, and it's even written out in text as well. Which IS CORRECT! *** EG4 8KW Setup Video CT DIRECTION is WRONG!

-IRON RIDGE - Design Assistant Tools
(for planning the PV ground mount)

DiySolarForum (@Beene Brothers ) - MR Fw thread & @fromport 's Post 76 with MegaRevo fw v22 (20230414)

DiySolarForum (@jsmetalcraft ) - Megarevo RxLNA Discussion (main thread now)
>> DiySolarForum (@Markus_SignatureSolar ) - EG4 8k (Megarevo) Trip to MR to discuss issues with Engineers

Signature Solar's - EG4 8kv Hybrid page
EG4's Latest 8Kv info - Downloads | EG4 Electronics (now has v22 FW)
>> And specifically the updated v1.4.0-1 EG4-8KEXP-240 manual (06-2023)

Reference Videos that were used (nearly identical setup):
>> Eg4's In House 8K Hybrid Inverter Setup & Commissioning video (w/Fw load & Battery rack rs485 BmS setup)
EDIT: CT Direction is wrong in Video!! Put CTs towards the grid per Manual!
>> EG4 LifePower4: Proper Start Up Procedure Using EG4 LifePower4 Batteries and More!

My YouTube Saved > SolarStuff Playlist


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CTs towards the grid. Like the manual says.
I went to Megarevo in China to talk to the engineers about all the problems we still have with the inverters and found out that the inverter can’t Zero Export. They said they can’t guarantee that the inverter wouldn’t sell back to the grid. I have been working with Megarevo for over a year now and have gotten nowhere with this company. We have changed our manual and spec sheet online since then to state this inverter does not Zero Export. We will take full responsibility for this problem if you could send me a private message with your info and we will take the inverter back no problem. I am sorry for the inconvenience this has caused you and your family

** Biggest issue at the moment with the EG4 8K is...
(CTs towards Grid, Self Consume, Grid & PV & Batt/BMS connected)

>> At night when, solar PV goes offline, the batteries do not charge from Grid without manually changing the mode from "Self Consume" to "Battery Priority".<<

I spoke with Brent yesterday at SigSolar while doing a little troubleshooting ... And I think we're a little closer to where we need to be. (definitely have to refer to the 8K's display panel and not rely on the Solarman Logger which is not quick enough on the updates to really see what's going on)

* Apparently there's a setting that's supposed to show up on the latest fw that may be keeping the battery from charging from the grid (PV only)
... Unfortunately the "Advanced Setup menu #16" isn't showing up (shows 'Generator Setup').

* Latest 2 fw files I have from EG4 downloads link in my prior post above is (which did load 2x successfully now) ...
- HybridInverter8KSNA_v1.4.13.B03D02.out
... And ...
- hybrid_app8K_V14_20220907_gen.axf
and below is what solarman app shows is currently loaded...

>> What version do I actually have loaded?

>> What version will give the > '16.Advan Set' menu?
(Others are asking about it as well in the MR Fw thread)

Edit: My post in MR 8K Fw Thread

>> Latest 7/3/23 Working Update Post in Fw Thread here <<

Resized_20230627_174217.jpeg Screenshot_20230627_155712_SOLARMAN Smart.jpg

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Post 4 to edit:

I have a new version that has ac couple on it. But The AC couple doesn't work properly, so I cant release it. This has advanced settings on it so you can set that up. But i was also to your AC DOD is suppose to be that setting your needing as well.

Courtesy of @fromport in the MegaRevo FW thread (Confirmed same fw as EG4 8Kw by Markus)... v22 later released/Posted by EG4 to their downloads page HERE.
Looking at the date stamps inside the ZIP file:

The only thing "new" is the firmware updating doc & the directory "tool setup"
There is already a newer version available of the 2nd file:
HybridInverter8KSNA_v1.4.13.B03D06.out <- D06 vs D02 above

I collect all information I can find about MEGAREVO (manuals/firmware etc) at my personal website (no ads/tracking) at

and with all the firmware together in

Planning to try this same fw out on dad's Eg4 8K setup, since we can't get the grid to charge the EG4 battery bank at night in Self Consume mode (Battery priority will do it but, we have/need Zero Export enabled).

Spoke with SigSolar Support (Brent & Markus) about some of our issues and found out that the MR Fw is compatible/same but Eg4/SigSolar haven't released that version officially b/c Gen Input function supposedly wasn't working correctly... But we need to get that advanced menu #16 options more than we care about a Gen Input (to enable Grid Charge features)... Fun! We'll sell how it goes I guess this weekend.

If anyone with the MR /EG4 8k , Grid tie, PV & battery setup has any input on getting the advanced settings dialed in, feel free to chime in.

Updated bottom of previous post with links.

Basically what you're doing sounds like what we need to do. Just not sure how to set that up.

Currently run off solar during day in Self Consume (~20-24 Kwh pV generated per day, with ~33 Kwh usage, & 6x LifePower4 batteries) .... So battery ends up running down to about 25-40% SoC and never gets topped of by solar... Then at night it runs down until it hits 20% SoC and pulls from grid for load... And doesn't charge back to 100% or any thing higher unless switched manually to battery priority.

Would like to be able to self Consume from PV as much as possible and charge from Grid at night... Not much extra capacity with current 16 panel setup (2 strings of 8pnls) to charge from after supplying the critical loads panel at the moment until more funds are available for 2 more strings.

It's been suggested by SigSolar to move up the 18Kpv unit.

Yep sounds like the same scenario. They are tweaking my settings now, he said they are talking to R&D so I think something in my run today didn't match with what he thought the inverter would do. If I don't give an update by tomorrow feel free to ping me. I can take a video of all the settings and/or do some written documentation on what works and which firmware it works on. That's the plan, just have to follow through.

That would be great to see your config setup written out or a video of your setup/configuration.

Came across one of your videos the other day... Just can't find a lot of actual grid tie setups/commission videos for this 8k or any layman's explanation of most of the settings, monitoring screen menus, etc. and the manuals have been painful to use or just wrong.

Only thing I've found useful so far is the EG4 Setup/Commissioning video which had errors in it.

Fwiw Mine is running in peak shift mode where it does not back feed the grid during the day and will charge the battery overnight.

I’ve got aftermarket CT’s on it now but fairly certain I had to install them backwards to make it work right (Mpg EDIT: Towards the Grid). I believe the software is wrong inside the machine.

I show my settings in this video:

Avoiding 30 Cents Per KWH Without A Sol-Ark

I believe I have got this working using the MegaRevo v22 Fw with advanced settings menus, Via Grid Charge Enable and Time Of Use Schedule... >> Latest 7/3/23 Working Update Post in Fw Thread here <<

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The shape of the graphs look like there is a lot of shading going on.
Can you take some pictures one day every hour of the array(s) to verify how many panels actually are shaded ?
See our Setup Post here and Grid Charge Issue here.

Went back and checked dad's panel layout ... You called it... significant shading until about 1-2pm,
& didn't realize panels/Rack was that far back in the property... Will have to figure something out,... Maybe see if neighbor will let us drop the trees on the other side (PV1 is right side 8 panels)

Thanks to @fromport for sharing the MegaRevo fw v22 (20230414), Post 76, & @Markus_SignatureSolar for some of the pointers & assistance with the EG4 8KLNA setup... (I'll try and do a roll-up of our working setup later/below).

>> 1st Issue: Possible Grid feed/Export with Zero Export/Anti Reverse enabled. This may have been a defective unit, or bad CTs... 1 confirmed bad CT later. Unit exchanged (EG4/SigSolar changed the spec sheet later "Caution: Inverter does not support full Zero Export capability. Some power may be fed to the grid, especially due to surges." )

>> 2nd/Biggest issue: not enough solar PV (yet) to really charge the 30Kw/600ah EG4 LifePower4's battery bank during the day & it won't pull from grid to make up the difference at any time without switching to Battery Priority.
(~20Kw PV generation vs 33kw Max consumption per day).

>> Solution so far :
- Updated EG4 8k from v14 Gen2 fw to MegaRevo fw v22 (20230414) which has #16 Advanced Menu" support. This version has access to "Global Grid Charge Enable" setting which will allow it to Change from Grid And Solar in Self Consume mode and also has “ToU Enable" menu (Time Of Use) with 6 Time Slots very similar to the Amensolar N3H-X8.0-US 8kw which has a very good "Advanced Settings Menu" section in their manual with good explanations. (Latest Eg4 8k v1.4.0-1 manual is similar now. Except below)

** Supposedly this v22 fw hasn't officially been released by EG4/SigSolar b/c the Generator & A/C coupling features don't work correctly ** (Per Markus at SigSolar. Support Tech "Brent"? also mentioned needing access to "Advanced Menu" & "Grid Charge Enable" feature to address our Setup issue... May also be some closed loop BMS issue with EG4 8K Invrtr & LifePower4's ... Markus may have bumped up the charge current to 50A max remotely ... If that wasn't the default with 6 batts? IDK?)

** Our Setup w/Adv Menu **
- Standard Grid/PV/Batt setup
- CTs pointed towards Grid/40A supply breaker
- Working Mode: Self Consume
- Anti Reverse Enabled

--- Advance Menu ---
>> 1. MODE SET > 4. SFC SellDis = "SelFConsume Mode Anti-Reverse Enabled" (Zero Export)

.... FYI... >> 1. MODE SET > 1. Disable = Disables the remaining Advanced Menu options & features (Need to choose above mode or one of the other 2)

>> 2. ADVAN CTRL > 1. Grid Chg En = " Global control, whether the power grid can charge the battery." ENABLED

NOTE: the above 2 advanced mode settings for the battery charging from grid AND solar in a Self Consume setup, however, dad wanted to charge from/use Solar PV & Battery during peak times of 8am-8pm when cost per kWh is highest and recharge batteries off grid at night when cost per kWh is least. = Time of Use (ToU) Advanced settings menu below.

>> 2. ADVAN CTRL > 2. ToU En = "Time Of Use is ENABLED."

>> 3. TOU SET > 1-6 Slot (Schedule)
(all 6 Slots must be used apparently and not conflict)
.... ToU Schedule menu....

1.-> From the start time to the end time, charge the battery with the written (Max) Power to the written/Target SOC. (Limited by our closed loop BMS to 50a which is about 7%/Hr from grid with 6 LifePower4 Batts) ...
If GridChg is enabled, allow the grid
to charge, and if GeneratorChg is enabled, allow the generator to
generate power for the battery.

2.-> In the slot section, control the grid to charge the battery.

3.-> In the slot section, control the generator to charge the battery. (Not available on MR v22 Fw?)

Our Time Of Use Schedule
(recommend you make a similar chart beforehand) ...
Side bar: with this Time Of Use Schedule/Grid charge setup above, it seems we can make adjustments as additional Solar PV capacity is added and hopefully get to a point where critical loads are run and battery can charge to 100% SoC without topping of the battery bank at night via grid in off peak times.

Screenshot_20230704_172024_SOLARMAN Smart.jpg

And EG4 8K v1.4.0-1 manual advance section 12 excerpt for Reference ...
(note the default ToU schedule/example which is preloaded when you start)

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And this here as well for reference....

Anyone willing to clarify what's I see via the monitoring app as to why realtime graphic shows 540w of solar production ... But the device statistics at the same time shows 1110w of combined PV input?
Why the difference? Where the rest going?
20230705_165448.jpg 20230705_165623.jpg

Another time...
Screenshot_20230705_182304_SOLARMAN Smart.jpg

Do you have enough load? Or enough MPPT capacity?

MPPT controllers will only draw from PV based on available load. If there is only 2700 W of load (battery charge capacity + loads) then that's all the system will generate.

And thanks again to wattmatters for the post
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Thanks for all the posts, I want to believe in the 8K but there's been so many negative comments about it. I know they sell a lot of them, I'd love to hear some more positive reviews / success stories.
Me too. It would help us have some better understanding of the longevity/reliability of the unit if more people that are using it posted back as well.

I hope that EG4 /Signature Solar / MegaRevo are still working on FW improvements, etc... (v22 is working well for our usage scenario)

Does the Gen. Input work with v22 & v23 and up now?

Anyone paralleling 2 or more of these units on the later FW etc?
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