diy solar

diy solar

Search results

  1. wattmatters

    Who gets free energy from the grid (or even paid to consume)?

    In some places it is becoming more common for grid utility suppliers to offer free energy periods to household customers. I am curious as the experience of forum members around the world as to whether/where this might also be occurring. Typically it is tied to an over supply of energy...
  2. wattmatters

    Forum down message (for me that is)

    I'm started to get this message regularly when I want to access the forum: Chrome on Macbook OS Monterey. I clear the cache and browser history, reboot the Mac, sometimes that fixes it but an hour or so later the message returns. I've never had this issue before. Regular posting member since...
  3. wattmatters

    2023 Home Energy Summary

    How did everyone's home energy systems perform in 2023? This is our system's summary for the year (Northern NSW, Australia): Legend top chart: Teal = battery discharge Pink = battery charge Orange = self-consumed solar PV Blue = Imports from grid Purple = Exports to grid Lower chart shows...
  4. wattmatters

    Grid Outage Stats

    Does anyone else record their outage stats? I have since our grid tied system went live with data Q4 in 2018. Here's a summary of our outage data: OUTAGE STATS TOTAL # OF OUTAGES 73 DAYS 1749 YEARS 4.8 PER YEAR 15.2 OUTAGE...
  5. wattmatters

    Goodenough no longer

    Vale John B. Goodenough, who has passed away and was responsible for getting a lot of what we do today started. Awarded the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry “for the development of lithium-ion batteries”.
  6. wattmatters

    Off-grid power replacing the grid in rural/remote Australia

    Interesting development here in Australia. It's not DIY but the utility companies themselves deciding to disconnect the grid and instead provide properties and remote towns with off-grid solar PV and battery systems. They've calculated it's more economical for them to do this for any property...
  7. wattmatters

    Can "New Posts" exclude Off-Topic section?

    When browsing the forum I use the "New Posts" button regularly. I find it a time efficient way to quickly check the forum for topics of interest to me. But I would very much prefer for the resulting list to exclude anything from the Off-Topic sections of the forum. This stuff just clutters...
  8. wattmatters

    Rooftop Solar on the Australian Grid

    Today a new record was set on the Australian national grid; renewables hit 57.6% of total supply on a weekday. The single largest supplier of energy was rooftop solar PV with 32.4% of supply at 12:30pm AEST - nearly 8GW of rooftop solar PV supply. This national grid represents most of the...
  9. wattmatters

    DC breakers for 48V SLA battery banks

    I need some help choosing a suitable DC circuit breaker / over current protection. I've searched on the forum and not really getting far with suitable suggestions. This is my battery system schematic, feeding an all-in-one inverter: By all means make suggestions on the above if it should be...
  10. wattmatters

    Tesla Megapack fire in Australia Battery fire started during testing. This is expected to be the new biggest battery in Australia. In total this is a 300MW, 450MWh battery.
  11. wattmatters

    Have disabled forum generated email, yet they still arrive?

    Hi, I am fairly new to the forums. It makes for interesting reading and interaction. I noticed as I became more engaged in forum threads I was getting an email every time someone posted in a thread I had also commented in. I don't want forum emails cluttering up my inbox. So I went to my...
  12. wattmatters

    Backup down under

    Greetings from down under. I live in a home near the small town of Bellingen, in northern NSW, Australia. Glorious country: That's our home at left centre, and obscured by the tree and slightly off the left of the image is a secondary dwelling where my Mum lives. 12 acres, behind our home (to...