diy solar

diy solar

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  1. S

    18 kWh System Realistic? Liveaboard / Workaboard

    @TimE so I seem to be way off base with my assumptions of use. Can you let me know your hardware setup so I can wrap my mind about something realistic.
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    18 kWh System Realistic? Liveaboard / Workaboard spec sheet for the panels. I figure two series of four and one series of three. The calculator is spitting out MPPT 250/85 Tr VE.Can Money is not really an issue so if a certain charge...
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    18 kWh System Realistic? Liveaboard / Workaboard

    Yep, it's looking like I'll try to squeeze ten panels onto this boat :D and a generator to supplement for the rain. There's just no way to fit 20 panels AT ALL lol. Yeah, AC might have to wait.
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    18 kWh System Realistic? Liveaboard / Workaboard

    @AnarchyJet You’re right I did forget a few load items, we’re looking at a Fridge 12v 60Wh potentially two of them. Manual Pump head. Manual Windlass for now Water pump 12V 5A. Watermaker 12V 9A infrequent use Navigation Lights 4.5W Anchor light 12V 1.5W Navigation Instruments Autopilot 12V...
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    18 kWh System Realistic? Liveaboard / Workaboard

    @ SPARKYGAGE I’m (Liveaboard couple) sailing away, to see the entire east coast of the USA on anchor throughout. Shooting for only marinas when there’s an emergency. And while I knew the song (Reminds me of times driving with my dad on the oldies channel in the 90s :D I’d never actually paid...
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    18 kWh System Realistic? Liveaboard / Workaboard

    This is a 35 foot sailboat with a raised pilothouse, the panels will essentially be on hard davits, bimini, dodger, below the boom situation. There's potential for expansion if I get creative with some kind of folding mounting hardware @SparkyGage I could probably swing a generator if needed...
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    18 kWh System Realistic? Liveaboard / Workaboard

    This system will be entirely offgrid, other than potential charging via the boats engine alternator. Preference to high quality, the system needs to generally just work and not require troubleshooting of gremlins. LiFePO4 12.8 V, was looking at these...
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    18 kWh System Realistic? Liveaboard / Workaboard

    Currently the plan is eight 400W+ Panels. Three 460Ah batteries. Beyond this I'm hoping for guidance on what inverter, charge controller, other parts. I might need for a reliable system. Past utility bills show monthly utilization from 300 kWh to 500 kWh, daily estimate 9.68-16kWh High...