diy solar

diy solar

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  1. S

    Dappled sun issues?

    Just thought I'd pop back in with another update, and also to ask a question. All is still going well, in that now that it's the closed fishing season, and I'm not visiting at all, my batteries continue to be topped off again, every day, as long as there is a little sun, at some point, or even...
  2. S

    Capacity testing two used batteries

    I read that, thanks. Makes a good deal of sense, in terms of our interest not really having much to do with the CCA ability, but in terms of what that tester will come most in handy for me, is in checking batteries for just that purpose. Having said that, if you charge the battery fully, and it...
  3. S

    Dappled sun issues?

    Early days, as you know, but as far as I can tell, everything is now just perfect. Bulk isn't now retriggered, even after the overnight discharge, at least whilst I have a topped off battery. I'm sure it will be, when I use high on-site loads, and every now and again in general day to day use...
  4. S

    Dappled sun issues?

    I'm not really wanting to eliminate it altogether, or even close to that. I'm fine with it doing it after I've used the inverter, probably the day after would be usual, because I normally use the power after dark. This would seem appropriate to me. I just didn't want it being retriggered...
  5. S

    Dappled sun issues?

    That's great, thank you, that's what I shall do. I think I mentioned previously that I also have an inverter, which I use from time to time, weekly, or thereabout, during the fishing season, so if I use that it should still drop well below even the new lowered value, and ought to trigger bulk...
  6. S

    Dappled sun issues?

    I'm hoping for some further advice from those of you who may know EPEVER Tracer SCCs. I've been keeping my eye on what my EPEVER mppt charge controller has been up to, over the last few days, since the deployment of my new 500W panel, and today I noticed that it went into equalise mode, which...
  7. S

    Capacity testing two used batteries

    Armed with the new battery checker, I have now checked the two old batteries, after two weeks of float, and there's been very little improvement, with the CCA value being way down. IR and CCA values are remarkably close, so they have aged equally. Whilst they may well have 50% capacity, as...
  8. S

    Dappled sun issues?

    I know, right! EPEVER have some funny terms, but I suppose someone just must have decided what can be the opposite of overloading? I think the prior software app, Solar Station, just says normal. Yes, just launched that app, and it does. Gone quite dark now. :cry: Cheers Sutty
  9. S

    Dappled sun issues?

    Ooooo, I think the sun must have come out. (y) Happy as a clam.
  10. S

    Dappled sun issues?

    Got the new 500W panel installed yesterday, and connected to my new mppt controller. Old panels now connected to my old PWM controller, with both connected to my batteries. Seems to be working, but time will tell. Checked idle power consumption, on the mppt load output, after completion, using...
  11. S

    Dappled sun issues?

    Reads almost more devastating than you suggested, although to be fair, your analogy of a guillotine to the neck is fairly devastating. :ROFLMAO:
  12. S

    Dappled sun issues?

    Lol, yes, I'm hoping so. :p I'm still getting the new panel. Just waiting on the supplier getting back to me with regard to bracketry.
  13. S

    Dappled sun issues?

    Excellent, thanks, I shall do just that.
  14. S

    Dappled sun issues?

    Fantastic, then this is what I'll do, thank you. Panel to be ordered soon. (y) Lastly, I forgot to reply to this. Yes, I think you're right, that's perhaps not such a good picture of the dapple, and the sun must have been angled such that I had almost full shade at that moment, but as I...
  15. S

    Dappled sun issues?

    Good idea, and funny you should mention this, but thank you for doing so. As I drifted off to sleep, last night, thinking of all things panel, lol, I wondered if I could use more than one SCC and if either of them would be upset by the other. I thought I'd read elsewhere of people doing this...
  16. S

    Dappled sun issues?

    Great, gotcha. Permanently connected to that load, on the SCC, is the camera hub, a mobile phone, and a MiFi router. The mobile phone itself would have done, for internet, but, I'm so far off the beaten track, that its mobile data connection is too poor. It does serve to manage, slowly, if I...
  17. S

    Dappled sun issues?

    Here's a screenshot right now, at half past midnight, which is a rather typical result. Total energy is low, because I reconnected it on Tuesday, so everything reset. Probably had it reconnected from about 2PM.
  18. S

    Dappled sun issues?

    Thanks, that's great info again. I was trying to be conservative, especially at the moment, whilst I'm having issues. Once I get things sorted, I'll go for your recommendation. By full charge, do you mean a charge to full, or a drain and refill charge to full, because if I get a set-up that will...
  19. S

    Dappled sun issues?

    Thanks, sucking equally is all I can hope for, perfect. LVC is at 24.2V. It was 22.2V, as the SCC default.
  20. S

    Dappled sun issues?

    Brilliant, thanks for taking the time. I'll try to reply to each individual comment. Yes, EPEVER, as you saw later. That's right, I didn't claim to have, only to have made several changes. The only theoretical upgrade made was to change to an mppt controller. Partial shading, for sure, at...
  21. S

    Dappled sun issues?

    Damn, I had a long thread here, already to go, and I lost it. Oh well, I'll try again, but much shorter. I'm a complete beginner, and any system I had in place that worked would have been more good luck than good management, as I almost threw my system together at the start. Two 100W panels in...
  22. S

    Capacity testing two used batteries

    Small update on the battery tester, having sent a few mails back and forth, they just said, return it using Amazon's return service. I started the process, and felt it was more onerous than just re-soldering the component, inside, which is what I've now done. Works perfectly, and reported 47%...
  23. S

    Capacity testing two used batteries

    Thanks, good info. Not sure what mine is, but it's very old, though works well enough for welding still. I've watched those, but I'll bank the information, depending on what the result of my other activities proves to be, and whether or not I can get the tops off, if I have to. As an aside, the...
  24. S

    Capacity testing two used batteries

    No, I'm not certain, and would try a bunch of things, in the spirit of experimentation, whilst not forgetting that they were only destined for the scrap yard anyway. I tapped at what is obviously the cover for the valve caps, with a big flat bolster chisel, before doing anything else, because I...
  25. S

    Capacity testing two used batteries

    Nice one. Thanks for pointing out the links. I hadn't noticed those.
  26. S

    Capacity testing two used batteries

    Not that it really matters now, because at my cabin I have switched to a higher 24V set-up, with a series connection between my two new batteries, but I'm curious with regard to the life of the above batteries, which spent their working life in parallel. The load and the charger, same wires from...
  27. S

    Capacity testing two used batteries

    Ah ha, no problem, these things happen. Factory defect or not, that's definitely the issue, and I'm certain I can fix it, should it be needed. I hope they say, we'll send you a new one, but feel free to keep the broken one, that way I can solder it up, and can have one for up at the cabin, save...
  28. S

    Capacity testing two used batteries

    Couldn't resist. Just two screws, and I thought, if I remove them, and it doesn't easily come apart, then I won't look and I'll return the screws, but if that's all that keeps the case closed, I'll open it and take a peek. Opposite end to the two screws were just two clips, so it was simplicity...
  29. S

    Capacity testing two used batteries

    My Ancel tester is clearly faulty, and I have written to them, describing the symptoms. The same test, twice in a row, on the same battery, would report wildly different values for SOH, ranging from good, 100%, to 7%, replace. The IR, on which I suppose must of it is based, would also be all...
  30. S

    Capacity testing two used batteries

    Test two complete, on the other battery, and the results are astonishingly similar. The test was slightly different, in that I saw 10.5V fly by, this time, because I was ready for it and watching, but as with the first battery the plummet happened from just about 11V. The other difference was...
  31. S

    Capacity testing two used batteries

    Spotted something with my power supply that I hadn't noticed before, which I believe to be good. I set it to 13.8V, with a low current limit, and when I connected it, I noticed that CC, had lit up at the left, and the voltage was a little depressed. As I wound up the current, so it was allowed...
  32. S

    Capacity testing two used batteries

    Yes, it is almost exactly that, but sadly only 5A and 20V, but it has been doing a fine job, so far, of simulating my panels, albeit at a low output current. As of about 5 minutes ago, I just happened to be watching, and the SCC switched to float, the current dropped to about 1A, and my meter...
  33. S

    Capacity testing two used batteries

    Thank you, I'll have a good read later, At a glance that could be handy for my cabin.
  34. S

    Capacity testing two used batteries

    Fair enough. I can't find anything specified about these batteries, but I'll write to the supplier, and see what they say. Might just try it anyway, if they don't get back to me. There is a default equalization period in the SCC for sealed, and it's set at 14.6V to run for two hours, on the...
  35. S

    Capacity testing two used batteries

    Yes, thank you. Got you. I didn't even know standard ratings were based on this C20 approach, so I didn't know I was willing to be 16% out, lol. I hadn't been aiming to match that, I just thought a car headlamp was a nice moderate load I could deal with, but thank you for explaining. I thought...