diy solar

diy solar

Problem with Solarcabin Channel - AIBU?


Photon Sorceress
Aug 17, 2022
To all including @Will Prowse, @Supervstech, @upnorthandpersonal...

Am I being unreasonable or do others have an issue with @Solarcabin Channel?

This new member has been here for only one week, but has made already over 290 postings, a number of which contain technically inaccuracies. Obviously we can all make mistakes (and do), but it is his confrontational and arrogant responses which I feel do not help the general nature of the forum.

Furthermore, he seems to have a somewhat blasé attitude to sexism / objectification of women - seems so 1970's to me.

If you have the time, please read through these two threads...


as well as specific inappropriate sexist / objectification remarks, which I have responded to, here...

and here...

I appreciate forums are designed to be open for anyone to give an opinion, but IMHO this member has gone too far.

Feeback from all, especially Moderators, much appreciated.
Self-edited - delete delete delete - editing ends. Dude rubs me very much the wrong way. I offer no solution other than ignoring the ignorance and for any electricians, engineers, and other electrical gods to step in and correct any stupidity that goes completely off the rails. I don’t like shutting down any narrative.
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I'm of a prior generation limited to IMHO, YMMV and WTF? :)
:)... yep, "Am I Being Unreasonable". Not that new though, popularised about 20 years ago from a sub-forum on Mumsnet...

... often answered with 'YABU' or 'YANBU' if you CBA to type the response out in full ;)
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I offer no solution other than ignoring the ignorance and for any electricians, engineers, and other electrical gods to step in and correct any stupidity that goes completely off the rails.
i simply ignore him
I will try and do that. The issue is
a) I feel a need to correct misinformation for the sake of newcomers and those with less engineering knowledge, but then..
b) every time I've made a correction there is some confrontational response - then it becomes a waste of everyone's time and effort - and the reason poor @georgia088 's thread has become an 11 page epic :(
@crossy Sure, I could ignore him... but then I won't see the technical inaccuracies that need to be corrected for the sake of others.

As a moderator on another forum (come over to and say "hi") I know exactly what you mean. It's not the technical inaccuracies per-sé it's the acidic responses to corrections.

We would have warned and prevented forum access by now, keep up the BNBR (Be Nice, Be Respectful) rule breaking and you get banned.

Sadly, it's an increasing problem.
As a moderator on another forum (come over to and say "hi") I know exactly what you mean. It's not the technical inaccuracies per-sé it's the acidic responses to corrections.

We would have warned and prevented forum access by now, keep up the BNBR (Be Nice, Be Respectful) rule breaking and you get banned.

Sadly, it's an increasing problem.
And the thing is...she's an electrical engineer with a shitload of solar experience. I don't usually like the word "mansplaining," but it fits in these exchanges.