diy solar

diy solar

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  1. PeterE

    Problems with EG4 6500 Inverters and Signature Solar's refund policy on defective equipment

    Thank you everyone for your many helpful comments and suggestions. I did email Jess at the address she gives above and in pretty short order the "Resolution" offer I was given earlier was changed (sunflower is right) to, basically, "we'll refund for the two inverters and give you store credit...
  2. PeterE

    Problems with EG4 6500 Inverters and Signature Solar's refund policy on defective equipment

    I purchased a dual EG4 6500 Inverter system from Signature Solar in December of 2022 and they sat unopened in my barn till November 2023 when I was finally able to get them installed. I also ordered a Load Center for the dual EG4 6500 system a few months before the install. There were other...