diy solar

diy solar

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  1. J

    Thinking about wind?

    I think this mostly depends on your location. I am building a house in a semi valley that is also an open field and based on the historical data, the wind will generally come from one side of the valley. So my biggest factor is not height, but location. If you live in an area where the...
  2. J

    Thinking about wind?

    I wouldnt use wind without batteries to be honest, but Im not an expert. At least with batteries you can create a common DC voltage between solar and wind and then run an inverter to take it back to AC voltage.
  3. J

    Thinking about wind?

    My foundation will be solar, once the system is up and running, then I will get a HAWT to supplement charge a bit. I know its not very efficient, but I need to diversify my power sources as my house will be completely off grid. Once the HAWT is fully operational, then I can monitor it and check...
  4. J

    Thinking about wind?

    I did not even know this calculator existed! Up to now I've been using logical conclusions to try identify the bullshitters from the real deals and I still havent found a wind turbine that looks legit. I think this calculator will make my life a lot easier now
  5. J

    Multiple charge controllers on single battery system

    The thing I didn't mention is that I also want to add things like a wind turbine or two as we have very consistent wind here in the non-summer months. I wont be adding massive input from the wind turbines, but input is input regardless of where it comes from. The other part is that I will later...
  6. J

    Multiple charge controllers on single battery system

    Probably the most perfect answer I was looking for! Thanks so much!
  7. J

    Multiple charge controllers on single battery system

    Big thanks! Yes, I will be well below that considering I will run around 10kw solar and the battery will be around 28kwh. I have just never gotten a straight answer regarding multiple chargers at the same time
  8. J

    Multiple charge controllers on single battery system

    Well no, but this is what I am expecting more or less. The thing I need to consider is that the freezer will probably be working non stop as each day carcasses will be removed each day and new fresh carcasses will be placed back in its place. Thus, the compressor will basically work 24/7. I will...
  9. J

    Multiple charge controllers on single battery system

    Hi all I am looking to build a total off grid freezer room setup, but there are a few things that bother me, so I will list my specs and maybe someone can give some advice. I am planning on running a 2000w motor where I wont be getting sun for around 14 hours, meaning I need 28kwh worth of...
  10. J

    144v to 48v

    So I have a question. I want to build a complete off the grid system at my new house. That said I also want to build an EV vehicle. The house setup will run on a 48v lifepo system and the EV conversion kits run on 144v so a basic charger from 220v to 144v will do the job. My problem is, that...
  11. J

    NOAH'S ARK: Index of LiFePO4 cell manufacturers

    Anybody ever buy from Dongguan 158 Technology on Alibaba?