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diy solar

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  1. C

    New Install Solar Edge 3800A with S440

    I build my system in Designer on Solar edge. Gave me same specs. I added 2 panels and it shot up to a 5kw Inverter. I appreciate everybody's help. think im gonna just blow up Solar edge till they send me something new lol
  2. C

    New Install Solar Edge 3800A with S440

    I couldnt tell you to be honest. Solar edge said I have too many on a string. I need to be under 5100w STC. I am at 5180W. so i removed one like they said but made no difference.
  3. C

    New Install Solar Edge 3800A with S440

    Got this from a distributor near me for extremely cheap, Brand new, Has warranty. told me it was a left over. Figured why not
  4. C

    New Install Solar Edge 3800A with S440

    I am not opposed. Ill see what estimated cost is. Guessing you would need POs too. I am also thinking i might buy a SE3800H Wave HD. Seen some open box ones on ebay for cheap. Just to see if there is a difference
  5. C

    New Install Solar Edge 3800A with S440

    Oh also I had one error code which im not sure what it means. Never seen it before. it showed up on 2/15 just once. Grid line to Neutral over Voltage Fault
  6. C

    New Install Solar Edge 3800A with S440

    Good Morning So I messed around with this thing Yesterday. I hooked up only 8 panels just to see what would happen. Maybe id get the full potential out of each one. that didnt happen. Barely hit 1000 watts total. Then i thought about it. If the system wants to keep everything at 380 Vdc with...
  7. C

    New Install Solar Edge 3800A with S440

    yeah, All New products. Will they give me warranty replacement when they are telling me nothing is wrong on their end? Yeah That’s what i was showing too. here are the days where i had mostly sun. I just installed this system last week. This is all the data i have.
  8. C

    New Install Solar Edge 3800A with S440

    Update. Still only hitting 2.66 Kw at peak. I turned off other system, turned on almost everything in my house. All Panels are hitting 190-200. One is hitting 212w. however adding them up is close to 2800watts. System only giving me 2600. panels and system are still under performing...
  9. C

    New Install Solar Edge 3800A with S440

    So the sun peaked its head out for a little. I jumped on the roof and cleared the snow off the panels. Reconfigured some of the settings that Hedges attached to the one post. My system wasnt configured to USA31 or 34. So i Changed that. Also some of the Active power control numbers P(v) were...
  10. C

    New Install Solar Edge 3800A with S440

    Yeah. Panels were tested i I have a sense monitor that feeds me info like high and low voltages.
  11. C

    New Install Solar Edge 3800A with S440

    So when the tech told me string was over sized by 80 Watts. I removed 1 panel. my Voltage on string topside was 13.1 but readying 14.4 at inverter. I did play around with disconnecting each panel and no matter what I was always 1Vdc higher. I didnt do that but when the sun comes out...
  12. C

    New Install Solar Edge 3800A with S440

    Thats something that is bothering me. Cause everyone says however many panels is the voltage.. but solar edge is telling me ok. Solar edge is telling me all is operating normally. one tech said i should add another string of 14 and ill get the Kw out of it lol. dude must have been just hired...
  13. C

    New Install Solar Edge 3800A with S440

    So first I check for Ohms on the input and output sides on the optimizer. according to Solar edge, if under 100ohms, replace. All tested above. Next I connected the panel to the optimizer. While the sun was hitting panel, I tested output voltage. All fell with range. all read 1.01Vdc. Next I...
  14. C

    New Install Solar Edge 3800A with S440

    Good To Know. Always curious about that.
  15. C

    New Install Solar Edge 3800A with S440

    Yeah, I heard a lot of bad things about solar edge but i figured i’d give it a shot. Definitely feel like it’s on my end. I’ve been going at this for three days. I started from over from scratch at one point.. disconnected everything, tested everything, factory reset the inverter. The whole...
  16. C

    New Install Solar Edge 3800A with S440

    12 AWG from Inverter to Meter/panel. 4/0 to Utility transformer
  17. C

    New Install Solar Edge 3800A with S440

    So it’s not through communications. it’s a setting on power control where you can limit the production. it has a range from ?? to 4kw. (i didn’t bother looking at the lowest lol) So i set it to the max inverter output. then it had Vdc control which was enabled or disabled. So i disabled it per...
  18. C

    New Install Solar Edge 3800A with S440

    Panels are same company. Different wattage. Yeah That’s a good Question. I’m going to check all this tomorrow or sunday, it’s Just starting to snow here and because i have an Inverter screen i can’t do it from the app. Just looking at this attachment, I already know some things are out of...
  19. C

    New Install Solar Edge 3800A with S440

    244 is my standard voltage. It does climb to 250 during production.
  20. C

    New Install Solar Edge 3800A with S440

    They all receive same amount of sun.
  21. C

    New Install Solar Edge 3800A with S440

    so i diasbled power limit and control. Solar edge verified that nothing should be limiting the output. what’s even funnier is that on solar edge designer, When i list the system for 14 370 watt panels and hit generate. Its gives me the 3800watt inverter with s440. So i know that part is good...
  22. C

    New Install Solar Edge 3800A with S440

    I tested each panel and optimizer before i put everything together. All voltages, amps and ohms checked out. Think i should still try this?
  23. C

    New Install Solar Edge 3800A with S440

    All Panels are in 1 String. Looking at voltage and amps from each panel during peak sun through the optimizer monitor shows Panel Voltage 33-35 V, Power optimizer 26-28 Volts, current about 6.5 Amps. Optimizers are rated up to 60Vdc, 14a short circuit current. Well within spec. Don’t have...
  24. C

    New Install Solar Edge 3800A with S440

    Was curious if i split the panels up to 7 in 2 strings to increase amps? i know i would need different optimizers cause i need 8 per string minimum. at this point my just toss this thing
  25. C

    New Install Solar Edge 3800A with S440

    So, Inverter is 25 ft from panels. And 6 ft from outdoor Panel.. panels are hitting 180-to 190 at peak sunlight per Solaredge monitoring i When i tested without optimizers im getting 250-280 a panel at peak sunlight. I should be getting full potential out of this inverter. It is the...
  26. C

    New Install Solar Edge 3800A with S440

    No Shading. Brand new panels under NOCT Pmax 276wp Vmp 31.7v Imp 8.69a Voc 38.2v Isc 9.22a The voltage is 380Vdc at inverter. Looks like the optimizers are keeping at 380. even when i take a panel off. So They are facing 159E.. on a roof. with 22 degree pitch. I have other panels...
  27. C

    New Install Solar Edge 3800A with S440

    Hey, I am a solar installer and this is my first time using solar edge with power optimizers. I decided to experiment with a system on my house first before I started putting them on other peoples houses. So I have 14 370 W panels for a total of 5180watts. My inverter is 3800 W with POs S440...