diy solar

diy solar

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  1. iClick

    Can a fuse be used to protect another fuse? (Class T Fuse Question)

    I'd like to install a Class T fuse into my yet to be built 12v 310A power station. The reason for the choosing a Class T fuse is to protect against a catastrophic direct short where there could be in excess of 10k Amps (happy to be corrected here) Now given that Class T fuses aren't cheap ($80...
  2. iClick

    Safety of custom 3d printed components in high current environments

    I'm considering purchasing a 3D printer (Creality Ender-3 V3 SE) and using it to print (amongst other things) parts for my solar builds. The first project that has driven this idea is for a custom bus bar incorporating ANL fuses. The file can be viewed here: Thingiverse Fuseholder for 5x40...
  3. iClick

    1st time 12v LiFePo4 battery build - continuous discharge advice please (EVE LF304 cells)

    I'm building a simple 12v battery for a DIY toolbox power station. I've ordered 4 x EVE LF304 cells and I've also ordered a 300A BMS JK-B2A8S30P The planned configuration is a simple 4S1P which will give me 12.8v and 304A however I've only just realised by reading the specs (attached below)...
  4. iClick

    If 280Ah cells are commonly available, why are 280Ah pre-built batteries rarely found for sale?

    I regularly see 100, 120, 150, 200, 300A/h etc batteries in the marketplace but given 280A/h cells are relatively common, you rarely see them as pre-built versions. Can anyone explain why?
  5. iClick

    What thickness nickel plate needed for 135Ah 4S8P cylindrical battery pack?

    Looking to spot weld nickel plate to connect these batteries as illustrated. This will be my 1st time spot welding (I will DIY build a welder) I'm seeking advice on what thickness nickel plate to purchase given the high amperage of this pack (135Ah) also, I'm assuming the thicker the plate, a...
  6. iClick

    Current naked cell prices - are they on the way down?

    I've been quoted 83-85USD (before shipping) from China for EVE 304AH Grade A cells. This seems like very attractive prices compared to what I have seen in the spreadsheet posted here some time ago. I am building just one 12v battery at this point in time and this order is my set of the system...
  7. iClick

    Advice please for reattaching Copper-nickel alloy strip to 33140 cells

    G'day DIY brains trust. Long story short, I have a 135Ah - 12 V battery consisting of 32 33140 cells in a 4S8P configuration. The original battery had shorted and fried the BMS. I was removing the pack from the battery enclosure and in the process I manage to unfortunately tear the bottom...
  8. iClick

    Really noob question - what is this cell configuration?

    All cells are 3.2v 32 Batteries total 4 x 8 Aren't they all just connected in series?
  9. iClick

    Alibaba: direct ordering without getting quote from seller?

    Hi brains trust - I'm considering a DIY battery build using cells purchased from Alibaba. I've noticed that on some listings you Start order request and the site offers an initial price with shipping to be negotiated with the seller. However on some other listings you simply Start order and...
  10. iClick

    I just direct shorted my brand new 135amp LiFePO4 battery - is it toast?

    This is a case of being a noob and not paying proper attention to what I was doing :( I'm gathering equipment to build a all in one solar generator (battery, inverter, DC to DC and AC charger) I just received the last component which was a DC-DC charger with inbuilt MPPT solar. Before the sun...
  11. iClick

    Advice regarding DIY Solar Generator components. (Naked AC LiFePO4 charger)

    G'day gang, 1st post on the forums. Looking forward to taking part and hopefully contributing to the solar community ☀️ I'm based in Melbourne Australia and despite it being known as the sunny country, here on the Eastern Coast it's been more rain and floods this summer which debatably beats...