diy solar

diy solar

This may be a prudent time to get spares.

You people have your priorities messed up. If/When what you are describing happens, batteries/panels will be the last of your worries.
Lets assume you also secured your food supply (LOL) but answer this:

Can you run a mile? What about 5 miles? How about with a 10lb Backpack? 25lb?
With kids?
There is a rather long list of goals all preppers aspire to achieve and the longer the time frame one preps for, the longer the list gets.

Physical fitness is important, but it is just one in that long list.
Can you run a mile? What about 5 miles? How about with a 10lb Backpack? 25lb?
With kids?
Used to be able to. That kind of shit does a number on your back and knees. Still could out ruck most normies.

But I have no need. Bug in, invite some relatives and friends (preferably ones with skill, and yes I am prepping towards that), coordinate with the neighbors. Control choke points. Priorities of work.

Neighbors also have big equipment; farmers plus three of them that do pond construction/repair type stuff. Three big excavators (and a slew of little ones), bulldozers, track loaders, skidloaders etc. Defensive structures are easy peasy as long as they aren’t EMP fried and until the diesel supply goes red. One was also a prior Ranger Regiment bubba.
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Used to be able to. That kind of shit does a number on your back and knees. Still could out ruck most normies.

But I have no need. Bug in, invite some relatives and friends (preferably ones with skill, and yes I am prepping towards that), coordinate with the neighbors. Control choke points. Priorities of work.

Neighbors also have big equipment; farmers plus three of them that do pond construction/repair type stuff. Three big excavators (and a slew of little ones), bulldozers, track loaders, skidloaders etc. Defensive structures are easy peasy as long as they aren’t EMP fried and until the diesel supply goes red. One was also a prior Ranger Regiment bubba.

Yes community is key. Noone is going to make it by themselves.
Keep your physical shape in order.
On a serious note, who said anything about fleeing? Sometimes you just need to be quick and resilient. I bet you 90% of folks can not run a mile, let alone with a backpack.
I can dye my hair purple and skip like an 8 yo girl with a hello kitty backpack. Will that suffice? Im going to pick up a machete from walmart and put a razor edge on it. Might want to cut some flowers and make daisy chains.
If the liberals are taking over Ill have to blend in.
I can dye my hair purple and skip like an 8 yo girl with a hello kitty backpack. Will that suffice? Im going to pick up a machete from walmart and put a razor edge on it. Might want to cut some flowers and make daisy chains.
If the liberals are taking over Ill have to blend in.
If you want to blend in, try to understand the definition of liberal. The Oxford dictionary defines liberal as follows; "A liberal is some one who is willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own, they are open to new ideas and they are favorable to or respectful of individual rights and freedoms. In a political context liberals favor individual liberty, free trade, and moderate political and social reform."

So if the liberals took over, you would be free to dye your hair purple and skip like an 8 yo girl with a hello kitty backpack, isn't it nice that you are free to dress as you please?
To blend in as a liberal, you must also shout down anyone who expresses an idea you oppose.
Ideally, you do this before they even begin to speak, because you know they hold a conservative position.
To blend in as a liberal, you must also shout down anyone who expresses an idea you oppose.
Ideally, you do this before they even begin to speak, because you know they hold a conservative position.
The Oxford dictionary defines liberal as follows; "A liberal is some one who is willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own, they are open to new ideas and they are favorable to or respectful of individual rights and freedoms. In a political context liberals favor individual liberty, free trade, and moderate political and social reform."

That is just dumb. There are plenty of people on both sides that shout down anyone who expresses an idea they oppose. In addition, when you denigrate a large group of people like you just did, you open yourself up to being accused of being a white supremacist because white supremacists tend to support the republican party.

Don't be dumb...
The Oxford dictionary defines liberal as follows; "A liberal is some one who is willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own, they are open to new ideas and they are favorable to or respectful of individual rights and freedoms. In a political context liberals favor individual liberty, free trade, and moderate political and social reform."

That is just dumb. There are plenty of people on both sides that shout down anyone who expresses an idea they oppose. In addition, when you denigrate a large group of people like you just did, you open yourself up to being accused of being a white supremacist because white supremacists tend to support the republican party.

Don't be dumb...
I loose fuckin IQ points every time I read one of your posts.
On rare occasion it is a high enough profile event that fundraising could be disrupted (for organizations trying to play both sides of the fence), resulting in a sacrifice on the altar to smooth things over.

The exception that "proves" the rule?

Many words have taken on new meaning since first appearing in the dictionary.