diy solar

diy solar

will i ever get my inverter returned to me

hmmm... How about Version 2.0...

Just got a reply from signature solar they have shipped me a refurbished inverter.i hope it works better than the one they shipped me 2months ago.
i think it is disgraceful that I bought new and ended up with a much delayed refurb, have been without a working inverter for 4 months, with no financial recompense and no public apology. but after one year of living hell i feel i have no choice they have already got my money and i am worn out with the whole ordeal to fight any more. at least there was one employee who made things happen, but that only happened when i posted on this forum and SamG340 had the foresight to tag Jess
i am so grateful to the DIY Solar Forum and @SamG340 . after one year of living hell finally a light at the end of the tunnel fingers crossed

Let's be fair here, I've done more SS bashing in this thread than I have helping OP

but I really appreciate the thought ?
with no financial recompense and no public apology.
Jess did eventually apologise... After a LOT of prompting (post #38)

I was wondering if SS don't offer up apologies as a matter of course because that means admiting liability, and I guess would open themselves up for potential law suits?
Let's be fair here, I've done more SS bashing in this thread than I have helping OP

but I really appreciate the thought ?

Jess did eventually apologise... After a LOT of prompting (post #38)

I was wondering if SS don't offer up apologies as a matter of course because that means admiting liability, and I guess would open themselves up for potential law suits?
If one has to beg ,and plead for an apology and respect , then nothing ultimately given really meant anything… it was done to simply shut up the customer…
its business methodology ..and it works..
Good morning, everyone! Please bear in mind that addressing individual concerns may take some time as we carefully evaluate each complaint to guarantee an accurate and equitable solution. We value transparency, however, sharing our customer's information, reasons, and outcomes across the forums without discretion would be unfair and unprofessional to the customer. We can only convey our sincere commitment to offer support and extend apologies in the manner we have. Your patience is essential as we strive to deliver the best resolution. Thank you for your understanding!
If one has to beg ,and plead for an apology and respect , then nothing ultimately given really meant anything… it was done to simply shut up the customer…
its business methodology ..and it works..
You say "and it works, but, if I was based in the USA, I'd look elsewhere having read this thread.
You say "and it works, but, if I was based in the USA, I'd look elsewhere having read this thread.
And it does work …I sold new consumer electronics and music for 50 years…( owned the store) … I know how warranty systems works …some are great and some are not….

many consumers will try…but drop out of filing a warrenty claim once they meet resistance or proof or this and that have to spend a lot just to ship stuff back etc and etc.. some will fight and argue longer and then through up their hands.out of frustration.. some are just” out talked “ by the slick consumer product specialist…( or other cool name) …not everyone is verbally skilled to discuss technical issues on a product that new to them…

a few % of people will get taken care of ( go figure?? ) … and some will just hang on forever or threaten to sue or several other tactics…
As a retailer and a consumer I learned long ago , this is not an accident…it’s either a game plan OR it total incompetence.…I had to learm who stood behind the products and who didn’t… the customers would want to clobber me for a problem caused by a manufacturer or distributor…

I have seen the bar of customer service drop so low in the last 20 years it’s mind boggling…and it’s a nation wide problem in many industry’s…
it’s like very few care to do a good job anymore IF they care to even do a job at all…
Good morning, everyone! Please bear in mind that addressing individual concerns may take some time as we carefully evaluate each complaint to guarantee an accurate and equitable solution. We value transparency, however, sharing our customer's information, reasons, and outcomes across the forums without discretion would be unfair and unprofessional to the customer. We can only convey our sincere commitment to offer support and extend apologies in the manner we have. Your patience is essential as we strive to deliver the best resolution. Thank you for your understanding!

Thank you again Jess for all your efforts. You've got an up hill battle, but you seem like the right women for the job ?
I think it is a worldwide problem in all industries now. Or I am just turning into my grandparents LOL
What one generation rejects ,their kids will tolerate…. What that generation will tolerate becomes normal by the next generation …and so on ……one can easily see this pattern over the last few decades…that’s why we find ourself in this shape.
but not to worry,…! a great reset always arrives…and shuffles the deck.
grandpa J.
Good morning, everyone! Please bear in mind that addressing individual concerns ……….
equitable solution.

The fundamental issue right here.
It is not an individual concern any more. It has impacted over hundreds of people (that us peons know of). This is now factually a system issue.
In order to fix a systemic failure, the system must be evaluated. While the individual needs can’t go unaddressed, only addressing those will never solve the failures to create this environment to begin with.

Piece 2: id much prefer EQUALITY to equity

Piece 3: for the others still tuned in, if Jess wasn’t on SS payroll 4 months ago how can we assume it would get resolved any sooner? She’s the best form of resolution we’ve seen all year.

I had a separate offline conversation last night unrelated to this thread and it forced me to reconsider some of my brashness towards the likes of SS. We all talk about them needing a solid team, and I saw a video last night that purportedly shows some of their tech and customer service crews in their actual working conditions. And the environment appeared stellar!
So that knocks out my assumptions of poor working conditions and pay (again my assumptions only, no factual data).
Then with the eg4 “delineation” as its own, we seem to see an effort for higher quality there too.
So I’m left to wonder if indeed there has been significant effort made in making “fixes” to known flaws and unfortunately either the timeline has been too short, the mountain of bad press has been too large, or the obstacles simply larger than anticipated to yet realize those improvements at scale.
Maybe there’s light coming? (None of this helps the OP I know)
I am troubled by the timeframe, prompting me to investigate the breakdown in communication. It's important to clarify that Signature Solar has not purposefully ignored the email. Any lack of response is more likely a result of human or technical oversights rather than a deliberate dismissal. We are actively working to identify the reasons behind these oversights and are committed to implementing solutions that prevent such occurrences in the future.

@Carlton I have sent you a dm to request more information and get you the answers you need!
This is actually a huge step up in communication etiquette for Signature Solar. She didn't insult anybody and it was worded well, nice and business like. If we've accomplished at least one thing taking James through the wringer multiple times, it was this. :ROFLMAO:
You going all soft?

Hahahaha... not likely ..

But seriously, I've got to give credit where credit is due.

It looks to me like Signature solar have some MAJOR issues with their customer service & aftersales.....
but I don't think it's Jess's fault personally, she seems to be genuinely trying her best. And let's face it, she's got a big job on her hands trying to turn round SS's reputation ? , I think she needs all the help she can get

( anyways I've always been a sucker for bonnie lass )
Thank you all. You've been so kind and welcoming over the past few weeks and I am so pleased to be a point of contact that can make a difference. Rest assured, I am well taken care of here at Signature Solar and I have all the support I need to avoid burning out. ?
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