diy solar

diy solar

Search results

  1. iRondo

    LFP Recycling and Safety

    Hey guys. I've run into a bit of an issue with one of my batteries. It's a drop-in type. The issue is simple. They cylindrical cells appear to have been leaking electrolyte. I took the battery out of my dinghy for an inspection and noticed that there was a lot of sloshing noise coming from...
  2. iRondo

    Suitable BMS

    I have a DIY bank of 8 Sinopoly 200ah cells (4S2P/4.8Kwh). The cells spec'd max charge/discharge rates are 2C & 3C respectively. I've been using an Orion Jr BMS but I don't trust it anymore. I looking for recommendations for a reasonably priced replacement. My chargers consist of 150A...
  3. iRondo

    Epcom Battery

    I've run across a battery I've never heard of before. Epcom is the company. They have bases in Florida and in El Paso, Tx. I'm in Mexico and it seems like this is really the only option available to me, but I would like to know if anyone has any knowledge about these batteries. The website...
  4. iRondo

    LFP battery internal resistance

    I have a 2P4S battery bank built from Sinopoly cells, circa 2018. It's been great but I notice lately that the internal resistances have changed. The spec is .4 mOhm and as of right now, under light load, no charge source, they're reading .15, .53, .24, .62. The pair I'm most concerned about is...
  5. iRondo

    Xantrex Battery type settings hack

    As stated in another thread, I am switching out a lead acid bank gone bad for a LFP drop-in battery. My existing Xantrex Truecharge 60a charger does not have a lithium setting. I am curious if there's a way I can get into the settings to set the bulk/absorb/float voltages myself. Thanks
  6. iRondo

    Renogy 100ah installation

    So I'm shopping for an LFP battery for my dinghy, which has a small trolling motor. I think I'm going to go with the Renogy 100ah smart battery. What I'd like to know is if there are going to be any issues with the battery being in the dinghy when it is turned over on deck. Or, should I remove...