diy solar

diy solar

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  1. S

    Solar pool pump

    I currently have a standard 1hp AC pool pump running of an exterior outlet. I’m thinking about connecting the pump to my MPP All-in-one inverter. Question, if I have a few panels connected to the MPP and have the MPP connected to grid power through an exterior outlet will it automatically...
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    PIP – 1012LV-MS Load Monitoring question

    Just set up my MPP pi-1012lv-ms all in one. I noticed when I have a small load the display reads 0 for load%, VA, and watts. For example read zero for all three while I charged one cell phone and my 18v cordless drill. When I plugged in a fridge it jumped up to showing normal numbers (500w...)...
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    A123 cells

    Any thoughts on these cells (A123) verse the regular prismatic cells everyone uses? BatteryEvo has 120ah battery with these cells for only $500. For the price I'm not familiar with these cells. Thoughts?
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    20Ah Nano phosphate Cells

    Any thoughts on these cells verse the regular prismatic cells everyone uses? BatteryEvo has 120ah battery with these cells for only $500. For the price I'm not familiar with these cells. Thoughts?
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    Charging question

    Sorry this is likely a very dumb rookie question. To charge my new lithium battery do I need a dedicated ac to dc charger or will the solar charge controllers do double duty? Thinking ahead when the new battery arrives
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    Battery Evo

    Has anyone done a teardown on any of these batteries? Wondering for the price in the US if they are junk or worth the money?
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    Used Fiat battery

    Stumbled on this today. Would it be usable as a backup solar generator battery option? Say they are 24v 60ah. Used for $200. Figured two might work. Since they are car batteries I have no idea if a BMS is onboard (i Assume yes) and what sort of cells are used. any experience or thoughts would...
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    Fiat Battery

    Stumbled on this today. Would it be usable as a backup solar generator battery option? Say they are 24v 60ah. Used for $200. Figured two might work. Since they are car batteries I have no idea if a BMS is onboard (i Assume yes) and what sort of cells are used. any experience or thoughts...
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    Newbie Question on cell types

    Sorry for the newbie question. Is there an advantage or disadvantage to these kind of cell verses the aluminum ones I see most everyone using? I believe i've seen some other comments that these are perhaps a style thats been around longer and more suitable for mobile type installations where...
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    AGM are they safe inside

    Ok beginner question. Building a solar generator system. If I don’t use lithium batteries and go with AGM or Gel are they safe to store and use inside? I understand lithium is perfect indoors but not sure if that is true for others. I would prefer to use lithium but the costs are likely too...
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    I’ve found a few threads earlier with no feedback. Wondering if anyone has experience with a company called Lynx Battery our of Seattle? They have what seems to be good prices on open Prismatic cells and enclosed cylindrical cells. Using Daly BMS’s. Items are in stock and I actually talked to a...
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    Newbie 24v question

    Brand new to solar and building a mobile generator to mainly power my home fridge in emergencies. Budget is low so I’m trying to get the most capacity for the $. Want to use lithium ion ( probably building my own ). If I use 24v 100ah rather than 12v will I get more wH out of that battery...