diy solar

diy solar

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  1. W

    Expanding w/Unequal Capacity Batteries

    My travel trailer (that I'm full-timing in) currently has two separate power systems: Two 12v 250Ah Chins self-heating bluetooth LFP packs (~40 cycles on them) paralleled in the front compartment along with a 100A PowerMax charger right next to it, all cabled to bus bars with 4ga copper cabling...
  2. W

    BougeRV CIGS - Any Reviews?

    I've seen a lot on here about Rich Solar's CIGS panels and their delamination issues, but has anyone used BougeRV's Yuma CIGS panels? And, if so, any reviews or thoughts on longevity? I currently have two BougeRV Yuma 100w panels (one long and one compact, both adhesive-backed) that I was...
  3. W

    How to Fix the Slow Charging?

    Long-time lurker, first-time poster. I'm running into an issue with my battery system in my travel trailer, and I was hoping that y'all might have some insight. I'm running into an issue with very slow charging of the 500Ah of LFP batteries in my travel trailer, and I have hunch of where the...