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diy solar

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  1. B

    Solar configuration for summer vs winter

    I did not realize that. It explains why it is not really charging except in full sun with the current 4 panels. I bet just adding the other two will make a huge difference.
  2. B

    Solar configuration for summer vs winter

    42V is the startup. No, they are several feet off the ground. No easy way to hinge the roof panels, unfortunately.
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    Solar configuration for summer vs winter

    I have a very remote off-grid property that I use heavily in the summer, and a bit in the winter. Currently I have 4 panels mounted on the roof of a shed, in series. The problem is that they get snow covered a lot in the winter. I am considering mounting two more panels to the south wall...
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    Charging LFP below 32F - 0C freezing temperature - possible - with newer chemistry?

    50W can be very significant in certain situations, like mine. Off-grid, only 1000W of used solar panels. Many winter days I'm not getting 1KW of recharging. I ended up just converting everything I could to DC so I could just switch off the inverter entirely. With Starlink + Home Assistant +...
  5. B

    Seplos bms 3.0 Is died?

    The password for the .apk for the BMS version 3.0 is not 111111, it is seplos111
  6. B

    Seplos heating function not working?

    FYI, I stumbled across this video on youtube. It looks like the under temperature protection will turn on the heating fet....... after 30 minutes ;)
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    Charging LFP below 32F - 0C freezing temperature - possible - with newer chemistry?

    You can do a lot of things. Just was trying to figure it out using the BMS as-is, as it is supposed to be able to handle it. Turns out it was just some poor documentation on seplos's part.
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    Charging LFP below 32F - 0C freezing temperature - possible - with newer chemistry?

    Well, well well. After doing some youtube searching, it looks like someone recently discovered that the BMS CAN heat with the charge mosfets off. It turns out that the BMS waits 30 minutes before turning on the heating fet when under temp protection is triggered. Kind of strange.
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    Charging LFP below 32F - 0C freezing temperature - possible - with newer chemistry?

    No worries. I'm hoping that is what they eventually do. It seems like they didn't think beyond adding the heaters to help keep battery warm. Which if you had grid access is fine I guess (although likely a waste of power as you mentioned). I don't have grid access, so I think I will likely...
  10. B

    Charging LFP below 32F - 0C freezing temperature - possible - with newer chemistry?

    I'm starting to question if you are reading my replies carefully. The example you provide is not reproducible with a Seplos BMS. You cannot "let the heaters run, and not allow any other charge current". The BMS does not allow for this to happen. There is simply no settings in the BMS that...
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    Charging LFP below 32F - 0C freezing temperature - possible - with newer chemistry?

    I have solar assistant configured + home assistant, so can adjust the max charge amperage based on temp. But it is sort of irrelevant since I can't get above .1C with my current production.
  12. B

    Charging LFP below 32F - 0C freezing temperature - possible - with newer chemistry?

    Am I missing something? My concern is that early in the morning I will be charging frozen batteries for a time. See this post: Which is my exact setup. It takes many hours to take the battery up 10deg C.
  13. B

    Charging LFP below 32F - 0C freezing temperature - possible - with newer chemistry?

    Correct, it is an off-grid property. That is good to know about the efficiency of the insulation + heaters. I am hoping to need < 1KW a day to keep it heated, which sounds very doable. See my previous comments. My current setup does not allow this (Seplos BMS with heating pads). There is no...
  14. B

    Charging LFP below 32F - 0C freezing temperature - possible - with newer chemistry?

    Because in the morning I can't preheat the batteries before charging.
  15. B

    Charging LFP below 32F - 0C freezing temperature - possible - with newer chemistry?

    Others with the seplos BMS have confirmed, there is no combination of parameters that can be entered in the BMS to allow it to heat without charging. This presents a unique problem for me, as my setup is in an unheated shed in an area that can get down to -20C at night during the winter. I...
  16. B

    Charging LFP below 32F - 0C freezing temperature - possible - with newer chemistry?

    Just seeing this thread. Wondering what the though it is on charging Eve 304AH cells at say, .02C when below freezing. I just built a seplos DIY pack with the heaters, but it sounds like it doesn't preheat the batteries.
  17. B

    Need some "smart" ideas for turning off EG4 3000 at night.

    I ended up just splicing the switch wire and wiring up to a Shelly relay/dry contact. Ended up being pretty easy.
  18. B

    Need some "smart" ideas for turning off EG4 3000 at night.

    Ha! I had no idea such a thing existed.
  19. B

    Need some "smart" ideas for turning off EG4 3000 at night.

    For 3) So, if your turn on Power Save mode via Solar Assistant when there is a load, it will just turn off, then turn back on? Or are you referring to the inverter putting itself in power save mode when there are no loads detected? Edit: Yeah, I just tested thus with a load. Just switches on...
  20. B

    Need some "smart" ideas for turning off EG4 3000 at night.

    The issue is that I do want to be able to turn it on and off. I'll have some POE cameras that I'd like to be able to access should the need arise.
  21. B

    Need some "smart" ideas for turning off EG4 3000 at night.

    I'm currently putting together my 48V system for a remote property, which is a seplos DIY battery kit and an EG4 3000 AIO. I am planning on running starlink and a few network devices off DC, and would like to be able to completely power off the EG4 inverter after it stops charging via solar at...
  22. B

    Seplos BMS compatible mobile app- Bluetooth

    The password is seplos111
  23. B

    Seplos BMS V3 Bluetooth

    The password is seplos111
  24. B

    Seplos BMS V3 Bluetooth

    So, if for some reason you can't connect to the PC software, this battery cannot be managed? WTF
  25. B

    Seplos BMS V3 Bluetooth

    Does anyone have the password to change settings in this new app?
  26. B

    Seplos BMS compatible mobile app- Bluetooth

    Any luck? none of these passwords work for me. I should mention I am using the APK for the 3.0 version of the BMS.
  27. B

    Monitoring/Managing EG4 3000 & DIY Seplos pack

    Hey everyone, I'm trying to figure out the best way to monitor (and to a lesser extent, manage) an EG4 3000 and the Seplos 3.0 BMS. I'm a bit new to 48v, so bear with me. I set up solar assistant, and am awaiting the proper cables to connect it to both the battery and the EG4. I just have a...
  28. B

    Messed up top balancing - how to proceed?

    Well, I charged the cells to within 10mv variance. 3.399 - 3.408 (as read by the seplos BMS). Charged the pack to 56.8V, ended with a 60mv variance. Not sure if that is bad or not. I assume if I took it all the way to 57.6 it would have a bigger variance.
  29. B

    Need help selecting a 48V AIO

    Very true.
  30. B

    Need help selecting a 48V AIO

    Thanks. Well, I do know the surge on my generator is 3kW (2.3kW running), and it just gets the thing going. Sometimes thought it will trip the breaker and I have to reset it and try again. But it has always gotten it going eventually. The EG4 seems like it should handle it provided the...
  31. B

    Messed up top balancing - how to proceed?

    Lol, duh. Long week ;)
  32. B

    Messed up top balancing - how to proceed?

    So, dumb question. There isn't a good place to attach my bench charger leads to individual cells without removing the bus bars. How do people normally charge an individual cell in an already assembled pack?
  33. B

    Need help selecting a 48V AIO

    Hi, I was hoping someone could provide some input on selecting a 48V all in one. I have an off-grid property currently running on 12V, and just finished building a 48V seplos battery. My power needs are minimal, but capacity is a big deal as I don't have a lot of PV. I need to run my camper...
  34. B

    Messed up top balancing - how to proceed?

    Any recommendations on one besides the seplos one?
  35. B

    Messed up top balancing - how to proceed?

    Kind of what I was thinking. I can't think of any reason not to try first. Really don't want to rip apart the pack to top balance them again.