diy solar

diy solar


I dont care about any of that shit I care about me and most of my fellow americans. Bidens policies are fucking this country good. There can be nothing good to come of allowing tens of millions of illegals, including unvetted military age males from our enemies, into this country. Thats just one problem and its plenty. You people are too busy with your irrational hate of Trump to have a lick of common sense.
This is getting so bad its not unimaginable the solution will be some form of civil conflict. Insane people should not be in charge of this country and they wont be in charge of my destiny.
Insane is declaring your side needs to save democracy by resorting to rigging elections, covering it up, and your biggest fear is that a successful president is re elected by the legitimate democratic will of the constituants.
Thats fucking nuts.
And you people are so insane youre even spelling it out in print and you dont see a damn thing wrong with it.
Joe Biden, the president who unleashed his justice department against his leading opponent, says that opponent is the biggest threat to denocracy, as his poll numbers continue to fall against Trump.
I suppose as november nears and Trumps numbers rise even higher, democrats will have to forgo the legalities completely and have those 50 intelligence agency officials that wrote that letter, arrest Trump and have him executed.
To save democracy.
Fuck you democrats. Just fuck you. Youre unhinged, and the only way to deal with the unhinged is to become unhinged ourselves.
That is a rant of a homicidal maniac.
DA Fani Willis has suddenly found religion .... We just need to forgive her for being an imperfect work in progress.

We have also found out the role of Fani's boy friend in the Trump case .... He apparently is an interface with the White House lawyers .... Guess Joe can no longer claim he doesn't have anything to do with the case. From the amount of time Fan's boy friend is billing the White House .... it kinda seems like they have a pretty major role in it .


They have found 16 hours of billing so far.
What do you call it when your lawyers are working with the corrupt DA who is prosecuting your opposition in a totally bogus case?
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These guys pay s much attention yet miss the whole picture... its kinda intriguing to be honest.

Anyway, some election fraud has been found:
That article is the biggest nothing burger evers seen ...... and there are no fraud allegations anywhere in the article in spite of trying to create a sensational headline.

From the article ....
These guys pay s much attention yet miss the whole picture... its kinda intriguing to be honest.

Anyway, some election fraud has been found:
How did you refute it? You literally quoted it...

Might want to invest in a dictionary
If you are calling truth "biased trash" you might want to reassess your BS detector