diy solar

diy solar

Search results

  1. BenFromSignatureSolar

    RE+ solar conference is fast approaching! What new products or booths are you interested in?

    I wish I had known you were there! Would have liked to meet you in person. I did see the Fortress rep do 50 push-ups pretty easily. That was impressive at least.
  2. BenFromSignatureSolar

    eg4ll replacement bms

    Can you DM me your email address?
  3. BenFromSignatureSolar

    Signature Solar Review

    We do. As tax incentives are constantly changing, we attempt to keep up and plug state exceptions into our system. I believe AZ will come up as exempt and tax will not be applied to orders that originate there.
  4. BenFromSignatureSolar

    Signature Solar Review

    Our design team doesn't base their designs around a specific product and normally they will try and give options. I'm going to follow up with Landon and see why you weren't given the full picture of the design. You should have received much more than just a quote. There is normally a design...
  5. BenFromSignatureSolar

    Signature Solar Review

    Thank you. We are looking at your correspondence and will be in touch soon.
  6. BenFromSignatureSolar

    Signature Solar Review

    Would love to help you out here. Could you DM me your email address? I think we could get you some help here. And I want to find out why we dropped the ball with your process.
  7. BenFromSignatureSolar

    eg4ll replacement bms

    Are you using user defined settings, or are you communicating via the BMS? Also, how long have you had the batteries working in your system? If the system is fairly new, you might want to deep-cycle the batteries for 10 days or so and this should show some improvement. The BMS is limiting the...
  8. BenFromSignatureSolar

    EG4 new AIO rated 12K output and 18kPV aka "EG4-18Kpv-12LV"

    The batteries are already compatible. Sol-ark just doesn't approve of it. Fortunately, the batteries work great with the Solark units.
  9. BenFromSignatureSolar

    Terrible Signature Solar / EG4 18Kpv Experience - Returning and Replaced with Sol-Ark 15k

    The 10.11 fw blocks all backfeeding and resolved the issue in all of the other units that have reached out. The only time any is present is during surges, same as any other hybrid inverter. Fully acknowledge that your unit has issues. But I stand by my statement, that you are the only person to...
  10. BenFromSignatureSolar

    Terrible Signature Solar / EG4 18Kpv Experience - Returning and Replaced with Sol-Ark 15k

    He's the only person that has had these issues though. This seems very much an outlier for the unit.
  11. BenFromSignatureSolar

    Terrible Signature Solar / EG4 18Kpv Experience - Returning and Replaced with Sol-Ark 15k

    I just looked into what is going on with this situation. It looks like our system pulled the tax during the process of crediting your account. I will personally make sure that the remainder of your cost is returned to you right away. I apologize for the inconvenience
  12. BenFromSignatureSolar

    EG4 new AIO rated 12K output and 18kPV aka "EG4-18Kpv-12LV"

    Can confirm he has only ever had 3 units that were purchased through a different company. He has never personally purchased, reached out, or asked for a quote for any units whatsoever.
  13. BenFromSignatureSolar

    Signature Solar Customer Service

    That really depends on your usage case. If you are going to grid tie and need AHJ sign off, then yes it is probably better to wait on the fully certified version of the unit. However, if you have an off grid application you can get the exact same battery right away. It just won't have the UL...
  14. BenFromSignatureSolar

    Terrible Signature Solar / EG4 18Kpv Experience - Returning and Replaced with Sol-Ark 15k

    He does. He's probably the authority on the 18kPV as far as the forum goes. I doubt there is anybody here with more time in front of the unit.
  15. BenFromSignatureSolar

    Signature Solar Customer Service

    Sounds like the Power Pro batteries would meet your needs really well. If you pull the trigger on them, please share your experience!
  16. BenFromSignatureSolar

    Signature Solar Customer Service

    What inverter are you going with?
  17. BenFromSignatureSolar

    Signature Solar Customer Service

    Neither place gets the products from Greentech, actually. Signature Solar buys direct from EG4 and Sovereign purchases from Signature Solar. I can tell you for sure that there are a lot more success stories than negatives with signature. The 280Ah batteries will be a game changer. Not just...
  18. BenFromSignatureSolar

    EG4 Pro Series

    Looking good! What are you doing next weekend ?
  19. BenFromSignatureSolar

    I really like the new powerpro battery..

    I can't believe you moved all those batteries! How long did it take to get everything looking like that?? What did you even do with all those batteries?!
  20. BenFromSignatureSolar

    I really like the new powerpro battery..

    Funny we literally just talked about these ?
  21. BenFromSignatureSolar

    Terrible Signature Solar / EG4 18Kpv Experience - Returning and Replaced with Sol-Ark 15k

    Send me your email address on a DM. Let's talk about some options and work something out you can be happy with long term.
  22. BenFromSignatureSolar

    Signature Solar Customer Service

    Could you DM me your email address so I can see what is going on with the process
  23. BenFromSignatureSolar

    Terrible Signature Solar / EG4 18Kpv Experience - Returning and Replaced with Sol-Ark 15k

    A little better detailed view at the time of sell back from the 31st
  24. BenFromSignatureSolar

    Terrible Signature Solar / EG4 18Kpv Experience - Returning and Replaced with Sol-Ark 15k

    @Watts Happening I really hate that things didn't turn out better here. I commend you and Markus both for trying so hard to get things going. After doing some digging into the situation I've ended up with more questions than answers really and I can assure the entire forum that we will be...
  25. BenFromSignatureSolar

    EG4 Chargeverter only works at 50%

    If you're looking for another job let me know lol. Need someone like you to respond on the forum! ?
  26. BenFromSignatureSolar

    EG4 Chargeverter only works at 50%

    Did you get the amperage issue sorted with the video? Just want to make sure so we can help out if need be.
  27. BenFromSignatureSolar

    Signature Solar Two Hours On Hold Just To Buy an Item!

    Would you mind DMing me your phone number and email address? It will help me use this as a learning opportunity for our team so we can work toward preventing these types of wait times. It being at the end of the day on a Friday, volume may have been the issue but I want to make sure it wasn't...
  28. BenFromSignatureSolar

    24v or 48v, Which way to go?!?

    If you are going to use those batteries for sure, I would probably go with something like a 12V Victron Phoenix.
  29. BenFromSignatureSolar

    EG4 18kPV Q+A general thread

    I don't think so. @Markus_SignatureSolar will probably know
  30. BenFromSignatureSolar

    Your thoughts on signature solar panels on sale.

    Are you basing your battery backup on usage data? Are you trying to make it through the night on straight battery backup? Or is it more a safety net and your primary goal is to offset usage during the day?
  31. BenFromSignatureSolar

    Your thoughts on signature solar panels on sale.

    Check out the EG4 Charge Controller. Solid unit and can save you quite a bit that you can put towards modules. How much battery backup are you looking to include in your system?
  32. BenFromSignatureSolar

    Deal or no deal

    No specs would make me nervous, but you can likely find them on the internet somewhere