diy solar

diy solar

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  1. sethile

    SRNE & WiFi Dongle (Maybe Others) SmartESS App Website Logging

    OK, I get it now, great! Just installed the SmartESS App on my Android phone (thankfully it worked as soon as I logged in). I think this will do everything I need to keep up with things when I'm traveling. I like the DessMonitor website on the laptop. And I'm looking forward to downloading...
  2. sethile

    SRNE & WiFi Dongle (Maybe Others) SmartESS App Website Logging

    OMG, that was easy! And I can see all my data again! Thanks very much! I have an MPP LV6548, which has an onboard wifi module. All I did was login using the same credentials I had setup using the WatchPower app, (which is also how I got into ShineMonitor). Do you know if they have an android...
  3. sethile

    Found a website interface, for the MPP Solar WatchPower app data

    Timely! My data stopped making it to the Shinemonitor website, and the app for some reason AGAIN! It's happened before, but this time I am at a complete loss as to way it stopped working, or how to get it to work again. Last time it kicked back in when I reconfigured LV6548 wifi settings, which...
  4. sethile

    AC side MPP LV6548 connections, critical load panel, wiring

    MPP recommends 4 AWG for both the LV6548 AC input and output terminals. I used 6 AWG SOOW stranded and could barely cram them in there (Will mentioned the same thing in one of his videos covering these units). Even using 6 AWG I ended up braking one of the terminals in the process. You might...
  5. sethile

    Is Renogy Going Out Of Business?

    I had an interesting experience with Renogy, which was successfully resolved. I ordered a Midnight Solar MNPC6 combiner box and breakers rated for my application only to find out they would not fit this box (at least not without using the fuse holder set up, which would then limit it to 4...
  6. sethile

    Signature Solar and shipping damage, are you a victim too?

    I received my EG4-LL from Signature Solar via R&L and it was handled very well by both companies. I went to the R&L terminal to pick it up. When I got there I saw the box was slightly damaged from the straps holding it to the pallet. I asked to open the box before I signed. The agent had no...
  7. sethile

    PV String DC Voltage Limiter

    The following idea was pitched by @Supervstech in my thread hashing out my array configuration. It should be possible to use a low-temperature charging disconnect to disconnect the array bellow the...
  8. sethile

    AC side MPP LV6548 connections, critical load panel, wiring

    Nope, that's it! I used a washer on the bolt before going through the panel with it, and then straight into the nut captured in the channel strut. I think it's mainly salt water that causes the more drastic reaction. I dream of getting my boat in some salt water some day, so I give a nod to...
  9. sethile

    AC side MPP LV6548 connections, critical load panel, wiring

    I played around with the nylon cone versions. I think they would work better than the spring versions. I don't think the nylon will interfere with electrical ground. The metal part of the nut is against the rails, and is also what the screws thread into. The panels are also going to be sitting...
  10. sethile

    Found a website interface, for the MPP Solar WatchPower app data

    Fantastic! Thanks for the link!! Just installed it on my Android phone, and took a quick look. It's great! Especially helpful because the website is impossible to use with mobile devices... The app provides a lot of easy to interpret information.
  11. sethile

    AC side MPP LV6548 connections, critical load panel, wiring

    Yes! I used these: But the springs were not as helpful as I thought they would be. I ended up removing the springs. You can buy them without: You may be able to find them in...
  12. sethile

    AC side MPP LV6548 connections, critical load panel, wiring

    Wow, perhaps I've lived in rural Kentucky too long, but this all sounds WAY more complicated than it needs to be... Were you able to talk with someone that reviews the applications about what they require? Perhaps a structural engineer's report is part of it in your case, but I would think...
  13. sethile

    200W Shed install, charging yard tools.

    Yes! It couldn't be more different! We moved here from San Diego where I grew up and where most of my family still live. They've all converted their landscaping to draught resistant plants and in most cases their "lawns" are amazingly realistic looking Astroturf. They've also installed...
  14. sethile

    200W Shed install, charging yard tools.

    I didn't run the numbers, other than calculating what it would take for the inverter to power up to three of the EGO chargers (with a little head room to spare). I only use the yard tools twice a week at most, even in peak season. Based on how this system has performed so far, a single 100W...
  15. sethile

    200W Shed install, charging yard tools.

    The cutting board is High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), which is apparently a "non flammable, non reactive solid with no odor". There is plenty of wood around, including the plywood I mounted the inverter etc.. on.. And the box I made for the battery is too, although I lined that with...
  16. sethile

    200W Shed install, charging yard tools.

    I meant to write we've passed through Gillette several times... My brother-in-law lived there for a couple of years in between stints in Sheridan, where he lives now.
  17. sethile

    200W Shed install, charging yard tools.

    My wife's Mom and Step father live in Worland, and have for many years. Her step dad grew up there, and my wife spent her summers there as a teenager... WY is a beautiful state! We visit once a year or so, and have passed through Casper several times. Unless you're watering constantly you...
  18. sethile

    200W Shed install, charging yard tools.

    Yes, Western Kentucky! That little 200W shed setup is more than enough for keeping up with the yard tools. Even on cloudy days... When I've done yardwork in the mid to late afternoon on partly sunny days the tool batteries and the system battery have been fully charged before dark. Even when it...
  19. sethile

    AC side MPP LV6548 connections, critical load panel, wiring

    Hello Paul, It depends on your wall. In my case it was brick. But regardless, you want to have the panels at least a couple of inches off of the wall to provide good air circulation between them and the wall. I'd use sections of treated lumber as stand offs anchored to the brick or through the...
  20. sethile

    AC side MPP LV6548 connections, critical load panel, wiring

    I'd measure them. That's what I did with mine, which are also used. And I happened to have a chilly day with bright sunshine. Not near as cold as it can get, but cold enough to put the 5 year old panels well over their rated VOC. I was surprised to see the record low here actually hit -20°F at...
  21. sethile

    AC side MPP LV6548 connections, critical load panel, wiring

    If you have a little shading on the lower row of panels, it would likely be good to wire them in a separate series string from the ones that you suspect will have full sun. My limited understanding is that even partial shading of one panel will bring the output down on the other panels in that...
  22. sethile

    AC side MPP LV6548 connections, critical load panel, wiring

    Based on my limited antidotal experience, a Chain link fence a couple of feet away is not going to affect them drastically, if at all. You could play with what it looks like, though, using cardboard or paper cut to the size of your panels. Put those up on the wall in the spots you're most...
  23. sethile

    AC side MPP LV6548 connections, critical load panel, wiring

    I think your reasoning makes perfect sense! I'm actually rather surprised by how little the angle to the sun, and orientation in general makes (within reason). If you have room, adding more panels seems to make a much larger difference than minor improvements in angles. I thought my south wall...
  24. sethile

    AC side MPP LV6548 connections, critical load panel, wiring

    I did not submit a detailed plan for the mounting hardware, just a list of the parts, along with a narrative describing how I was going to mount them and the calculated weight of each of completed arrays. The weight, and if the existing structure could hold it safely was the only concern they...
  25. sethile

    AC side MPP LV6548 connections, critical load panel, wiring

    Thanks, Paul! Yes, it's Solar Assistant. here's a link: Apparently not, but my situation here sounds like the polar opposite of yours. No one has even looked! I thought I might put it up on a cinder block and strap it to the wall against the hardibacker. I think...
  26. sethile

    AC side MPP LV6548 connections, critical load panel, wiring

    Here is how things look inside.... Main and Critical Loads Panels before and after moving the Critical Loads: Solar Closet: Hoping to add another battery or two down the road, and I'd really like better software eventually. WatchPower on the laptop and the mobile app sucks for monitoring...
  27. sethile

    AC side MPP LV6548 connections, critical load panel, wiring

    It's alive! Has been for several weeks now, but I can finally call it finished (for now..). The city inspector came by, and thankfully did not seem to have any issues with my installation. The electrical inspector did not think he needed to inspect it, since it is not feeding back to the grid...
  28. sethile

    Any third-party software available for MPP solar systems?

    Check this thread out! I just did, and I'm blown away with how cool the interface is compared with WatchPower, and you can access it from anything with a browser! Amazing!!
  29. sethile

    Found a website interface, for the MPP Solar WatchPower app data

    OMG, this is fantastic!! I've been very frustrated with both the Android app and the Windows 10 app. This is exactly what I was hoping to find! Great sleuthing @thedman ! Thanks very much for posting this!!
  30. sethile

    Be careful tightening LV6548 AC connectors!! A cautionary tale of woe...

    Fantastic! That's a relief, and what it looked like to my rather muddled brain. Thanks very much for checking this out for me!
  31. sethile

    Be careful tightening LV6548 AC connectors!! A cautionary tale of woe...

    It's possible I misunderstood him. He sounds Australian (talks fast), and I don't hear all that well these days. He may have included connecting the output AC to the chassis for the ground (just not using the connector). That was at least mentioned as an option. Not that includes the workings...
  32. sethile

    Be careful tightening LV6548 AC connectors!! A cautionary tale of woe...

    OK, cool! I called Ian at Watts247. I had apparently not received an E-mail he had sent in reply last night. He had an easy temporary work around for me, which involved moving the the unit's AC output neutral over to the ground position on the terminal block and connecting to it there, while not...
  33. sethile

    Be careful tightening LV6548 AC connectors!! A cautionary tale of woe...

    Many of you helpful folks will remember my installation plans from this thread: I should be posting an exciting conclusion on that thread, instead, when I was literally two wire connections away...
  34. sethile

    200W Shed install, charging yard tools.

    Just finished my first Spring pass at the yard using my new Ego Lawn Mower and Blower. I charged the batteries yesterday with the shed system I installed in January. And then recharged the depleted batteries after working for a couple of hours. Yesterday was sunny, but today was mostly cloudy...
  35. sethile

    AC side MPP LV6548 connections, critical load panel, wiring

    Yes, I had sticker shock too, until I started looking at local hinges that would handle the load. They're even more expensive, not near as well made, and were not oriented as well for this application. I'm in a small town in western KY, but we moved here from SoCal. Hard to describe how...