diy solar

diy solar

Does Server Rack Battery Orientation Affect Built-In DC Breaker Arc Quenching Ability?

Prince Of Darkness

New Member
Jun 20, 2022
Have searched for this topic, but found nothing.

Seems to me, that when orientation of Server Rack batteries is mentioned, it seems that the primary concern seems to be the cell vent orientation, and, perhaps enclosure rigidity, etc.

But, many DC circuit breakers have mandatory orientation that governs its ability to quench arcs.

Seems that most/all server rack batteries have built-in DC breakers. I wonder if the quenching performance of built-in DC breakers, is also being considered when battery orientation is being discussed ... just askin' POD
I would orient it so the vent is pointing up. That's how they are were meant to be placed as they usually go in the floor of an EV.
I find that hard to believe.
Maybe you are mixing up physical orientation for polarization?
There are some DC-rated circuit breakers that, reportedly DO have either mandatory orientation of the "Handle", or mandatory prohibitions, for the handle orientation -- mostly due to the location of Arc Chutes, and/or Blow-out Magnets, it seems.

This has come up, on the MidNite Solar Forum, a number of years ago, and had been noted on this Forum, in an indirect way.

IIRC, the MN Forum discussion, the subject breakers were MNEDC breakers in 125 A DC, and larger (F-Frame models), from distant memory. And, it was noted, by MN, that, handle UP, and handle DOWN, were prohibited (handle down was not that surprising).

In the original post here, I WAS referring to the ORIENTATION of the DC breaker, you might say, the orientation of the breaker's Handle, when the system that uses that particular breaker, is powered up.

Was just asking, not telling, Thanks, POD
The only thing that would affect the ark in different physical orientations would be the earth's magnet field. And I don't think that it would cause a big enough variation.
Just my opinion, would be interested in any type of study done.
I live in a hot climate and when I had smaller AGm batteries I put in a chest chest freezer cracked open on a controller set to 77deg worked well. Thinking about doing the same with server rack batteries. Wonder if they were in a special rack mounted good if they could be stood up in their back?

On a 95 deg day how warm do LiFePO4 get under full charge?